View Full Version : PAP has to work hard...very hard to WIN !!!!

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04-09-2015, 08:00 AM
An honorable member of the Coffee Shop Has Just Posted the Following:

https://fbcdn-sphotos-g-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xpf1/v/t1.0-9/11960045_1102447909766608_6556574247701497860_n.pn g?oh=83187c9475e555db17a2718bbef8bfb3&oe=56AA4327&__gda__=1451242008_7bb9960470497371da6c1a894eb030d 5

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PAP has to put in MORE PUNCH AND MORE FIRE to combat the rising tide of the Opposition which is scoring rapidly. Every Oppo Party seems to have a few dark horses
with great leadership potential. For special mention is Mr Lim Tean from the NSP. He is simply awesome with great confidence and with a daunting leadership quality in him. Many young candidates from the other parties have improved tremendously. Even Mr LowTK displayed great leadership in his hard hitting Teochew speech. But nothing beats Dr Chee's inaugural rally speech. It was the best speech and the best rally speech so far!!!

PAP has to work much harder now for the next one week. Please stop the AHPETC. Many people have been turned off. It will backfire badly. The poster spam is another talking point confusing the elderly and the senior voters. This is a campaign miscalculation which should be redressed as soon as soon. Let us have a clean and fair election and a nice level-playing field. Singaporeans have matured and they have the VOTE in their hands. It is damned crucial that the political parties tread their ground gingerly. Many Singaporeans are just waiting for this moment to exercise their choice. They are waiting for this moment to exercise their power. And to register their anger and frustration. So the battle field now has changed and it is very fluid and very unpredictable. Good Luck to ALL candidates!!!

PAP has to do better and faster to avoid any great disappointment at the polls.

Click here to view the whole thread at www.sammyboy.com (http://www.sammyboy.com/showthread.php?214834-PAP-has-to-work-hard-very-hard-to-WIN-!!!!&goto=newpost).