Name List of No Frenching Service Girls in this house
Hehe! Actually I did not want to list out what you requested, instead, I tried to give you good lobang for substitution but now, look at the waryang problems in this forum which mislead our bros here, and of course the opportunity you provided me once again
, I therefore恭敬不如从命,勉为其难地list down those girls that
do not provide frenching service pls note that I think by using the words -- "Do not provide frenching service" is much much more suitable than using those "smoking" words like "light frenching"; "little frenching"; "depends on chemistry", "from what I know, they do french 2 customers...", smoke bros here who prefer to have frenching SERVICE:
As here is for L16H51's matters, I thus only list out those girls in this house that confirmed do not provide frenching service, if you try to french them, they will close their teeth very tightly and hide their tongue behind their teeth and try to turn their head away from you. Those girls (confirmed one) are:
Ting Ting
Bros may keep on adding names to this list so as to provide good reference to our bros here for making proper decision.
Happy Boking and happy frenching! CHEERS!