pardon me for being blunt,here is Tieng Viet lovers club,but i think u have treat this place as ur personal dictionary.if u cant understand simple Vietnamese then
dun msg the VB in Vietnamese.i notice that u have been seeking help almost everyday.
btw..."con khi" is " monkey"
I think he is trying hard to learn, everybody needs a learning curve, he did tried to translate but it doesnt makes sense to him, tats why he asked.
Btw, bro yummymym.......the trend now is, not to know tv then got market bcos words have been spreading among the vgirls that guys who knows tv arnt realiable, they either cheated lots of vgirls or married to a vgirl aleeady, makes thing harder to bed them. I always act blur, know also try to one chicken one duck with them, if really cannot, then last resort will be selective hearing......i only understand what i wanted to hear, things like ox cho tien di, mua chat chat di.........i will har har har until they tl......
Ya la, correct, jus teasing him, since he use bk for bac ky then i use nt for nam tu loh
Wat teasing? Teasing who? Dun u know we use BK for bac ky here meh? Pls read back, we have been using this shortform since dun know when i also cant remember. and pls dun anyhow use shortforms that are not actually used in the field so wont confuse others especially those just started learning TV.
If u know the meaning of bac ky, then u should be able to know nam tu,
Similar to north region, south land.
It was originally not meant to mean people" in the first, as u know that peeps from both sides are always on loggerheads, they started off as calling their fellow countrypeeps as bac ky, to show sarcasim, hostility.
Btw, the northern peeps hated those remarks, so they started calling "nam tu" for peeps from the south.
There is always a saying, learn to respect others and u will be respected eventually.
Info for others new to the viet culture, pls do not start calling peeps from the north as bac ky and think that u r very smart or very into their culture, it is considered a rude and crude remarks, try to use nguoi bac instead.
Did u mean Xao Lon?
BTW, my TH (oh sorry, TH = Tieng Hoa) not powderful, wats are the chinese words ha?
Didn't know the exact spelling. Just heard one if my vb said it before. "bluff cheebye", something like this. But she's not saying it to me. Also heard before "uong lon" (drink cheebye, or I presume "drink pussy juice??)
Luckily you added "TH = Tieng Hoa", else I would have thought when did I type Thai language...
If u know the meaning of bac ky, then u should be able to know nam tu,
Similar to north region, south land.
It was originally not meant to mean people" in the first, as u know that peeps from both sides are always on loggerheads, they started off as calling their fellow countrypeeps as bac ky, to show sarcasim, hostility.
Btw, the northern peeps hated those remarks, so they started calling "nam tu" for peeps from the south.
There is always a saying, learn to respect others and u will be respected eventually.
We just use these word to represent girls we wanna bonk
We just use these word to represent girls we wanna bonk
Ya, its similar when hear peeps from sing calling " SIAM KIA" "jiu hu kia" "in dol kia" "in ni kia".....quite disrespectful to others, "kia" is always refer to as someone of a lower status or rank as compaered to oneself.( hokkien context)
I will use nguoi yeu, can bonk from either side, very universal. N wont hurt anybody. Tio bo!
pardon me for being blunt,here is Tieng Viet lovers club,but i think u have treat this place as ur personal dictionary.if u cant understand simple Vietnamese then
dun msg the VB in Vietnamese.i notice that u have been seeking help almost everyday.
btw..."con khi" is " monkey"
Without asking and usage of a language, I will never learn it fast.