View Full Version : meaning of OKT

18-11-2006, 05:50 PM
Was talking to a new fren last night, and she asked me what is the meaning of OKT.

I figured it was Or Kui Tao, which is literally translated into Turtle Head.

However, i couldn't answer why they are called OKTs... is there a story behind this?

searched the FAQ, nothing there.

18-11-2006, 09:13 PM
i guess it came from the chinese term for pimp which is gui gong--- turtle grandpa :D

18-11-2006, 09:57 PM
hmm, but why Gui Gong? They were not exactly in charge of "Turtles" to speak.

18-11-2006, 10:29 PM
Good question but ask guess the history will be back many decade...

There is also many other term like "拉皮条" & "马夫". So many history behind all this term & very hard to know them all.

My suggestion is let your finger do all the walking... Search online on chinese website... You may find something.

18-11-2006, 10:37 PM
"拉皮条" - i cannot imagine the connection, as the only 皮 i can think of is LJ 皮. haha

"马夫" - they liken the gals as horses, so the guy becomes the guy hearding the gals.

My guesses...

No chinese website for me, see untill head gong gong trying to decipher the meaning. :)

19-11-2006, 09:49 AM
That is because the turtle is considered to be a nasty immoral creature. Apparently also because the word in Chinese also sounds like the term for cuckolded husband. A "guigong" or turtle master means "master/father of a whore." A "wugui" or black turtle is a pimp; and turtle, in street language, is a graphic metaphor for penis.

Hope this answers your questions.

PS: Any reward?

19-11-2006, 11:42 AM
No pleasing some people. :confused: Got rewarded with -2 for my above post. On well life goes on, looks like I must work harder to earn my first power.

19-11-2006, 06:58 PM
I always thought it meant 'Chicken Head'. Meaning someone's who's incharge of the chickens, or the whores in this case.

19-11-2006, 10:21 PM
That is because the turtle is considered to be a nasty immoral creature.

tot the turtle was a sign of longevity... but immoral? hmm, something new.

btw, was it something from "history" or your own derivation? :)

19-11-2006, 10:34 PM
I guess it's just a nickname or something lah

19-11-2006, 10:40 PM
A "guigong" or turtle master means "master/father of a whore." A "wugui" or black turtle is a pimp; and turtle, in street language, is a graphic metaphor for penis.

"guei" in dialect in chicken, not turtle. "Call chicken" in dialect is "Gio Guei". So their boss is "Guei Tao",or KT, chicken head, nothing to do with turtle. "Or guei" is turtle, thus "OKT", turtle head. It does sound better than KT right?

20-11-2006, 02:03 AM
bro, kana zap is common lah, i also kana zap posting wrongly, summore by boss
but if u ask tis type of question, dun seems to contribute anyting leh
in near future, will u ask like where FL, HC, KTV term come frm?

20-11-2006, 08:39 AM

“拉皮条”的名词,只限于姘头搭角的结合,正式夫妻就不能适用,譬如有人请你去做媒人,你若对人家说:“我 来替你家千金小姐‘拉皮条’。”那你就要吃了巴掌回来。

用皮条代替红绳以牵合男女,照理应该永谐白头,不会拆散鸳鸯了,谁知结果适得其反,凡用“拉皮条”方法结合 的男女,最容易“拆姘头”,这是什么缘故呢?

据沪语研究家说:“拉皮条”一共只有三个字,倒有两字写白了,“皮”字应从“尸”从“穴”(音比平声),“ 条”字应从“尸”从“吊”(音刁上声),这两字的发音与“皮条”相似,所以才会以误传误的读别 了。

从“穴”的是女性器,从“吊”的是男性器,“拉皮条”者,将两种性器拉拢在一气也。如此注释,则“拉皮条” 的意义不必详解,就能恍然大悟。


沪语研究家辩道:上海的下流人常伸中指示人曰:“侬懂张北鸟!”此“鸟”字应作“的奥”切,是即“吊”也; “北”非东南西北之北,此系写不出的土音字,意与“撅”字同,例如“撅屁股”,上海人叫做“北屁股”,那么 “北鸟”是什么意思?请读者自己去想罢。



20-11-2006, 08:42 AM




王八,又称作忘八,即乌龟。《红楼梦》二十三回中,贾宝玉说“变个大忘八”,意思是变个大乌龟,下文是“往 你坟上替你驮一辈子的碑去”。

“娼妓有不隶于官家居卖奸者,谓之土妓,俗谓之‘土窠子’。又以妻之外淫者,目其夫为乌龟,盖龟不能性交, 纵牝者与蛇交也。”

明.陶宗仪在《南村辍耕录》中,转录了两句诗:“宅春皆为撑目兔,舍人总作缩头龟”,传说中兔望月而孕,故 “撑目兔”,意为妇不夫而孕,龟则喻其夫纵妻行淫,不闻不问。


《元典章》:“娼妓穿皂衫,戴角巾儿。娼妓家长并亲属男子,裹青头巾。”明代仍依旧制,洪武三年下诏曰:“ 教坊习乐艺,青字顶巾,系红线褡膊。乐妓,明角冠、皂褙子,不许与民妻同。”还限定:“教坊司伶人常服绿色 巾,以别士庶之服。”在《国初事迹》一书中,也说到明初朱元璋对南京娼妓所作的种种规定,对娼妓家的男子指 令必须“头戴绿巾”。

妓家男子,其妻女皆从事卖笑生涯;而乐工,一般来说其妻女皆为歌妓。这种男子必戴绿巾,“因为这种巾饰与龟 头同色”---《漫话乌龟》

以后,凡妻子与丈夫之外的其他男子有不明不白的性行为,这个丈夫就被称作“王八”、“忘八”,或说“戴了绿 帽子”。

20-11-2006, 09:00 AM
any translation pls? My chinese very bad...

20-11-2006, 09:11 AM
any translation pls? My chinese very bad...

20-11-2006, 09:19 AM
Translating Bro chickenzip's post

妓院中司职拉嫖客、干杂役的男人,充当保安的角色,南方叫龟公,北方叫大茶壶。 Men in whorehouses in charge of solicitating customer, doing misc chores, doubling as security. In the south they are called Guigong, in the north Dachaye.


Those who encourage women to sell their bodies or operate brothels, males are refered to as guigong (pimp), female as guipo (procuress).


王八,又称作忘八,即乌龟。《红楼梦》二十三回中,贾宝玉说“变个大忘八”,意思是变个大乌龟,下文是“往 你坟上替你驮一辈子的碑去”。

Wangba also termed as forgetting 8, refers to tortises. In Dream of the Red Chambers chapter 23, Jia Baoyu said "turn into a big forgotten 8", mean to become a tortoise. The following text continues "and carry for you forever a stone tablet"

“娼妓有不隶于官家居卖奸者,谓之土妓,俗谓之‘土窠子’。又以妻之外淫者,目其夫为乌龟,盖龟不能性交, 纵牝者与蛇交也。”

Prosititutes who are not under the government authorities were refered to as local prostitutes, commonly known as 'the earthern nest '. Those whose wives committ obscenity outside , their husbands are refered to as tortises, because the tortise is not to be able to have sexual intercourse, and common norm has it it mates with the snake.

清·翟灏《通俗篇·直言补正 From the Qing Records

明.陶宗仪在《南村辍耕录》中,转录了两句诗:“宅春皆为撑目兔,舍人总作缩头龟”,传说中兔望月而孕,故 “撑目兔”,意为妇不夫而孕,龟则喻其夫纵妻行淫,不闻不问。

From a Ming record, it is recorded "When a wife conceives without the husband and he does not ask about it. He is called a head shriking tortise."


《元典章》:“娼妓穿皂衫,戴角巾儿。娼妓家长并亲属男子,裹青头巾。”明代仍依旧制,洪武三年下诏曰:“ 教坊习乐艺,青字顶巾,系红线褡膊。乐妓,明角冠、皂褙子,不许与民妻同。”还限定:“教坊司伶人常服绿色 巾,以别士庶之服。”在《国初事迹》一书中,也说到明初朱元璋对南京娼妓所作的种种规定,对娼妓家的男子指 令必须“头戴绿巾”。

妓家男子,其妻女皆从事卖笑生涯;而乐工,一般来说其妻女皆为歌妓。这种男子必戴绿巾,“因为这种巾饰与龟 头同色”---《漫话乌龟》

This passage refers to the colour code during the Yuan dynasty. It is stated that the male relations of prostitiutes had to wear green caps or cover their heads with a green scarf. This traddition was continued under the Ming dynasty.

20-11-2006, 09:20 AM
That was just as rough translation.

20-11-2006, 10:12 AM
Okay I get the message no more translating for me!

Got zapped again for doing the rough translation. Samster left this "Rough translation better then nothing" and I got zapped 3 points :mad:

It not worth sharing anymore.

Cdr Bacara
20-11-2006, 10:33 AM
Relax early in the morning first day of the week why get so worked up?