Re: SG girls with white bf
Actually, it's mostly the average-looking ones (be it guys or gals) who ends up with angmohs. Because ang mohs can't differentiate between good looking or normal looking Asians, so all Asians are exotic and good looking for them, which is good for a less-than-average gal who cant get hitched to a local. Unfortunately, for a less-than-average looking Asian guy, there is no fallback nationalities who might like them like how an asian or SG gal might like ugly angmohs without realizing they're ugly, unless you look at gals from lesser developed countries who doesnt mind looks too much as long as you can provide.
Most Asians (gals mostly) can't tell a good looking ang moh vs a normal looking one. Its all good looking and exotic to them. That's why you sometimes hear an Asian gal say that she's got a very good looking angmoh and when we meet the guy, we see a chap with disheaveled hair not in a nice way, specs, pimples, and non distinguished looks, eyes or jawlines etc, just like your average Joe (not feeling this out of jealousy but just neutral observation), and we're all like WTF. This has happened all through my life with many many gals who proudly introduced their angmoh bf to us.
For OP's question, I don't think horny gals choose white guys, but gals who want to feel like they've upleveled (especially normal or less than average looking ones who can't get hitched to a good local guy) vs their peers. If a Gal is horny, she'd probably be fucking most guys she's in contact with, be it white, yellow, black, Hispanic, African. Not just white.
Also, not all white guys like MMF or sharing their gf. Guys who like doing that can span all nationalities and races. I like MMMMMMF, and like sharing too, esp OPW (other people's wife) but guess what, I'm not white, and the guys who're doing these arent white too. The whites just come along for the ride, during the times when we allow them to. In fact, their partners are usually less than average looking gals with smaller boobs, yet some of the best gals we have are with local guys.
Funny thing I've observed, after SG gals hook up with the whites, they start wearing super low cut, as if to mix into their culture of openess, even when they have A or B cups.
I've nothing against whites and they join our sessions aplenty, but the above is more a neutral observation of how human behavior works in order for humans to pair up amidst limited resources and intense competition, procreate, find happiness and live life. How wonderful nature works.
Last edited by nemoman; Yesterday at 10:14 PM.