Polls They say the stats never lie! Place your polls here and discover whether your behaviour and opinions are mainstream or on the fringes of extreme perversion.
View Poll Results: Who is/are your favourite Jap AV actress of all time?
This poll will close on 27-02-2035 at 11:34 AM
Akiho Yoshizawa
木头和尚敲木鱼 ,
aqualabel ,
biggyboy_87 ,
binbin81 ,
canning ,
cooler07 ,
dashrayz ,
edwin0120 ,
elrin ,
galbodyroamer ,
Hardaway1818 ,
HotRod82 ,
Hotspotxxxxx ,
Iron Maiden ,
jackspider ,
keewee ,
kingx3 ,
linoleum3 ,
ManuelFerrara ,
masterofunvi ,
mattysong ,
Mbsacli ,
Odysseus ,
Onion ,
phoenixjoy ,
rockmehard ,
Sex-treme ,
sherrry ,
simei91 ,
slippers ,
tepes ,
topcook1 ,
Vampyre ,
williamangkh ,
xdarkx ,
Asami Ogawa
9835 ,
Aloyps ,
dearie ,
gardet ,
giveittomebaby ,
Iron Maiden ,
johnpond ,
keewee ,
lovemelovemenot ,
markck ,
marlboroblack ,
Mbsacli ,
Onion ,
RainTree85 ,
Summit ,
Traveller13 ,
w810_76 ,
Aya Koizumi
angrybigpenis ,
binbin81 ,
giveittomebaby ,
hihiall ,
Luckytime ,
ManuelFerrara ,
Mbsacli ,
Odysseus ,
Onion ,
qwerty0870 ,
Summit ,
suteerak1099 ,
topcook1 ,
木头和尚敲木鱼 ,
AhLim ,
babezkitty ,
binbin81 ,
Doenitz79 ,
e707464 ,
elrin ,
Fat Bear ,
frozenicex ,
Greenfrog ,
greg1u ,
hihiall ,
ihs0riHk ,
jollyshandy ,
juayboy79 ,
K1975 ,
luckyboiboi ,
ManuelFerrara ,
mattysong ,
Mbsacli ,
mikail_3 ,
nanakoko ,
Onion ,
parn_t ,
Pink Floyd ,
sammyboss ,
williamangkh ,
Youth Gone Wild ,
Hotaru Akane (Anna Akizuki)
$|im ,
blitzkrieg ,
boobscompressor ,
boringguy ,
Chipmunks ,
Consperm ,
Cooler Master ,
Eroticalic ,
eyez_for_u ,
gaia ,
giveittomebaby ,
gosuleet ,
HardRod126 ,
highonsex ,
humblesexer ,
icarus78 ,
Intimissimo ,
Iron Maiden ,
jdi813 ,
kukumalu1 ,
lahchi ,
ManuelFerrara ,
Marshall JCM ,
mattysong ,
Mbsacli ,
mfoo ,
MrCrowley ,
Odysseus ,
Onion ,
pundeh ,
Pussy Explorer ,
pussyvibrato ,
rockmehard ,
sherrry ,
sibaysong4u ,
strudel ,
superhohozor ,
suteerak1099 ,
The Rock ,
topcook1 ,
WeLoveSex ,
whitekopi ,
Yamate ,
YenMach288 ,
Young&Dangerous ,
Youth Gone Wild
Jessica Asakura
2912Sex ,
2BigBalls ,
Alley Vipers ,
angrybigpenis ,
babezkitty ,
binbin81 ,
Christopher_26 ,
collon ,
Cooler Master ,
cyber69_x69 ,
flamekid ,
gaia ,
HardRod126 ,
humblesexer ,
infusion ,
Iron Maiden ,
jdi813 ,
khoon1 ,
lungless ,
maccalim ,
ManuelFerrara ,
Marshall JCM ,
Mbsacli ,
morinfen ,
MrCrowley ,
Onion ,
pinkfish ,
PinkNipsLover ,
poomani ,
pundeh ,
Pussy Explorer ,
pussyvibrato ,
rockmehard ,
Sorin^^ ,
topcook1 ,
Ultimate1234 ,
Vampyre ,
wanna69luv ,
WeLoveSex ,
wilsonng84 ,
Jun Kusanagi
木头和尚敲木鱼 ,
ah_xiao ,
akan88 ,
anotherlife ,
biaokia1 ,
Cherry 2004 ,
hardrocksg_rb ,
Howto ,
icarus78 ,
ihs0riHk ,
klch ,
linoleum3 ,
Luckytime ,
Macktan ,
Mbsacli ,
mikail_3 ,
monktwh ,
Odysseus ,
ohyeahbaby ,
Onion ,
sherrry ,
Sorin^^ ,
soulless85 ,
suteerak1099 ,
tightbutt ,
topcook1 ,
viperpit90 ,
Kaya Yonekura
Kaede Matsushima
木头和尚敲木鱼 ,
babezkitty ,
binbin81 ,
blurnut ,
canning ,
chef_kong ,
chessepie ,
CuteBuns ,
DegenerationX ,
DGLion ,
epsilon ,
freepeterr ,
funfuck ,
giveittomebaby ,
Grandturismo ,
h0rngal ,
hairyrambutan ,
Hell_hunter ,
Hendrich ,
highonsex ,
hotveteran ,
ihs0riHk ,
infusion ,
jdi813 ,
jjack ,
juayboy79 ,
khoon1 ,
ktan ,
lambowhite ,
Legend ,
linoleum3 ,
lovemelovemenot ,
Luckytime ,
maccalim ,
ManuelFerrara ,
Marshall JCM ,
massageboy99 ,
Mbsacli ,
McLovin@@ ,
mcse23 ,
mikail_3 ,
Nesferatu ,
Niak66 ,
Odysseus ,
Onion ,
parn_t ,
pgkia ,
poomani ,
pussyvibrato ,
qwerty0870 ,
ray2003 ,
saltyOman ,
sethiot ,
sexcsi ,
sliver88 ,
tbkhor ,
Thrill-seeker ,
TKee ,
tomben79 ,
tRuStNo1 ,
tsunami ,
valve ,
Vampyre ,
wackymarky ,
williamangkh ,
windsor901 ,
Yamate ,
Youth Gone Wild
Maria Ozawa
木头和尚敲木鱼 ,
2912Sex ,
69wolverine ,
ACE23 ,
acid_rxz ,
ahaven888 ,
Ahboy12 ,
ah_xiao ,
akan88 ,
Alley Vipers ,
Aloyps ,
anotherlife ,
Asianguy ,
avalonhill ,
baudy ,
beingunknown200 ,
bejor78 ,
binbin81 ,
blurangels ,
boneca ,
boobscompressor ,
Calvin ,
Cao_pi ,
Chipmunks ,
Christopher_26 ,
Clonie ,
comic_2005 ,
Cooler Master ,
dan_esperanza ,
dckbsg ,
delipri ,
dk1903 ,
dkobe ,
Don Hay ,
DonaldC ,
DreamMaster1985 ,
driver2032 ,
Drooler ,
Eroticalic ,
fatass ,
galbodyroamer ,
gamers140688 ,
gamester74 ,
giveittomebaby ,
gosuleet ,
grimreaper82 ,
hairyrambutan ,
hairy_abalone ,
HardRod126 ,
Heart Break Kid ,
hereiam ,
highonsex ,
hornylegatoer ,
HotRod82 ,
Howsi40 ,
Howto ,
humblesexer ,
humsup77 ,
ihs0riHk ,
Instinct63 ,
Iron Maiden ,
jackylee ,
jaycemack ,
Johnnytow ,
JustNormal ,
kat2558 ,
khoon1 ,
kkspore ,
klch ,
kris081105 ,
kristoa7 ,
kuekster ,
kukumalu1 ,
LaserNg ,
lcrxin ,
linoleum3 ,
LizardKing ,
lols123 ,
lovehunter ,
Lunar ,
lungless ,
man-003 ,
ManuelFerrara ,
maomao79 ,
Marshall JCM ,
MasterOfPuppets ,
mattysong ,
Mbsacli ,
mikail_3 ,
modusoperandi ,
MrCrowley ,
naughtyben22 ,
naughtyboyboy ,
Needfls ,
ntlpets ,
Odysseus ,
olderguy ,
Onion ,
ooliverr ,
passi0n ,
patrickge ,
pinkfish ,
PinkNipsLover ,
power_stormy ,
Prince7 ,
pundeh ,
Pussy Explorer ,
pussyvibrato ,
ranci22 ,
reezshauki ,
rockmehard ,
RockyLam ,
Sammytan1234 ,
sebayang ,
SembawangRanger ,
sewn910516 ,
sexharmonics ,
shyboyboi ,
Singaporelookin ,
sir cum-a-lot ,
slippers ,
snow_wolf ,
soccer_maniacr7 ,
SPC7 ,
Steelheart ,
stimpy ,
suinam ,
talismanicme ,
tepes ,
The Rock ,
TingFengz ,
tRuStNo1 ,
Ultimate1234 ,
Vampyre ,
venomancer ,
viewsonic ,
viking898 ,
viperpit90 ,
w810_76 ,
wavesg ,
WeLoveSex ,
williamangkh ,
xfool ,
Xgenre ,
Yamate ,
yang6428 ,
yellowkit ,
Young&Dangerous ,
Youth Gone Wild ,
Nana Natsume
angrybigpenis ,
binbin81 ,
Cocacola ,
cyber69_x69 ,
greg1u ,
humblesexer ,
jdi813 ,
johnpond ,
kukumalu1 ,
linoleum3 ,
maccalim ,
ManuelFerrara ,
Mbsacli ,
Mr.Panties ,
Onion ,
sddtttnk ,
sherrry ,
TingFengz ,
tym733 ,
Nao Yoshizaki
Alley Vipers ,
alucardseedorf ,
binbin81 ,
blurangels ,
chevelle_84 ,
cr8tiv3 ,
gaia ,
jackspider ,
jdi813 ,
linoleum3 ,
Luckytime ,
Mbsacli ,
Odysseus ,
Onion ,
williamangkh ,
Riko Tachibana
木头和尚敲木鱼 ,
13122 ,
4am'rs ,
AirWick8002 ,
akan88 ,
aqualabel ,
chessepie ,
Cooler Master ,
dths056 ,
Fat Bear ,
fatass ,
fl2529 ,
gaia ,
GhostRay ,
goodiechin ,
hardrocksg_rb ,
hihiall ,
ihs0riHk ,
Instinct63 ,
Intimissimo ,
juayboy79 ,
keiizumi ,
LauWu ,
lcrxin ,
lovethief ,
lungless ,
maccalim ,
magixballx ,
ManuelFerrara ,
Marshall JCM ,
MasterOfPuppets ,
Mbsacli ,
Megen ,
Monaco ,
monktwh ,
Mr Nooky ,
mrsex99 ,
Odysseus ,
Onion ,
ProfessorOokami ,
pussyvibrato ,
ratinhell ,
rockmehard ,
senobito ,
Sex-treme ,
sexyboi ,
sherrry ,
sir cum-a-lot ,
ssholic3141 ,
suteerak1099 ,
Thrustme83 ,
twisty ,
UltraBlack ,
w810_76 ,
wanna69luv ,
Wombat ,
wongcw84 ,
xcure ,
xoxo ,
Yamate ,
Ryoko Mitake
木头和尚敲木鱼 ,
ahbee ,
Ahboy12 ,
Ahboyz ,
akan88 ,
barada ,
beingunknown200 ,
binbin81 ,
Black Oaf ,
canning ,
Chipmunks ,
cooler07 ,
HardRod126 ,
Hell_hunter ,
hihiall ,
hor_fun ,
HotRod82 ,
Instinct63 ,
jdi813 ,
lenux ,
Linnie ,
Luckytime ,
ManuelFerrara ,
Marshall JCM ,
masterofunvi ,
Mbsacli ,
mikail_3 ,
nihonjin ,
Odysseus ,
ohyeahbaby ,
Onion ,
Paparazzi ,
parn_t ,
sex4LiFe ,
sexprofessor ,
sir cum-a-lot ,
smoky7 ,
watchonly ,
wavesg ,
xianghua ,
Sally Yoshino
木头和尚敲木鱼 ,
ah_xiao ,
akan88 ,
blurangels ,
canning ,
Chipmunks ,
comic_2005 ,
forgetful ,
fun_n_pleasure ,
HardRod126 ,
hihiall ,
icarus78 ,
jdi813 ,
keiizumi ,
lizhen ,
Luckytime ,
lungless ,
Mbsacli ,
me55y ,
mikail_3 ,
morinfen ,
motard ,
Odysseus ,
ohyeahbaby ,
Onion ,
Rookies ,
SembawangRanger ,
sliver88 ,
SPC7 ,
toto1388 ,
tsunami ,
Sora Aoi
木头和尚敲木鱼 ,
*FiReWoRkS* ,
Ah Dez ,
Ahboy12 ,
ahhaoxx ,
alff ,
allenwalker ,
ang09 ,
anotherlife ,
Antony wong ,
bad88 ,
behemoth ,
beingunknown200 ,
big fatty ,
binbin81 ,
chaindrv ,
Chipmunks ,
chochochang2 ,
Christopher_26 ,
Chxchx ,
clicks ,
Clonie ,
comic_2005 ,
commando23 ,
Crappist ,
crossfir3 ,
cybermad6969 ,
dann28 ,
des4fuck ,
dethknight ,
dkobe ,
dubberinc ,
e707464 ,
elflord ,
elrin ,
Fat Bear ,
flnew ,
gaia ,
galbodyroamer ,
gamers140688 ,
goalgoal ,
gobeh88 ,
hardon ,
Hell_hunter ,
hereiam ,
hihiall ,
hosaylah ,
ihs0riHk ,
infusion ,
InSC ,
Intimissimo ,
issan_madboy ,
jackylee ,
jdi813 ,
jollyshandy ,
keewee ,
keiizumi ,
Kenpachi ,
kewlest ,
kingx3 ,
Knut ,
kukumalu ,
kukumalu1 ,
linoleum3 ,
lizhen ,
lkjhg ,
lobolobo ,
lohhh ,
magnaboy ,
Mbsacli ,
me55y ,
meodows92 ,
mightyys ,
monktwh ,
muneo ,
nanakoko ,
naughtyben22 ,
neo1234 ,
niceday ,
nicotine2008 ,
NoFearSg ,
Onion ,
ooliverr ,
patrickge ,
pocketrocket ,
poomani ,
powerdie ,
pwduncan ,
ray2003 ,
rockmehard ,
rooney1000 ,
sebayang ,
sgturboz ,
sherrry ,
shyboyboi ,
Sident ,
sinhaven ,
sir cum-a-lot ,
slippers ,
sliver88 ,
Smallbig ,
SPC7 ,
suteerak1099 ,
Swift_jay ,
syndromex ,
taycs ,
teaching99 ,
tepes ,
tiko ,
TingFengz ,
TrulyAsia ,
tRuStNo1 ,
tsunami ,
Ultimate1234 ,
UltraBlack ,
Vampyre ,
Vanguardian ,
venomancer ,
Vigils ,
viperpit90 ,
viper_dj ,
volcanoman ,
wavesg ,
whoizzit2 ,
WillyFoxy ,
xdarkx ,
Xgenre ,
Takako kitahara
alucardseedorf ,
beingunknown200 ,
binbin81 ,
boobscompressor ,
Chipmunks ,
Cooler Master ,
dojob ,
elrin ,
giveittomebaby ,
HardRod126 ,
humsup77 ,
Iron Maiden ,
jdi813 ,
lcrxin ,
lungless ,
maccalim ,
Marshall JCM ,
Mbsacli ,
mike2006 ,
morinfen ,
Nesferatu ,
Onion ,
pussyvibrato ,
Rockin' Rabbit ,
rockmehard ,
sexharmonics ,
toto1388 ,
Vampyre ,
wavesg ,
WeLoveSex ,
Yamate ,
Youth Gone Wild
Yua Aida
木头和尚敲木鱼 ,
Ahboy12 ,
ahpaul25 ,
akan88 ,
Alkano ,
anotherlife ,
artetaaaaaaaa ,
asn38u19 ,
asturias ,
babezkitty ,
beaver ,
berber ,
Bibibabiboo80 ,
bigbadbear ,
binbin81 ,
blurangels ,
blurnut ,
bokepmode ,
Calvin ,
canning ,
challenger88 ,
changedman21 ,
Chipmunks ,
Christopher_26 ,
clicks ,
Clonie ,
colafantasy ,
colins ,
comic_2005 ,
cooler07 ,
coolfire69 ,
Coollio ,
cttan ,
DakingNewb ,
dap26 ,
Dark4343 ,
Devilivy69 ,
dkobe ,
drhyde79 ,
Duddy ,
elflord ,
fatass ,
gaia ,
galbodyroamer ,
gamers140688 ,
giveittomebaby ,
goalgoal ,
goo_ey ,
greg1u ,
haha250 ,
hairyrambutan ,
hardon ,
hardrocksg_rb ,
harmony ,
hereiam ,
hihiall ,
HornyVirgin ,
HotRod82 ,
Howto ,
humblesexer ,
ianchew ,
ihs0riHk ,
infusion ,
Instinct63 ,
Intimissimo ,
jackspider ,
jackyboey ,
jackylee ,
jamez ,
javier10 ,
jdi813 ,
jessieisabitch ,
jgilles ,
juayboy79 ,
kaihoon ,
kal79 ,
kdc2314 ,
keewee ,
kelvin_vyk ,
kewlest ,
klch ,
kthan10 ,
kukumalu ,
linoleum3 ,
Liquid@cid ,
Luckytime ,
lungless ,
ManuelFerrara ,
Marshall JCM ,
MasterOfPuppets ,
Mbsacli ,
mclovin_boy ,
Meiji ,
meodows92 ,
mikail_3 ,
namel3ss ,
nanakoko ,
naughtyben22 ,
nay123 ,
Nesferatu ,
neuro33 ,
nevi1977 ,
Nitestarz ,
Odysseus ,
Onion ,
ooliverr ,
parn_t ,
Penetrator3 ,
phloi ,
poomani ,
pussyvibrato ,
ratinhell ,
rhinoration ,
rockmehard ,
scott999 ,
SembawangRanger ,
sexharmonics ,
sex_addict ,
sherrry ,
shyboyboi ,
sir cum-a-lot ,
slippers ,
sliver88 ,
Soopafly ,
Sorin^^ ,
spotlight ,
stark2 ,
Steelheart ,
stuss ,
sudis ,
Sun77 ,
suteerak1099 ,
Swift_jay ,
tagwer ,
tbkhor ,
TingFengz ,
ToCumCum ,
toms_trd ,
tRuStNo1 ,
turbo99 ,
tycosiao ,
Ultimate1234 ,
UltraBlack ,
UndeaD80 ,
Vampyre ,
Van Basten ,
venomancer ,
viperpit90 ,
w810_76 ,
wavesg ,
williamangkh ,
WillyFoxy ,
Xgenre ,
Yamate ,
yaojia98 ,
Youth Gone Wild ,
Yuma Asami
木头和尚敲木鱼 ,
babezkitty ,
beingunknown200 ,
boobscompressor ,
butbeautiful ,
Chandler ,
Christopher_26 ,
cuffer56 ,
dbhh ,
Dedgen ,
evilredx ,
fffff ,
gaia ,
giveittomebaby ,
greg1u ,
hairyrambutan ,
Hardaway1818 ,
HardRod126 ,
Hotspotxxxxx ,
I Love Boobs ,
infusion ,
jollyshandy ,
K1975 ,
linoleum3 ,
Luckytime ,
luffy69 ,
ManuelFerrara ,
mattysong ,
Mbsacli ,
me55y ,
meodows92 ,
morinfen ,
muneo ,
Nesferatu ,
Onion ,
pussyvibrato ,
redboi ,
redbull ,
sexharmonics ,
spotlight ,
straycat ,
Ultimate1234 ,
UltraBlack ,
Vampyre ,
w810_76 ,
Yamate ,
Yasuoka Domoto ,
Youth Gone Wild ,
Others (Please specify)
木头和尚敲木鱼 ,
2912Sex ,
8chye2 ,
agent_x ,
akaza24 ,
alucardseedorf ,
angelle ,
bacaraat ,
boimysteryboi ,
cathaypcf ,
Chipmunks ,
chochochang2 ,
Cooler Master ,
crownisle ,
cs021 ,
dejavu5 ,
digor23 ,
doglike ,
driver2032 ,
elflord ,
Eroticalic ,
flashbouncer ,
galbodyroamer ,
goodiechin ,
hoosdathu ,
hornylegatoer ,
Horse27 ,
hserfruits ,
ILoveThis ,
iossshee ,
Iron Maiden ,
jackjack__1 ,
jdi813 ,
joew2005 ,
justinlol ,
kal79 ,
KangTuo ,
kinkykor ,
kwaychup ,
look4sex ,
MannyCalavera ,
Masoyama ,
Mbsacli ,
mokermania ,
muneo ,
nanakoko ,
nicholassoong81 ,
ohyeahbaby ,
okano ,
pooren ,
Rookies ,
s(Aint ,
scandalz ,
scrazy ,
SeekingLoveV ,
Sex-treme ,
SinisterX ,
smellybelly ,
SonyPlaystation ,
tatz ,
UltraBlack ,
Vampyre ,
wackymarky ,
watmidoin ,
wchink ,
WeLoveSex ,
WillyFoxy ,
Wolfina ,
Yamate ,
Youth Gone Wild ,
All times are GMT +8. The time now is 03:29 PM .