View Full Version : Chitchat Goh Meng Seng's open letter to President Xi Jin Ping

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30-11-2016, 09:10 AM
An honorable member of the Coffee Shop Has Just Posted the Following:

This is my open letter to President Xi of China. I guess after writing this letter, I can give up all my business opportunities in China liao! HAHAHA!



贵国最近通过香港扣押了九辆我祖国新加坡最先进的装甲车。据说这些装甲车里包含了世界级的高科 技装备,是我 祖国自行研法生产的骄傲。

无论这是否是贵国刻意使计由香港扣押我祖国的这批装甲车,我本身也意识到这整件事都是我们国防 部的疏忽才导 致这事件的发生。无论贵国是否决定归还这九辆装甲车,我们在国际社会里和军备市场中都已经是损 失惨重。这是 因为就算贵国没有趁此机会去对这批装甲车进行军事科技研探,国际社会的准军备购买者的脑子里都 会对这军备的 可靠性暗存疑问。

无论如何,我本人觉得这次事件的确是我祖国犯了低级错误,如果军备被贵国没收,也是无话可说的 。于情于理, 我们都输得彻底。我也认了。

从一个新加坡反对党的角度看这件事,我也只能对我祖国的领导鞭笞,追究责任,也无法理直气壮的 对贵国指骂。

如果这真是贵国以计谋导致事件的发生,我本人不得不佩服为贵国出谋献策的智囊团的高明。可是, 贵国如此做, 也必须付出一定的国际政治代价。没有一个泱泱大国会喜欢国际社会在明或在暗批评以大欺小的。更 何况是中国, 一个打着和平崛起的旗帜发展经济与周边国家发展政治与贸易联系的大国。更重要的是您本人伟大的 政治策略,“ 一带一路”不只是要靠金钱去发展,还要靠国际政治信誉去赢得参与国的信任。为了新加坡这个小国 而冒着国际社 会的不良反应,您认为值得吗?

再者,贵国对于我祖国新加坡在台湾进行军事演习提出抗议,我想我祖国的人民肯定感觉到非常反感 。就连身为反 对党人的我,也不得不站出来对贵国的抗议表示不满。

在贵国邓小平同志领导的时代,他展现了一个大政治家的洪量与风范,确实将心比心,以事论事,站 在其他小国的 角度看问题。他也谅解新加坡有土地的局限,到台湾借用地方做军训,是形势所逼,并非是要针对中 国做出任何军 事威胁或卷入贵国的内政。我们小国寡民,就算是真要与贵国搞军事对抗,也没那种能耐!那岂不是 白痴说梦话? 说了也不会有人相信的!

现在贵国要以这个借口要挟我祖国,打压我们,国际社会里,明眼人一看就知道贵国是故意刁难新加 坡,以大欺小 了!试问,这样一来对贵国有什么好处呢?

再说,如果贵国要是打算以这做借口开始对新加坡进行经济制裁,这更说不过去了!试问,谁才是真 正对贵国进行 军事抗争的?或防止贵国统一台湾的?那当然首推台湾人民嘛!但是贵国竟然没对台湾进行经济制裁 ,反而给台湾 人台胞证,让他们到台湾去投资发展,您说,如果贵国要制裁新加坡,国际社会上说得过去吗?

对一个所谓军事反叛岛屿省份的人民给予优待,到大陆去投资发展,反而对一个只为了解决本身土地 不够而到台湾 军训的友好国家进行打压,经济制裁,这怎么能说得过去?

再说,要是新加坡没有跟台湾打交道,打好关系,政治上我们也没法有效的当大陆与台湾的桥梁了。 试想想,为了 一个不是理由的理由对新加坡打压,硬要把新加坡切断与台湾的关系,这符合贵国长远的政治利益吗 ?

说穿了,我们大家都必须务实一点。没有人想在东亚再打战,因为这对所有东亚国家都不利。维持和 平现状,各国 为自己的人民福祉努力发展经贸,才是所有国家人民的真正愿望。

我在此恳请习主席,念在我们两国以往都是以互惠互利和务实的原则发展彼此深厚的关系,仔细的思 量彼此的立场 ,核心利益和观点后,才做出谨慎的决定。

我本人身为新加坡反对党人,对本国的领导最近的表现都非常不满,对这次事件的发生,也觉得是我 方之错。贵国 要如何处置那批装甲车,我都无异议,认了。我相信我祖国对这笔损失千万或甚至几亿的军备收入, 还是负担得起 。钱输了换来一个刻骨铭心的教训,那也罢。钱可以再赚回来。高科技产品失去了,还可以再研发新 的。

但要是贵国如要以不是理由的理由继续打压我们,针对我们国防的核心利益进行攻击,这个我相信所 有新加坡人都 不会容许发生的。

我更相信这对贵国也会是有伤害。我们两个友邦,以往都是以互惠互利与务实双赢的原则共存共荣, 为何如今要以 双输的形式自残?



This is my open letter to President Xi of China. I guess after writing this letter, I can give up all my business opportunities in China liao! HAHAHA!

President of China to open letter

Distinguished Xi jinping sir

Your country through Hong Kong recently seized nine my homeland Singapore's most advanced armoured vehicles. These armoured vehicles reportedly included in the world-Class High-tech equipment, is my own motherland inquest law production to be proud of.

Regardless of whether this is your country by deliberately into Hong Kong attachment of my motherland this batch of armoured vehicles itself, I realized that this whole thing is our negligence on the part of the ministry of defence only led to this incident. No matter whether your country decided to return this ninth armored cars, we in the international community and arms market are already heavy losses. This is because, even if your country does not take the opportunity to go to this batch of armoured military technology institute, the international community of arms is the purchaser of the brain for arms of doubtful the reliability of the dark.

In any case, I think that this incident is indeed my motherland has committed a mistake, if the lower arms were confiscated in your country, and also have nothing to say. Was in love, we all lose. Very thorough. I have to admit.

From A Singapore opposition perspective this thing, I can only express my motherland flogging, leadership, accountability cannot be righteous means to your country.

If this is your country to artifice led to the incident, I had to admire your country for the good of the think tank. But, your country to do so, must also pay a certain price of international politics. Not a great nation like Congress of the international community in the dark or to criticize someone your own size. Moreover, China was a hit with the banner of peaceful development of the economic and political development of the surrounding countries trade links with big country. It is more important to you my great political strategy," " one belt one road " and not just rely on money to development. We need to rely on international political credibility to win the trust of the participating countries. To Singapore this small country while risking the international community of adverse reactions, you think your worth it?

Furthermore, your country my motherland for Singapore to conduct military exercises in Taiwan to protest, I think the people of the motherland. I certainly feel very disgusted. Even as the opposition of the people I have to stand up for your country expressed dissatisfaction with the protest.

In your country comrade deng xiaoping led era, he demonstrated a great statesman with style, convey the true from the heart, according to the facts, station in other small country perspective. He also understanding Singapore land constraints, to borrow from Taiwan local do military training, is force situation, is not against China to make any military threats or involved in the internal affairs of your country. Our Small, by the few, even if it is true to your country in the military confrontation, also don't have that kind of pull! It would be a idiot fool? Said there will be no one believes!

Now your country want to threaten me this an excuse to suppress our motherland, we, the international community, a discerning eye knew your country deliberately Singapore, pick on someone your own size! How about this, what are your benefits?

Besides, if your country if you intend to do this an excuse to start Singapore economic sanctions, this is unacceptable! May I ask, who is true to your country military confrontation? Your country or to prevent the unification of Taiwan? Of course the people of Taiwan! But your country didn't proceed to Taiwan economic sanctions, but rather to Taiwanese mtps, let them go to Taiwan investment development, you said that if your country sanctions to Singapore, the international community on the plausible?

For a so-called military rebel island provinces, people giving it to invest in the development of the continent, but rather to a just to solve their own land and not enough training to Taiwan friendly countries that suppress, economic sanctions, how could it?

Besides, if singapore does not deal with Taiwan, good relations, politically we are not effective in the mainland and Taiwan local bridge. Just think, in order to be a reason for not reason to Singapore to suppress, insists on Singapore sever ties with Taiwan, this is in line with your country's long-term political interests?

To put it bluntly, we must all be pragmatic. Nobody wants to be in East Asia fighting again, because that on the East Asian countries are all negative. To maintain the status quo, peaceful countries for their own well-being of the people's efforts to develop trade, is the state of all people really desire.

I hereby urge president xi, we read in the past two states are mutually beneficial and pragmatic principles for the development of a strong relationship with each other, careful thought of each other's positions, core interests and perspectives before make prudent decisions.

I'm being a Singapore opposition party, the national leadership of the recent performance, very dissatisfied about this incident happened, I also think it is the fault of the party. Your country how to dispose of that batch of armoured vehicles, I have no objection, admit it. I believe my motherland on this loss millions or even billions of arms revenue or affordable. Lost money in exchange for an unforgettable lesson, that's your business. Money can earn back. High-tech products to lose, can also develop a new again.

But if your country, if not the reason to reason, to continue to suppress our defence against our core interests of attack, this i believe All Singaporeans will not be allowed to happen.

I also believe that your country will also have to hurt. We are two friends, in the past, it's all based on mutual benefit and win-win principle of pragmatic to co-exist, why now going to lose out in the form of self-harm?

Distinguished President XI, I believe that you are wise, you will be able to sort out all these stakeholders.

Wu Ming Sheng Jing Kai

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