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02-11-2014, 08:00 PM
An honorable member of the Coffee Shop Has Just Posted the Following:

Source: TR EMERITUS (http://www.tremeritus.com/2014/11/02/to-change-sg-politics-start-educating-friends-and-family/)

To change SG politics, start educating friends and family
November 2nd, 2014 | Author: Contributions

Dear opposition supporters,

Please take a look at the following Facebook comment from a PAP supporter:


He is even thanking PAP for the birds singing in the morning because of trees planted everywhere by PAP. If there are no trees nearby, wouldn’t the birds similarly make their homes somewhere else like on top of buildings? Has this PAP supporter ever heard of houses built for swallows to harvest bird’s nests?

The extent of blind loyalty given to PAP by some of their supporters really startles me.

Therefore, if we really want PAP to lose big in the next election, we must start by talking and educating the people around us first. It’s the only way to stop people from voting for PAP.

Start by talking to your friends and family members first. Find out their concerns and go from there.
There are many good topics written online by many enlightened opposition supporters. Show them these articles.

The other day, I was talking to a friend working in an MNC holding a senior position. He was quite happy working there earning good money and I know he is quite pro-government. So, it’s pointless talking to him of FT threat when he is still happily working there. He didn’t seem to think he would be replaced by an FT one day.

I then switched tactics and asked about his kids. I told him that his elder son will be graduating soon and will need to get a job. Can his son get a good job in view of the deluge of job applications coming even from foreigners based overseas (he knows cause he would constantly get overseas resumes).

His younger son is studying in poly. His results were average, I was told. I asked him if his son can get into a local university? If not, is he going to sponsor his son to study overseas? I told him that he will have to be prepared to fork out at least a $100K (I later emailed him the TRE article talking about Govt spending millions on FT students in our local universities).

His elder son has a serious girlfriend. I asked him if his son ever gets married and asks him for monetary help to buy a house, will he oblige? Told him that a new 4-room HDB flat already costs about $300K in a non-mature estate and if his son wants to stay closer to him, the same flat will cost about $500K in a mature estate. For HDB resale flats, their prices are even worse (I’ve also later emailed him online artilcles and comments about the public grouses on housing).

At least when I asked him those questions about his children, he was quiet. That means some messages have sunk in. Hopefully, my friend will be able to wake up from his slumber, like the rest of us.

So, to change Singapore politics, it’s really up to us. We need to spread the message to our fellow Singaporeans on how cocked-up the PAP government has become after years of complacency.

Yes we can!

* Submitted by TRE reader

End Of Article

https://fbcdn-sphotos-b-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xap1/v/t1.0-9/10676140_792893174105350_7308140533143423512_n.jpg ?oh=d2cb654787ae721fd8a950163ebeb934&oe=54F59E0F&__gda__=1425256147_c34e2b49a827718687f44b518af94ba 3

Click here to view the whole thread at www.sammyboy.com (http://sammyboy.com/showthread.php?193180-To-Change-SG-Politics-Start-Educating-Friends-And-Family&goto=newpost).