View Full Version : heavenly sign of New Superpower 2016 PRC discover papa of all Supernova

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16-01-2016, 02:50 AM
An honorable member of the Coffee Shop Has Just Posted the Following:

This size and strength of this new discovery by Chinese is ultra supra supremacy - ever.

http://news.xinhuanet.com/tech/2016-...1117790722.htm (http://news.xinhuanet.com/tech/2016-01/15/c_1117790722.htm)


2016年01月15日 15:43:02 来源: 新华社
  新华社北京1月15日电(记者魏梦佳)《科学》杂志15日公布一项最新研究成果,由中国天 文学家主导的 科研团队发现了一颗最高光度比太阳强5700亿倍的极亮超新星。据悉,这是迄今为止人类记录到 的最强的超新 星爆发,有望为天文学家揭开极亮型超新星的爆发之谜提供重要线索。

  记者从北京大学科维理天文与天体物理研究所获悉,这颗新发现的极亮超新星名为ASASSN -15lh, 是由该研究所东苏勃研究员所带领的一支国际团队于2015年6月发现的。它达到的最高光度比太 阳要强570 0亿倍,是整个银河系千亿颗恒星总光度的20倍左右,属于罕见的“极亮型超新星”家族中的一员 。

  东苏勃称:“ASASSN-15lh是迄今为止人类记录到的最强的超新星爆发。由于它辐射 的能量太高, 目前的超新星理论还难以对它的爆发机制和能量来源给予令人满意的解释。”

  据了解,科研人员是借助两架位于智利安第斯山脉托洛洛山顶、14厘米口径的望远镜,通过持 续不断对整个 夜空拍照、搜寻才发现了这颗超新星。此后,立即引发全球天文学家们的强烈兴趣,世界上诸多大型 望远镜和美国 NASA的“雨燕”太空望远镜马上开始了后续观测。

  下一步,研究团队还将利用哈勃空间望远镜等强大的天文仪器对该超新星和其宿主星系做进一步 的纵深分析和 研究。“ASASSN-15lh的发现对超新星爆发理论提出了一个全新挑战,它可能会引发对极 亮超新星整体 的理论创新和更多的观测。”东苏勃说。

http://mobile.abc.net.au/news/2016-0...r-seen/7086138 (http://mobile.abc.net.au/news/2016-01-15/newly-discovered-supernova-most-powerful-explosion-ever-seen/7086138)

Newly discovered supernova most powerful stellar explosion ever seen
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PHOTO An artist's impression of the super-luminous supernova ASASSN-15lh as it would appear from an exoplanet located about 10,000 light-years from the blast.
Astronomers have detected the most powerful stellar explosion ever seen — a massive supernova, twice as powerful as anything previously recorded.

Key points
Massive supernova is 570 billion times brighter than our Sun, and 20 times brighter than all the stars in our Milky Way Galaxy combined.
Scientists unsure about what could be powering the supernova named ASASSN-151h
Unlike other super-luminous supernovae, ASASSN-151h exploded in a large, calm galaxy
The supernova, named ASASSN-15lh, occurred in a distant galaxy 3.8 billion light-years away, and is 200 times more powerful than the average supernova.

The huge blast, reported in the journal Science, is at the very upper limit of researchers' understanding of stellar physics, raising new questions about how such a powerful event could be generated.

"It's an extreme example — it's so extreme that it's really unclear what's actually causing the supernova — if that's what it is," one of the study's authors, Dr Benjamin Shappee of the Carnegie Observatories in Pasadena, said.

"This was so exciting and so far outside what's expected, I was a little sceptical until we got the follow-up data.

"Then when we saw it on two different telescopes and confirmed the data I started to get extremely excited."

The record-breaking explosion, thought to be a super-luminous supernova, was discovered in June using the All-Sky Automated Survey for SuperNovae system (ASASSN).

Most super-luminous supernovae occur in small, busy star-forming galaxies. However, ASASSN-15lh exploded in a large and rather calm galaxy.

Mystery surrounds super-luminous supernovae

PHOTO Pseudo-colour images showing the host galaxy before the explosion of ASASSN-15lh (Left), and the supernova (Right).

"There are lots of different types of supernovae ... but it's not clear how you could get such a luminous supernova," Dr Shappee said.

The supernova could have been spawned by an extremely rare type of star called a millisecond magnetar, a very rapidly spinning and extremely dense neutron star with a very strong magnetic field.

To shine so bright, the magnetar would also have to spin at least 1,000 times a second, and convert all that rotational energy to light with nearly 100 per cent efficiency.

"There's an upper limit as to how fast they spin before they rip themselves apart," Dr Shappee said.

"So if you take a neutron star and you dump all of its energy into its (gaseous) envelope, then you can reproduce what we see. It could be this object — but it's right on the edge of what models can reproduce."

Dr Shappee said another possibility is a very large star — hundreds of times the mass of our Sun.

"This could be telling us that such massive stars really do exist and then explode," he said.

"We have some Hubble Space Telescope time to further investigate this object."

If the team finds that ASASSN-15lh lies in the very centre of its galaxy, then perhaps it is not a supernova at all, but instead some unusual nuclear activity around a supermassive black hole.

"We think it's a supernova because spectroscopically it looks very similar to super-luminous type 1 supernovae, and it also fades with time and gets cooler like supernovae," Dr Shappee said.

"This shows that in supernovae studies we're still uncertain on a number of the details — even the common ones. We're still finding many things which are completely unanticipated in nature."

Click here to view the whole thread at www.sammyboy.com (http://sammyboy.com/showthread.php?223497-heavenly-sign-of-New-Superpower-2016-PRC-discover-papa-of-all-Supernova&goto=newpost).