Seriously it's my new playground. Maybe I wasn't really paying attention before, but lately the number of genuinely attractive ladies there seems on the rise. Guess I need more supplies!
OFW health checks for STD is as potent as a 70yo. A helper, an easy catch like you said, had allowed you to cip, known about postinor; all that leads to one conclusion, she is a cum dumpster.
Just go for your medical.
Don't tell him la.
He is over the moon...
And I think he tot the DH treats him as Andy Lau or Aaron Kwok lo
Depends, but most of the time yes. They have more health checkups than your Sinkie gf who might have STD undetected for years. I hedge my bets and have been lucky so far with my catches not to have caught anything.
Bro, I think the checkup might be for only certain diseases n not covered all other sex disease. If it's true, I don't know what's the point they go for the checkup. Have encountered maids looking for employer but still meet up chat mates n did raw. What if they failed the medical after found an employer n y they dare do raw, knowingly they muz go for checkup? All these qn, only the maids themselves know.
Chiong maid scenes since prehistoric times .now maid ask car drive them , jewellery,iphn etc.
Next,is it ask u buy apartment?We shouldn't indulge them much as primarily their role here is domestic ,some them thought they are endang. species people craved for.
chiong maid scenes since dino. times .now maid ask car drive them , jewellery,iphn etc.
next,is it ask u buy apartment?we seldom indulge them much as primarily their role here is domestic ,some them thought they are endang species craved for.