Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread
My friends went massage and I just roam around the shopping mall myself at 5pm .
so i started to roam around the shopping mall . at the same time i on my wechat .
started to chat with a few girls .
out of 10 girls i msg , at least 7 is fl ( i guess ) cos they will ask the same question ( st or lt ) .
as im not interested . i deleted after they add me .
then come a chat with no face display . i managed to know she is a waitress working at the shopping mall area .
after an hour or so , we managed to meet up ( just for dinner at the nearby coffeeshop ) around my hotel .
erm , i wouldnt say she is a beauty but just normal looking ( confirm not someone i will wan to flirt around ) .
so we chit chat while have dinner ( nasi goreng , satay , ice milo ) . wouldnt carry on cos nothing much evolve from there .
she left for her work at round 7pm .
so i walk back to my hotel .
i goggle i watch youtube ( damm sian ) ......
then 8+ , my 3 friends jio me for a movie sessions with theirs girls ( oujia - origin of the evil )
not bad , see many chio one at cinema .
after watching the movie , we walked back to our hotel .
while inside my room , someone chat me up on wechat .
she look pretty decent , she claim she is a nurse .
ask me for my day in the area . told her im tired . bla bla bla bla
( she never ask me abt st or lt ) so im more interested in her .
then she say she is going home ( 12+ nearly 1 ) . i told her to be careful .
then she say want to mee a not .
im surprise hahaha , i say so late already , wanna meet go where . she say dont know . maybe for a drink or what .
i say im a bit tired . why not you come my hotel lo . hahahah since im soo scare ( becos of the movie , i dont dare to sleep . i on all the lights and tv )
she say ok . i just give her my hotel name . ( totally did not expect her to come )
half hour later , she msg me say she reach , ask me go down .
i was like ( wtf ) , she sure ah . later go down kena rob how . later she underage how bla bla bla bla
in the end , hahahahah i went down .
before that , i hide my wallet and my valuable ( spare phone , necklace ) all under the bed .
l only left like 3 pieces 50k 1 piece 2000 1 piece 1000 ( something like that ) and a key pouch with $10 sgd .
when i walk down the stairs ( ya , my hotel no lift ) , someone walk up .
not very pretty , decent look , gnd feeling .
she follow me inside my room .
( cut the story short , she chit chat with me , then she say wan to shower bla bla bla )
when she is showering , im bastard , i go check her bag ( want to see got knife , got gun or whatever . hahahaha later she rob me how )
all i find was a sport bra , a wet underwear and short and some girls stuffs .
when she come out , we chat about one hour with her lying at one corner and me one corner ( centre got pillow ) .
then later i tell her im sleeping , ask her sleep as well . when she wake up , she go off no need to wake me up .
off the light . we continue to chat . then i say i cold hahaha then she let me hug .
ask her she everytime meet people like that ? she say no ( who believe , i think ) . she ask me why i never call girls . i say i dont like those cos they dirty ( shit myself ) . then after 2 hours ( yes after 2 hours on bed ) , my hand started to get itchy . then started to roam bla bla bla ( she also never resist leh ) then get the job done and we fall a sleep with the condom still on my small brother .
she wake up earlier , ( i peep at my handphone , its only like 6plus ) , she showered , make up abit , then she just walk to the door ( dont have any intention to wake me up ) .
im struggling , should i pay her ? should i dont let her go ....
then i blur blur wake up ask her where she is going , she tell me she going home . i say you have money to take cab , she say have
then i open my bag ( only that few pieces of notes ) , i say why not you take it . cos im leaving today , dont need anyway . dont know when will be coming back .
then she smile . she say nevermind . told her just take . then i say can you spare one note for me to eat breakfast , she pass me back one 50k note and she take the rest .
kiss me good bye and she left my room .
stilling msging her when im around the area . but deleted her when i reach singapore .
**currently , talking to a sales girls i found at wechat before i left batam .
if she is willing to work as sales girls , i guess she should be those liang jia fu nu ( decent girl ) .
see can evolve to another story .
( i prefer fishing than paying money . keep looking at those counter girls in the shopping malls , but dont dare to approach . maybe next time ,will just ask for their wechat )
cheers .
when in love , gentleman and little woman live around ...
when love no more , bitches and bastards come alive !!!!!!!!