View Full Version : Serious Brand New (3rd Day) Gay-Phone 7 Exploded in user's plam into flame, injured A

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10-05-2017, 03:00 AM
An honorable member of the Coffee Shop Has Just Posted the Following:

This record of Gay-Phone Inc's Gay-phone 7 is 10X Worse than Any Samsung Note 7 incidents!

Ang Moh's hand which was holding the new phone answering a call, turned into Nigger's color!

http://tech.sina.com.cn/t/2017-05-09...k7160399.shtml (http://tech.sina.com.cn/t/2017-05-09/doc-ifyeychk7160399.shtml)

英国一男子用iPhone 7接电话时手机爆炸 手掌受伤
2017年05月09日 07:48 新浪科技 微博

  新浪科技讯 北京时间5月9日早间消息,来自英国绍斯波特(Southport)的一名42岁男子李·海耶 斯(Lee Hayes)表示,在用一部iPhone 7接电话时,手机突然发生爆炸。

  海耶斯表示,他拿到这部iPhone 7只有3天。“手机放在厨房台面上,我听到铃声响起。当我触摸屏幕,接听电话时,手机突然爆炸。 ”他对手机 爆炸和嘶嘶声的描述与此前许多关于手机爆炸的描述类似。


  根据《太阳报》的报道,爆炸导致许多玻璃渣刺入了海耶斯的手掌,手机的燃烧甚至给厨房台面 留下了印迹。

  海耶斯是一名半职业的飞镖运动员。他表示,此次受伤导致他无法参加比赛,因此他考虑起诉苹 果。

  当手机发生爆炸时,原因常常被认为是电池。例如,三星Galaxy Note7的一系列起火爆炸事件就是如此。当时,曾有一名用户起诉三星,称手机在自己的裤子口袋里爆炸。

  海耶斯认为自己还算幸运。“这是令人不快的受伤,我的手掌流血严重。不过,情况本来有可能 更糟糕,我可 能会失去一只手。”(维金)

https://fossbytes.com/iphone-explode...-lost-my-hand/ (https://fossbytes.com/iphone-explodes-in-users-hand-causes-heavy-bleeding-i-could-have-lost-my-hand/)

iPhone Explodes In Man’s Hand, Causes Heavy Bleeding — “I Could Have Lost My Hand”

Think twice before taking a call on your iPhone 7.
May 9, 2017

iPhone 7 Blast Lee Hayes main
Image: Peter Powell

Short Bytes: In another iPhone 7 blast incident, England-based 42-year-old Lee Hayes got his right hand seriously injured. He swiped on the screen in order to take a call when his three days old iPhone 7 burst into flames. Hayes has got the device replaced and is thinking about some legal action.
iPhone 8 rumors have started to appear on the internet but iPhone 7 bomb stories aren’t coming to an end. This time, the victim is a 42-year-old man named Lee Hayes whose iPhone 7 burst into flames when he was about to take a call.

“It was on the bench in the kitchen and I heard it ringing. As soon as I touched the screen to answer it the phone just exploded,” said Hayes who had owned the deceased iPhone for only three days.

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“Loads of tiny shards of glass were embedded in my hand and my girlfriend has been picking them out for days,” he added.

“It was a nasty injury – my [right] hand was bleeding quite heavily – but it could have been so much worse. I could have lost my hand.”
iPhone 7 Blast Lee Hayes1
Image: Peter Powell

Hayes, a resident of Southport, Merseyside, got his iPhone 7 replaced from O2 after he complained about the accident, but he wasn’t able to get any compensation. He is also considering to take some legal action.

Apple has declined to make any comment. However, they might do some internal investigation as they did in the case of Brianna Olivas who recorded video of her burning iPhone 7.

If you have something to add, drop your thoughts and feedback.

Also Read: Report: Facebook Is Launching TV Service In June, Mostly Free




Click here to view the whole thread at www.sammyboy.com (https://singsupplies.com/showthread.php?243440-Brand-New-(3rd-Day)-Gay-Phone-7-Exploded-in-user-s-plam-into-flame-injured-Ang-Moh&goto=newpost).