View Full Version : man calmly puffs cigarette after cutting loan shark's throat

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31-07-2014, 11:50 PM
An honorable member of the Coffee Shop Has Just Posted the Following:

Hubei man calmly puffs away on a cigarette after cutting loan shark's throat

A man in Hubei reportedly killed a loan shark who'd been chasing him down by cutting his throat, and was seen calmly smoking on a cigarette after he'd committed the crime, according to witnesses.

The man nicknamed “He Lao Liu” in Hubei’s Laifeng county reportedly borrowed money from the loan shark due to gambling debts. The loan shark continued to hit He up for the money, which he wasn't able to repay. He then killed the man during a confrontation on Wednesday morning and called the police to report his own crime.

Photos circulating online showed a crowd of people gathered around a white car stopped outside a bedding store. Inside, a man at the driver's seat sat with his eyes closed and his head tilted to one side, while his chest was covered with blood. Meanwhile, a man standing by the car door at the back seat was seen lighting matches for a cigarette with blood-stained hands. His face looked calm.

According to the netizen who uploaded the photos, the man who killed the loan shark did not leave the site after the murder. Instead, he called the police by himself and shouted to the crowd as a reminder not to borrow money from loan sharks and and to stay away from gambling.

http://slide.news.sina.com.cn/s/slid...64788.html#p=1 (http://slide.news.sina.com.cn/s/slide_1_2841_64788.html#p=1)

7月27日,网络爆料湖北省恩施市来凤县一名借高利贷者,当街将一名追债的放贷人割喉。随后,嫌 疑男子报警 ,抽着烟“淡定”地等警察到来。知情者透露,嫌疑男子由于赌博向一名外省的放贷人借贷,因不堪 屡被追债无力 偿还,在被追贷的过程中将对方杀害。

现场图片显示,一辆停靠在家纺店商铺门口的银白色轿车旁,聚集了大量围观者。轿车驾驶座上,一 名男子闭着眼 ,头歪在一侧,胸口全是血。车后座左侧车门旁,一男子站着,用沾着血的右手拿火柴点烟,面部表 情平静。

对于抽烟男子的表现,网友们大呼“淡定哥”。网友“凤来不思归”说:“杀人凶手,居然还那么淡 定!站立的姿 势,嘴角叼烟的神态,杀人后气定神闲的神态,沾满鲜血的右手打火点烟,我们到底该怎么判断他内 心的世界呢? ”

死者张某为湖南省龙山县人,犯罪嫌疑人何某为来凤县翔凤镇人。公安机关迅速出警,犯罪嫌疑人何 某被公安机关 当场控制。经初查,杀人动机为债务纠纷。目前此案正在进一步审理中。

事发前借高利贷者与放高利贷者同坐一辆车,在车辆行驶途中,坐在后排的借贷者持刀将开车的放贷 人“割喉”。 网友还称,杀人后,男子并没有逃逸,而是现场报了警,并高声呼喊,告诫现场围观群众不要借“马 钱”,“远离 赌博”。随后,警方赶到现场,在轿车周围拉起了警戒线。

杀人男子确为借高利贷的,被人称做“何老六”,平时好赌。被害人来自临近的湖南省龙山县,放高 利贷为生。“ 两个人基本都在来凤活动。那个放贷的很猖狂,平时身边都有随从,但不知为何当时落单了。”据该 知情人士介绍 ,“何老六”在杀人后曾说,放贷人追债逼得他妻离子散。

Click here to view the whole thread at www.sammyboy.com (http://www.sammyboy.com/showthread.php?186978-man-calmly-puffs-cigarette-after-cutting-loan-shark-s-throat&goto=newpost).