After procrastinating for so darn long (since her first stint), finally met her. Really liked how she responded to my smses and with the rave reviews, looked forward to the session.
Location is good for me and easy to find, lotsa parking nearby (coupon or gantry both available). MRT station is just across the main road. Communication was good and I found and got to her unit real easy (electronic main door).
She looked just like the first pic in her thread - exact same make up and somehow reminded me a wee bit of michelle saram. Looks not really my type (so far my type is a rare breed, so it's my fault) but pleasant looking. She was in the teasing mode but I was having a real bad day so wasn't in the mood to reciprocate (my fault again). She was a bit quirky with sunny disposition...
Showered alone, the massage many mentioned has strength but lacked technique. For me it was good as she put in effort and was thorough - all parts covered.
The sensual part was good, her putting in a lot of effort into it as well (attested by many MR). As I had multiple shots the day prior and feeling a bit sore, I didn't try the acclaimed bbbj but opted for bj instead (byoc). She managed to do it even with my depleted stock and the protector on... Applause for the hardworking girl and I really have no doubt about her bbbj queen title.
One of my better sessions for past couple of weeks. I felt obligated to write this MR even though she already got the stamp of approval from many others.