View Full Version : further proof that CHinese was targets for drug money to fund the Brit expansion

Sammyboy RSS Feed
10-05-2015, 12:40 PM
An honorable member of the Coffee Shop Has Just Posted the Following:

All these happened in 1700s to 1945 WW2 and point the fingers to the Brit targeting China and SEA region to be poor peasants countries for drug money.

In around 1845-46 The Brit was fighting against the Indians First Angol-Sikh War. By 1849 this war ended and annexed to the Brit.

Angmoh wars are not cheap which need industrial type production to fund the production of war weapons and bullets.

Were did the Brit find cheap quick money to finance so many sectors of their problems back home and overseas?

On one hand they need vast amount of easy money to finance their inventions one after another and going to war with the Indians, Chinese, America Indians.

The British is broke at this time and need to find a lot of money and turn to drug trade for quick money and target China and SEA region.

The opium problem sent Chinese into poor country and defending the opium trade already bankrupt China.

China, SEA was targeted for drug money and Africa was targeted for slavery into America for Brit expansion.

Angmoh are the best?


https://www.google.com.au/search?q=s...w=1272&bih=573 (https://www.google.com.au/search?q=sutlej+gun&rlz=1T4ADFA_enAU452AU452&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ei=Y71OVYmgFaHGmAWh0YCIDg&ved=0CC0QsAQ&biw=1272&bih=573)

Click here to view the whole thread at www.sammyboy.com (http://sammyboy.com/showthread.php?206471-further-proof-that-CHinese-was-targets-for-drug-money-to-fund-the-Brit-expansion&goto=newpost).