View Full Version : It Is Time To Support Those Who Speak Up For Us!

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26-10-2014, 07:30 PM
An honorable member of the Coffee Shop Has Just Posted the Following:

Source: The Real Singapore (http://therealsingapore.com/content/dear-trs-it-time-support-those-who-speak-us)

Post date: 26 Oct 2014 - 4:45pm


Dear True Blue Singaporeans,

By now it should be pretty obvious that Roy Ngerng and Han Hui Hui have discovered a can of worms that the PAP would rather be buried forever – that of our CPF savings, whether they are indeed safe and why the F@#% can’t we have ALL of it back when we are 55 years old. Even as the Lee regime refuses to admit it, our hard earned savings have been indirectly handed over to GIC and/or Temasek Holdings (TH) who have made many questionable investments resulting in BILLIONS of S$ in capital losses.

Many of us suspect that the ever increasing and widely cursed minimum sum preventing us from tasting our sweet retirement monies in one lump sum, is simply a mechanism to withhold OUR money since the upper ranks of the PAP (who lead GIC/TH) have probably gambled our retirement cash away in the grand casino called the global financial/asset markets. THEREFORE, it comes as no surprise that the lightning bolt party have spared no effort to silence Roy Ngerng firstly through a defamation suit by the allegedly “flame proof” PM Lee, followed by NParks scheduling a YMCA event at the same time as a CPF protest in Hong Lim park, and now unlawful assembly + public nuisance charges on Roy and Ms Han.

My dear local friends, it should be plain to see that all this action against Roy and Hui Hui are politically motivated and designed to remove the clamour over OUR CPF money out of the public eye. The MIWs believe that if these two brave souls are silenced, if Hong Lim park can be neutered as a hotbed of protests, and if their PAP IB on-line trolls work extra hard to polish the PAP’s ROTTEN on-line reputation, that gullible Singaporeans will eventually forget enough of the PAP’s HUGE SCREW-Ups and be “Kia-See” enough to put an UNDERSERVED and UNWISE “X” next to the lightning bolt at the next GE.

There is nothing we true blue Singaporeans can do to reform the PAP or change their assumptions and strategies. HOWEVER, I plead to you all to stay united against the PAP’s nonsense, to never accept their attempts to replace us with foreigners, to never surrender to their money sucking nature and to NEVER EVER allow these arrogant white wearing “elites” to deprive us of our retirement funds while urging us to work until WE DIE. As such, we ought to WHOLEHEARTEDLY SUPPORT Roy and Hui Hui. They speak up for us when we lack the courage and as a result, get persecuted by a government that does NOT give a RAT’S ASS about our welfare. Hence, even if you could not spare the time to be present at Hong Lim while they protested and if all you did was to type in your on-line encouragement, NOW is the time to back these two young patriots in their darkest hour. Please make any contribution you can (even if it’s only a small amount) to the legal defence fund of those charged for representing us at Hong Lim (POSB Savings 279-12328-0 --Roy's bank account).

Brother and Sisters, Uncles and Aunties…….every cent donated to a token sign of displeasure that warns the PAP that we are ANGRY. It will serve to keep the PAP on their toes until the next GE when we vote for the opposition to reclaim Singapore for Singaporeans!

Yours Most Sincerely,
Sovereign Singaporean

End Of Article

https://fbcdn-sphotos-c-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xaf1/v/t1.0-9/1794604_10205446217581697_2387104143014559772_n.jp g?oh=87a575f498419b66dd400fabe16f1863&oe=54B18356&__gda__=1425438689_0f00434010e608ecf6c612db33fe26e e

Click here to view the whole thread at www.sammyboy.com (http://www.sammyboy.com/showthread.php?192749-It-Is-Time-To-Support-Those-Who-Speak-Up-For-Us!&goto=newpost).