View Full Version : Local Chinese girl feels frustrated

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13-03-2015, 11:30 AM
An honorable member of the Coffee Shop Has Just Posted the Following:

Its not because he is Malay but because he is Muslim.

He is still young so not religious, you will get hell when he gets old and decides to be more religious.

https://fbcdn-sphotos-f-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xap1/v/t1.0-9/1964871_10152369252298706_747754909_n.jpg?oh=6934b 4ea1f1224a1e702c5e32a10427d&oe=556F9F4E&__gda__=1438301462_50cdb3f9fe8fe8bfbc9de32d036872d 2

It's 3.09am and I just wna pen down my current thoughts.

I find it extremely hilarious and ironic that I have a normal functioning nuclear family that I can't open up to. There are so many occasions that I would love to tell them about my serious relationship with H and the wish of having a future with him and yet here I am, telling all this on an online diary.

I know when I tell them, there is just gonna be one reaction:

No. You're crazy. He's malay and I demand you to break up w him.

I wished that my family will be more open and I've fantasized so many times that my family will come to accept other races as equal.

Sad to say, my family (including my aunts and uncles) are extremely racist and has made pretty much stereotypes about the said race.

I grew up in this kind of family. I'm definitely not proud to say that because of them, i stereotype malays when I was younger too. I attribute all the bad qualities to them and good qualities to my own race.

But nonetheless, I've learnt kindness from H. He showed me that the stereotypes aren't true. What's disgusting is how the way my mom, my sis and my aunt always talk about other races behind their backs.

Talk about living in a country which is known to be multi-cultural and respect is practiced in all settings in our lives. How damn ironic.

I lived through all these years without thinking much because hey, it's not affecting me anyway isn't it? But now, I see the minority's POV bcos H allows
Me to see it. I just feel so damn angry whenever my mom refers to them as pigs. Like why? What did they do to warrant such stereotypes and name callings? Did they harm us directly? Doesn't verbal bullying reflects the worst in us instead? Why makes us Chinese so superior? Why can't everyone live in harmony?

Due to the fact of feeling injustice for them, I started defending and had very frequent quarrels with my mom. My mom even scolded me and said: stop pretending to be such a saint yourself.

I need advice. Can someone tell me what am I doing wrong?

Click here to view the whole thread at www.sammyboy.com (http://sammyboy.com/showthread.php?202555-Local-Chinese-girl-feels-frustrated&goto=newpost).