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Old 20-04-2011, 12:52 PM
victorwong66 victorwong66 is offline
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Re: Please PM me

The bro in question below pls PM me. We both may be played out. Thanks.

Due to delayed time of posting, its sat night just to clarify. Thanks to all who have PM me. So far no match to the wl in mind. If u r that bro, do PM me to avoid both of us being played out. Thanks.

Originally Posted by victorwong66
Or u may be trying to ask her out last night. Please PM me to avoid both of us being played out. Thanks.

Originally Posted by victorwong66
The bro who wanted to pass some stuff to a wl but was rejected last night - you know who you are, please PM me with the wl's name so that we know we are talking about same one. I get a feeling we may both be played out. Thanks.[/QUOTE]
Old 20-04-2011, 04:36 PM
hpnetwork hpnetwork is offline
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Re: An An

各位,安安拜托我在网上帮她回应最近在网络上的留言。这些留言已经被人从假的说到象真的似的,她小姐妹们说 网上评论她是好事,会有更多客人来找她,但除了一般的孰客就多了一些奇怪又很待别的客人找上门让她吃不消, 一直问干吗有人出钱让她回家她不回家,回应到烦,不是她服务不好选客人,她是人不是机器,会生病上火发热而 嘴巴里不舒服,所以才不做亲密互动,而得不到谅解,一些孰客因为看网上的评论,误会她而远离我不来店找她, 她上班时只要门一关,你对她好,她会尽力做她应做的服务当是工作,谁对她使坏,她一样回敬,门一开她做回她 自己,决无感情可言,她的脾气一向来都好,但现忍不了,网上说她跟客人干吗干吗,她喜欢谁啦,其实她心早已 有所属,她要好好上班,不会再让费时间交男朋友,与其再让你们乱讲传来传去,不如叫我帮她回应。网上说有几 个客人说因为心痛她上班要出钱三万到六万不等的钱回家,有人说他要送平果手机,LV包包,最新的IPad给 她等等,她上班了那么多月什么都没有,假的LV皮包就收到一个。她身上用的LV包是她在春节时无聊看到姐妹 有人送,她自己打车用自己的钱买的,拥有之后才反悔心痛想起要上几天班才可以争到这包包的钱,有些孰客心痛 她上班累,主动要包她三到五个钟让她休息睡觉,我都一一感谢他们,叫他们早回不让他们费钱,也不让下面的客 人久等。她熟客多,从不会要小费,只收过一次最多的小费是春节时一个新客人给的,到今天就没有 了。
平果手机是她一个很喜欢很爱的男人送的,她不会乱接受别人送的东西由其是手机,她认为手机是她的精神支柱, 无论上厕所,吃饭睡觉时时刻刻陪着她,手机能上网和让她时常和家人连络让她很开心。她请大家不要一直在网上 胡说谁要给一笔钱回家,和要送她什么什么的,结果到今天什么都没有,最可笑的是,那些整天写要给她的人,长 的怎么样子,怎么她都不记得,没印象。他还年轻身体还行,她会用自己的能力争钱回家,她不想再发生有亲人没 钱治病而离开她。在此,她请各位不要再乱写,如果真的有那个善翕又写要给她钱,大家看到了,请你们一定要叫 他快点把钱送过来,我马上割卡回家,她愿意请吃饭,感谢你们的厚爱。她向大家道个欠,她说话很直接,可能在 上班时得罪了人,请大家见谅,忠心谢谢你们的谅解。
Old 20-04-2011, 04:40 PM
hpnetwork hpnetwork is offline
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Re: An An

各位,安安拜托我在网上帮她回应最近在网络上的留言。这些留言已经被人从假的说到象真的似的,她小姐妹们说 网上评论她是好事,会有更多客人来找她,但除了一般的孰客就多了一些奇怪又很待别的客人找上门让她吃不消, 一直问干吗有人出钱让她回家她不回家,回应到烦,不是她服务不好选客人,她是人不是机器,会生病上火发热而 嘴巴里不舒服,所以才不做亲密互动,而得不到谅解,一些孰客因为看网上的评论,误会她而远离我不来店找她, 她上班时只要门一关,你对她好,她会尽力做她应做的服务当是工作,谁对她使坏,她一样回敬,门一开她做回她 自己,决无感情可言,她的脾气一向来都好,但现忍不了,网上说她跟客人干吗干吗,她喜欢谁啦,其实她心早已 有所属,她要好好上班,不会再让费时间交男朋友,与其再让你们乱讲传来传去,不如叫我帮她回应。网上说有几 个客人说因为心痛她上班要出钱三万到六万不等的钱回家,有人说他要送平果手机,LV包包,最新的IPad给 她等等,她上班了那么多月什么都没有,假的LV皮包就收到一个。她身上用的LV包是她在春节时无聊看到姐妹 有人送,她自己打车用自己的钱买的,拥有之后才反悔心痛想起要上几天班才可以争到这包包的钱,有些孰客心痛 她上班累,主动要包她三到五个钟让她休息睡觉,我都一一感谢他们,叫他们早回不让他们费钱,也不让下面的客 人久等。她熟客多,从不会要小费,只收过一次最多的小费是春节时一个新客人给的,到今天就没有 了。
平果手机是她一个很喜欢很爱的男人送的,她不会乱接受别人送的东西由其是手机,她认为手机是她的精神支柱, 无论上厕所,吃饭睡觉时时刻刻陪着她,手机能上网和让她时常和家人连络让她很开心。她请大家不要一直在网上 胡说谁要给一笔钱回家,和要送她什么什么的,结果到今天什么都没有,最可笑的是,那些整天写要给她的人,长 的怎么样子,怎么她都不记得,没印象。他还年轻身体还行,她会用自己的能力争钱回家,她不想再发生有亲人没 钱治病而离开她。在此,她请各位不要再乱写,如果真的有那个善翕又写要给她钱,大家看到了,请你们一定要叫 他快点把钱送过来,我马上割卡回家,她愿意请吃饭,感谢你们的厚爱。她向大家道个欠,她说话很直接,可能在 上班时得罪了人,请大家见谅,忠心谢谢你们的谅解。
Old 20-04-2011, 04:42 PM
hpnetwork hpnetwork is offline
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Smile An an

各位,安安拜托我在网上帮她回应最近在网络上的留言。这些留言已经被人从假的说到象真的似的,她小姐妹们说 网上评论她是好事,会有更多客人来找她,但除了一般的孰客就多了一些奇怪又很待别的客人找上门让她吃不消, 一直问干吗有人出钱让她回家她不回家,回应到烦,不是她服务不好选客人,她是人不是机器,会生病上火发热而 嘴巴里不舒服,所以才不做亲密互动,而得不到谅解,一些孰客因为看网上的评论,误会她而远离我不来店找她, 她上班时只要门一关,你对她好,她会尽力做她应做的服务当是工作,谁对她使坏,她一样回敬,门一开她做回她 自己,决无感情可言,她的脾气一向来都好,但现忍不了,网上说她跟客人干吗干吗,她喜欢谁啦,其实她心早已 有所属,她要好好上班,不会再让费时间交男朋友,与其再让你们乱讲传来传去,不如叫我帮她回应。网上说有几 个客人说因为心痛她上班要出钱三万到六万不等的钱回家,有人说他要送平果手机,LV包包,最新的IPad给 她等等,她上班了那么多月什么都没有,假的LV皮包就收到一个。她身上用的LV包是她在春节时无聊看到姐妹 有人送,她自己打车用自己的钱买的,拥有之后才反悔心痛想起要上几天班才可以争到这包包的钱,有些孰客心痛 她上班累,主动要包她三到五个钟让她休息睡觉,我都一一感谢他们,叫他们早回不让他们费钱,也不让下面的客 人久等。她熟客多,从不会要小费,只收过一次最多的小费是春节时一个新客人给的,到今天就没有 了。
平果手机是她一个很喜欢很爱的男人送的,她不会乱接受别人送的东西由其是手机,她认为手机是她的精神支柱, 无论上厕所,吃饭睡觉时时刻刻陪着她,手机能上网和让她时常和家人连络让她很开心。她请大家不要一直在网上 胡说谁要给一笔钱回家,和要送她什么什么的,结果到今天什么都没有,最可笑的是,那些整天写要给她的人,长 的怎么样子,怎么她都不记得,没印象。他还年轻身体还行,她会用自己的能力争钱回家,她不想再发生有亲人没 钱治病而离开她。在此,她请各位不要再乱写,如果真的有那个善翕又写要给她钱,大家看到了,请你们一定要叫 他快点把钱送过来,我马上割卡回家,她愿意请吃饭,感谢你们的厚爱。她向大家道个欠,她说话很直接,可能在 上班时得罪了人,请大家见谅,忠心谢谢你们的谅解。
Old 20-04-2011, 06:23 PM
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Re: Ke Er from 1606

Originally Posted by Islands View Post
Wow! $50 tips!! Spoilt market lei!
Anyway, Yes, Ke Er's service is Takong!!
I ever see ppl took Cat 80 one session then also tip $50 before...

Anyway how much ppl tip depends on how good the service is...

Tipping $50 is not spoilt market lah cos Ke Er really beri good mah...hee hee
whoremongers never die cos they just reunite in hell
Old 20-04-2011, 07:05 PM
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Re: An an

Originally Posted by hpnetwork View Post
各位,安安拜托我在网上帮她回应最近在网络上的留言。这些留言已经被人从假的说到象真的似的,她小姐妹们说 网上评论她是好事,会有更多客人来找她,但除了一般的孰客就多了一些奇怪又很待别的客人找上门让她吃不消, 一直问干吗有人出钱让她回家她不回家,回应到烦,不是她服务不好选客人,她是人不是机器,会生病上火发热而 嘴巴里不舒服,所以才不做亲密互动,而得不到谅解,一些孰客因为看网上的评论,误会她而远离我不来店找她, 她上班时只要门一关,你对她好,她会尽力做她应做的服务当是工作,谁对她使坏,她一样回敬,门一开她做回她 自己,决无感情可言,她的脾气一向来都好,但现忍不了,网上说她跟客人干吗干吗,她喜欢谁啦,其实她心早已 有所属,她要好好上班,不会再让费时间交男朋友,与其再让你们乱讲传来传去,不如叫我帮她回应。网上说有几 个客人说因为心痛她上班要出钱三万到六万不等的钱回家,有人说他要送平果手机,LV包包,最新的IPad给 她等等,她上班了那么多月什么都没有,假的LV皮包就收到一个。她身上用的LV包是她在春节时无聊看到姐妹 有人送,她自己打车用自己的钱买的,拥有之后才反悔心痛想起要上几天班才可以争到这包包的钱,有些孰客心痛 她上班累,主动要包她三到五个钟让她休息睡觉,我都一一感谢他们,叫他们早回不让他们费钱,也不让下面的客 人久等。她熟客多,从不会要小费,只收过一次最多的小费是春节时一个新客人给的,到今天就没有 了。
平果手机是她一个很喜欢很爱的男人送的,她不会乱接受别人送的东西由其是手机,她认为手机是她的精神支柱, 无论上厕所,吃饭睡觉时时刻刻陪着她,手机能上网和让她时常和家人连络让她很开心。她请大家不要一直在网上 胡说谁要给一笔钱回家,和要送她什么什么的,结果到今天什么都没有,最可笑的是,那些整天写要给她的人,长 的怎么样子,怎么她都不记得,没印象。他还年轻身体还行,她会用自己的能力争钱回家,她不想再发生有亲人没 钱治病而离开她。在此,她请各位不要再乱写,如果真的有那个善翕又写要给她钱,大家看到了,请你们一定要叫 他快点把钱送过来,我马上割卡回家,她愿意请吃饭,感谢你们的厚爱。她向大家道个欠,她说话很直接,可能在 上班时得罪了人,请大家见谅,忠心谢谢你们的谅解。
waliao, like a movie star calling press conference to dispel rumors, ending up becoming more & more famous. OKT Boon surely chio-ka-chui-ki-lak-ka-liao
Old 20-04-2011, 08:38 PM
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Re: An an

WL Name - QQ
Origin - Sichuan, PRC

Look - 7/10 outside with clothes, 5/10 inside bedroom without clothes

Visited Geylang at 12 am in the morning. not many girls working at that hr. requested a tall and fair girl, 2 came and i din like. she was the 3rd one. i rejected as well, but she smiled as she left. 4 one came and it was 1230 lidat. heck i asked okt can call back 3rd girl or not. he said he try. she's free so i had her. face quite round but still pleasant

Bod - 6.0/10

She is fair but meaty. fake boobs too. not very tall

Shower - 5/10

no bathroom action

Cat-bath - na (din haf it)

Frenching - na (din like so din haf)

AR - 7/10

gd ol licking and probing. had better ones

BBBJ - na (din haf it)

HJ - 7/10

licked my nipples as she rubbed me. smiled alot along the way.

Attitude - 9/10

rejected her liao she still continued smiling. gd attitude

kept up her gd attitude inside the room. gd!

RTF - no. too many gers to choose liao
Old 20-04-2011, 10:11 PM
victorwong66 victorwong66 is offline
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Re: Please PM me

Still waiting for your PM. Don't be a coward.

Originally Posted by victorwong66 View Post
The bro in question below pls PM me. We both may be played out. Thanks.

Due to delayed time of posting, its sat night just to clarify. Thanks to all who have PM me. So far no match to the wl in mind. If u r that bro, do PM me to avoid both of us being played out. Thanks.

Originally Posted by victorwong66
Or u may be trying to ask her out last night. Please PM me to avoid both of us being played out. Thanks.

Originally Posted by victorwong66
The bro who wanted to pass some stuff to a wl but was rejected last night - you know who you are, please PM me with the wl's name so that we know we are talking about same one. I get a feeling we may both be played out. Thanks.
Old 20-04-2011, 11:04 PM
Dylan Prince Dylan Prince is offline
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Re: An an

Originally Posted by hpnetwork View Post
各位,安安拜托我在网上帮她回应最近在网络上的留言。这些留言已经被人从假的说到象真的似的,她小姐妹们说 网上评论她是好事,会有更多客人来找她,但除了一般的孰客就多了一些奇怪又很待别的客人找上门让她吃不消, 一直问干吗有人出钱让她回家她不回家,回应到烦,不是她服务不好选客人,她是人不是机器,会生病上火发热而 嘴巴里不舒服,所以才不做亲密互动,而得不到谅解,一些孰客因为看网上的评论,误会她而远离我不来店找她, 她上班时只要门一关,你对她好,她会尽力做她应做的服务当是工作,谁对她使坏,她一样回敬,门一开她做回她 自己,决无感情可言,她的脾气一向来都好,但现忍不了,网上说她跟客人干吗干吗,她喜欢谁啦,其实她心早已 有所属,她要好好上班,不会再让费时间交男朋友,与其再让你们乱讲传来传去,不如叫我帮她回应。网上说有几 个客人说因为心痛她上班要出钱三万到六万不等的钱回家,有人说他要送平果手机,LV包包,最新的IPad给 她等等,她上班了那么多月什么都没有,假的LV皮包就收到一个。她身上用的LV包是她在春节时无聊看到姐妹 有人送,她自己打车用自己的钱买的,拥有之后才反悔心痛想起要上几天班才可以争到这包包的钱,有些孰客心痛 她上班累,主动要包她三到五个钟让她休息睡觉,我都一一感谢他们,叫他们早回不让他们费钱,也不让下面的客 人久等。她熟客多,从不会要小费,只收过一次最多的小费是春节时一个新客人给的,到今天就没有 了。
平果手机是她一个很喜欢很爱的男人送的,她不会乱接受别人送的东西由其是手机,她认为手机是她的精神支柱, 无论上厕所,吃饭睡觉时时刻刻陪着她,手机能上网和让她时常和家人连络让她很开心。她请大家不要一直在网上 胡说谁要给一笔钱回家,和要送她什么什么的,结果到今天什么都没有,最可笑的是,那些整天写要给她的人,长 的怎么样子,怎么她都不记得,没印象。他还年轻身体还行,她会用自己的能力争钱回家,她不想再发生有亲人没 钱治病而离开她。在此,她请各位不要再乱写,如果真的有那个善翕又写要给她钱,大家看到了,请你们一定要叫 他快点把钱送过来,我马上割卡回家,她愿意请吃饭,感谢你们的厚爱。她向大家道个欠,她说话很直接,可能在 上班时得罪了人,请大家见谅,忠心谢谢你们的谅解。
Like I mentioned before, lots of fucking liars and braggards here who love to fabricate stories and cause undue misery to others - they all should rot in hell.
Old 20-04-2011, 11:50 PM
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Angry Re: An an

Originally Posted by hpnetwork View Post
各位,安安拜托我在网上帮她回应最近在网络上的留言。这些留言已经被人从假的说到象真的似的,她小姐妹们说 网上评论她是好事,会有更多客人来找她,但除了一般的孰客就多了一些奇怪又很待别的客人找上门让她吃不消, 一直问干吗有人出钱让她回家她不回家,回应到烦,不是她服务不好选客人,她是人不是机器,会生病上火发热而 嘴巴里不舒服,所以才不做亲密互动,而得不到谅解,一些孰客因为看网上的评论,误会她而远离我不来店找她, 她上班时只要门一关,你对她好,她会尽力做她应做的服务当是工作,谁对她使坏,她一样回敬,门一开她做回她 自己,决无感情可言,她的脾气一向来都好,但现忍不了,网上说她跟客人干吗干吗,她喜欢谁啦,其实她心早已 有所属,她要好好上班,不会再让费时间交男朋友,与其再让你们乱讲传来传去,不如叫我帮她回应。网上说有几 个客人说因为心痛她上班要出钱三万到六万不等的钱回家,有人说他要送平果手机,LV包包,最新的IPad给 她等等,她上班了那么多月什么都没有,假的LV皮包就收到一个。她身上用的LV包是她在春节时无聊看到姐妹 有人送,她自己打车用自己的钱买的,拥有之后才反悔心痛想起要上几天班才可以争到这包包的钱,有些孰客心痛 她上班累,主动要包她三到五个钟让她休息睡觉,我都一一感谢他们,叫他们早回不让他们费钱,也不让下面的客 人久等。她熟客多,从不会要小费,只收过一次最多的小费是春节时一个新客人给的,到今天就没有 了。
平果手机是她一个很喜欢很爱的男人送的,她不会乱接受别人送的东西由其是手机,她认为手机是她的精神支柱, 无论上厕所,吃饭睡觉时时刻刻陪着她,手机能上网和让她时常和家人连络让她很开心。她请大家不要一直在网上 胡说谁要给一笔钱回家,和要送她什么什么的,结果到今天什么都没有,最可笑的是,那些整天写要给她的人,长 的怎么样子,怎么她都不记得,没印象。他还年轻身体还行,她会用自己的能力争钱回家,她不想再发生有亲人没 钱治病而离开她。在此,她请各位不要再乱写,如果真的有那个善翕又写要给她钱,大家看到了,请你们一定要叫 他快点把钱送过来,我马上割卡回家,她愿意请吃饭,感谢你们的厚爱。她向大家道个欠,她说话很直接,可能在 上班时得罪了人,请大家见谅,忠心谢谢你们的谅解。
Originally Posted by woail2 View Post
waliao, like a movie star calling press conference to dispel rumors, ending up becoming more & more famous. OKT Boon surely chio-ka-chui-ki-lak-ka-liao
Wah lau eh, press conference in SBF ah??
Too bad got no Question & Answer session leh.

Otherwise I want to ask many many questions leh.
Like how come I got lousy service from her and she say no such thing now.
The gifts are true wat, why now say no such thing?
I tot bro Alejandro say she bot the iPhone herself. How come now she say her lover buy for her?
Indeed there are some tua kehs intend to bao her and now she say no.

Actually it is better to keep quiet abt such rumours and it will fade thru time.
The more you try to deny, the more people believe they are true.
Just like some HK movie stars calling press conference and end up making matters worst.
Old 21-04-2011, 12:03 AM
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Old 21-04-2011, 11:29 AM
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Re: An an

Originally Posted by Dylan Prince View Post
Like I mentioned before, lots of fucking liars and braggards here who love to fabricate stories and cause undue misery to others - they all should rot in hell.
Aiyah Prince, plz dont be so worked up lah.
The way I see it, there is now a new buzz in GL. Buzz is what our MM said a few years back about Hongkong, & he wanted Singapore to have some buzz also.

Now with the PRCs coming to GL, surely we can feel the buzz now.
Like Hollywood, ther are lots of truths, half-truths, lies, true lies, rumours etc flying around, and then movie stars will issue statements of clarification etc etc, along with tears, laughter, anger, sadness. Some become more & more famous as a result, while others become fiasco. Its all part of the buzz lahm bro.
I really enjoy SBF. It is a great entertainment site. Sam Leong should return to Singapore & stand for election in Geylang. I will move to Geylang & give him my vote.
Old 21-04-2011, 03:33 PM
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Wink FR Sha Sha - L16H06

WL Name - Sha Sha
Age - 22 years
Height - 1.65 m (barefoot)
Home Base - L16H06
Misc info - New WL who work here for about 1.5 month.

Looks: 8.0/10. She looks very beautiful to me, with nice double eyelid eyes and high bridge nose. I reckon she is prettier that DongEr and Ke Er in the same house, but the other 2 girls have better service level than her.

Body: 7.5/10. She is not too skinny or too fat, fair and smooth skin, quite tall (1.65m),. She looks great in her black outfit today.

Tits: 7/10 - Her assets are quite firm but soft to grabs, B+ or C- cups with pink nipples. They could be surgically-enhanced but she said many customers also told her that. She challenged me to find any surgical mark near her boobs, which I did and found nothing suspicious .

Shower: 7/10. OK, SOP.

Cat-Bath: 8/10, something special, she used warm water to cat-bath me, which is the first WL did that to me.

Frenching: NIL, as she was avoiding it.

AR: No, as I am not a fan for it.

BBBJ: 6/10. Some brothers said her BBBJ is solid, but mine was lacking as she had requested to use CD prior to BBBJ, the reason given was she was still recovering from ulcer inside her mouth, she was afraid of infection. Ok, play safe is good practise.

FJ: 7.0/10. We adopted only 2 positions, I was too tired from OT last time, thus quite lazy to change too many styles today. Overall good effort.

Attitude & GFE - 9/10:
Just like Ke Er, she started by turning on a mini-music player, performing erotic dancing and foreplay before bathing.

Good and friendly attitude, smiling all the way. According to her, she aspires to be the top Ang Pai so that she can earn money quick enough to go back home early.

Damage: $150/hour.

In term of prettiest WL in 1606, I ranked 1) Sha Sha, 2) Dong Er & 3) Ke Er
But if I ranked according to service, 1) Ke Er, 2) Dong Er & Sha Sha will be third and last.

Yes I will RTF as she owes me a REAL BBBJ.
But I would like to RTF Dong Er more often than her, as Dong Er has the balance of good look and good service.

BTW, upz my reputation point if u like this FR! Thanks.
All time favourate MM: FeiFei,wenwen

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Old 21-04-2011, 04:00 PM
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Re: GL 150cats FRs list

Wao now is the world of PRC liao lor
any bro still have good recommendation for malaysian
I will want to bonk a malaysian rather than a PRC cause i think service wise malaysian should be better(just my own opinion no offend to bro who like PRC)
Old 21-04-2011, 09:34 PM
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Thumbs up Fantabulous!!

WL Name - Connie
Origin - Sichuan, PRC
Age - 24 years old
Height - 1.58m (on bare-foot)
Home Base - L16WH06
Misc Info - About 2 weeks plus old in GL

Looks - 7.0/10

Attractively sex-appealing. Looks like a mix of Japanese and Chinese. She has sharp facial features. She reminds me of the retired Sa Sa formerly from 1654A.

Bod - 6.8/10

She is slim but with slight protruding tummy. Minus points for her flat rear & protruding tummy.

Tits - 7.5/10

Good looking full B plus assets with reddish brown nipples. They are certainly very nice to mould, caress, lick and suck.

Pre-shower routine - 8/10

Very spontaneous and engaging! I thought I was doing with my lover.

Shower - 7.5/10

She offered me a deep throated BBBJ and we also frenched passionately in the shower.

Cat-Bath - 8/10

Very thorough and yummilicious! Simply awesome! She can match those yesteryear Malaysian ang pais.

Frenching - 7.7/10

Woohoo!! Passionate and engaging!

AR - 7.3/10

Quite forceful. I would personally like sensuous and probing method. Nevertheless, it was an excellent effort!

BBBJ - 8/10

Super deep throated BBBJ. She excelled in varying her pressure like a variable frequency controller. She recently uses her hands to stimulate my scrotum skillfully, simultaneously while BBBJing me. It was a heavenly feeling ... Simply out of this world!

FJ - 8.5/10

She is awesome, man! I was overwhelmed by her sexual skill. I simply can't get enough of her! She is in a league of her own.

Attitude - 10/10

I doubt I can find another one better than her in this department!

RTF - Absolutely without a doubt, man!!

There's a dark side to male sexuality that operates on an intrinsically primitive level. Unleash it and you can't help but see evidence of raw, uncontrollable emotion ...

My Personal FR Thread:

Last edited by max_priest; 21-04-2011 at 09:46 PM.
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