View Full Version : Newlywed Couple Fight In Train Station

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29-09-2015, 12:00 AM
An honorable member of the Coffee Shop Has Just Posted the Following:



2015-09-28 中安在线5987评


9月27日下午14时左右,合肥火车站站前广场上,一对年轻男女大打出手,后被民警制止。让人没 想到的是, 他们是一对刚结婚不久的夫妻,当天由于去谁家过中秋没有协商好,这才发生了矛盾。

目击者表示,事发前半个小时,两人拎着一些礼品,急匆匆赶到了火车站,可是在检票口检票时,得 知火车开走了 ,随后两人就站在广场上吵架,“吵着吵着,后来就打起来了。”辖区派出所民警见状迅速赶到现场 ,将厮打中的 两人拉开。

经了解,两人月初才结婚,男子是合肥人,女子是阜阳人,这是他们婚后的第一个节,去哪过节成了 问题,“后来 我们商量,中秋节中午在合肥吃饭,下午坐火车去阜阳。”让女子气愤的是,他们本来已经买好了火 车票,可是当 天中午吃饭的时候,男子在家里磨磨唧唧,等到了火车站,火车都开走了。



A newlywed couple fighting in the Hefei Railway Station caused such a scene this past Sunday that the police were called in to mediate.

The couple was fighting over their plans for the Mid-Autumn festival that day. The man was from Hefei, and the woman was from nearby Fuyang. They had planned to have lunch with the man’s family in Hefei and then caught a train to Fuyang that afternoon. However, the man had dawdled while with his family and they had missed their train.

The woman was angry at her husband as they had already purchased their train tickets. The two began to yell at each other in the train station and then started to hit each other.

Police were called in to mediate. They helped the couple calm down, and explained that there were other trains to Fuyang later that day.

The couple had gotten married at the beginning of the month. This was their first holiday trip together.

Click here to view the whole thread at www.sammyboy.com (http://www.sammyboy.com/showthread.php?217257-Newlywed-Couple-Fight-In-Train-Station&goto=newpost).