Next few days most likely i will b busy again, as i m landing cp tomorrow... ^_*
again, apologies to those bros who hv pm me but not yet reply, i m a bit running out of my time to clear my pms.
as such, i will do the similar way as bro
Mark Lim:
1. bros who hv cheong with me will hv the higest priority on reply (friendship always come first!).
2. bros who up me will hv high priority on reply.
3. bros who wrote FRs or post their questions in this thread will have the priority on reply.
4. bros who have shared their experience or contacts in this forum will also be given priority. this is to encourage the spirit of sharing and not just taking.
Hope bro Mark Lim does not mind as i m copying few points from the threat
"KTVs in Beijing",