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Re: If I am invisible

Episode 73

Again Ash was sucked into the black hole and time tunnel.

Ash woke up on a building roof top. There were fire in the surroundings.

He heard familiar voices calling his name. They were from Anthony and 阿星! Finally they were all back to their world in the year 2020!

But they were not alone. The bad guys (Derek, 大军 and his men) were here too. It seem that they also travelled back in time and just returned too.

Derek: It seem that we were all impacted by the crash of two huge supernatural power force...we all travelled back in time as a results...we were back now and it was time for fun now!

Ash: Derek...I have unfinished business with you...your opponent will be me!

Derek: I defeated you twice before...I hope you can put up a good fight this time..

阿星: 大军你这个王八蛋...我要和你决斗!

大军: 你也是我的手下败将...你不是我的对手!

So two main battles will take place now concurrently:
Battle 1 - Ash vs Derek
Battle 2 - 阿星 vs 大军

(1) Battle between Ash and Derek:
Ash believed he got bigger chances for victory now as he had invisible power + mind power + sixth senses power now.

It was still unknown of Derek's true power and abilities.

Derek: I will not let you have an easy time today. I have mood for killing today. Either you die or I die today..

Ash turned invisible mode and shifted to one side. Then he used his mind power on Derek to freeze him on the spot. Ash rush forward towards Derek to punch his face.

Derek blocked his attack and sent a flying kick on Ash's chest! It was the first time Ash didn't successfully executed his mind power. Why?

Derek: Not learned mind power should be able to win most opponents with this combination (invisible power + mind power). But unfortunately your opponent is me!

Ash tried his mind power again on Derek. Derek executed some resistance now and Ash started to feel dizzy.

Derek: Firstly your invisible power is useless against my special eyes. Secondly your mind power also useless against me because I have special defensive ability against mind power attacks. Do you have more tricks up your sleeves? Show me all of them now before I kill you..

Ash's other power was sixth sense which was not useful in combat battle. Ash had no other idea now. He did not expect Derek to be so powerful!

Ash considered to escape or continue to battle. He choose the latter and ran towards Derek with the flying taekwondo kick!

Derek blocked the attack easily and returned with counter-attack moves on Ash.

Ash was well beaten and had absolutely no chance against such a strong opponent. Ash did not gave up and continued to fight.

Derek kicked Ash so hard that Ash flew onto the rubbish chunks at the roof top. Ash was badly injured now. This was a good opportunity to escape and he decided to run for his life. But Derek was too fast to follow up and caught Ash.

Derek whacked Ash so badly that he broke his ribs and limbs. Ash was totally beaten and his situation was very unfavourable.

Derek took out his favourite chopper that he always used on his victims.

He dragged Ash to the edge of the building and stabbed him multiple times on his stomach. Ash no longer could feel his body now and blood flow down on the floor like running tap.

Derek: You think you can be hero with just few supernatural power? You think you are so good just like a main character in movie or story? If there is a story on this, I should be the main character instead of you! Remember my name...Derek the legendary serial killer...

Derek used the chopper to behead Ash and kicked his head down the buidling from the roof top.

Was this the end of story? Or there will be a new main character in the story to replace Ash???

(2) Concurrently battle 2 also started at the side of the rooftop between 阿星 and 大军. Both of them specialized in mind power.

大军: 我和你一样,我们的特異功能都是精神力量。不然我们就在梦幻世界来一个死亡赌局?

阿星: 好! 我要证明给你看...我才是最顶尖的高手!

Both of them used their mind power and entered into a joint virtual casino world.

Anthony protected 阿星'physical body and 大军'men protected his physical body while the two men battle in the virtual casino world.

大军 was already fully prepared in the virtual casino world. There were plenty of audiences too. But 阿星 was nowhere to be seen. Why? Did he connected to the same virtual world?

Suddenly the main entrance door opened...Yes it was 阿星 in his black suit. He took his time to slowly walked and enjoyed the limelight.

Finally both of them settled down at the gambling table. There were even commentators and lot of cheers from the full house audiences.

This was perhaps the biggest virtual gambling battle of all time!

大军: 你想玩什么? 我让你选.

阿星: 当然是玩梭哈扑克 (5 cards stud poker)

大军: 没问题。赌注是命。你敢吗?

阿星: 好!我就和你赌命!

Both of them used their mind power to program the death penalty in the virtual world. They validated each other programming to ensure fairness in the rules.

大军: 我们两个人玩梭哈扑克有一点无聊...要不然我们各呼唤一个梦幻partner?

阿星: 好! 我当然是要呼唤我的师父...

大军 acted faster than 阿星...大军 summoned the legendary 赌神 as his virtual partner!

阿星: 我XXX你全家! 你抢我的人!

大军: 哈哈。赌神现在是我的partner! 你要不要投降? 哈哈

For the moment, 阿星 was lost and couldn't think of another worthy partner. After much consideration, he decided to summon his buddy 赌侠 which was the second best option. 赌圣and赌侠 were 赌神'disciples.

阿星 focused and used his power to summon his virtual partner 赌侠。The result was disaster....赌侠 didn't appeared....instead his uncle 达叔 appeared..

阿星: 怎么会这样? 达叔你走错路了吗?你怎么会来?

达叔: 阿星呀...为什么呼唤我来呀? 我想是你太想念我了...所以意识中呼唤我了是吗?

阿星: 达叔...我这次是赌命...你没事干嘛来啦! 大军...投降可以输一半吗? 大家都这么熟了...

大军: 你说呢? 你的命可以死一半吗? 不然你砍掉你两支手或脚?

阿星: 这次死定了...

Stay tune...