View Full Version : Singaporeans Hold Unrealistically High Expectations Of Their Political Leaders

Sammyboy RSS Feed
26-07-2014, 11:00 AM
An honorable member of the Coffee Shop Has Just Posted the Following:

Source: The Alternative View (https://www.facebook.com/358759327518739/photos/a.598097686918234.1073741825.358759327518739/740027986058536/?type=1&theater)

Former high ranking civil servant Devadas Krishnadas who is now the head of a consultancy firm, wrote in the lapdog sheet, The Straits Times, today that Singaporeans have "unrealistically high expectations" of "their political leaders".

His comments show how out of touch and petulant these the PAP political elites have become.

When LKY, PAP ministers and MPs criticized Singaporeans, did they speak up in the same manner?

https://fbcdn-sphotos-d-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xpf1/v/t1.0-9/10532368_740027986058536_3417666469442123174_n.jpg ?oh=20070493855c9e3e23dc4ca09f24e4fb&oe=543DE438&__gda__=1414603858_484eb078b07270d6de275f105390345 e
End of article

Netizens' comment:

Stacy Teo: Singapore have both President and PM. What other country have both President and PM??? Our PM needs 2 Deputy PM to assist him. We have close to 90 MPs. All these people enjoy the highest salary amongst politicians in the world and damn right we have high expectations. In fact Singaporeans only started to seriously questions policies in the last few years. Is it because the politicians have enjoyed too much immunity to bulldoze policies and shutting people up? Or are they now feeling uncomfortable that people exerting their right as concern citizens? And this moron is criticizing people for having expectation on politicians. If the politicians cannot take the heat, which is miniscule compared to other countries, please leave politics and let others do it.

David Tan: Devadas is indeed the sar kar moron! Want to carry tripod stand, he needs a consultant to teach him how to do it subtly instead of his chosen way!

Noramzar Ridhwan: Meanwhile, in an alternate universe...
"Many Singaporean Ministers these days appear to hold unrealistically high salaries as compared to leaders anywhere on the planet, and are prone to criticising and faulting the citizens for their own ineffective policies"

YanHou Cedric: Actually its quite untrue. I have not much expectations of the political leaders. I wonder if hoping for smooth running of public transport a.high expectation or just the bare minimum? By asking the leaders to honour their promise of returning me my money which i gave to them for.safeguarding at 55 high expectation? I expect my 5yr old kid.to honour a promise as.well...not to keep giving excuse to delay. High expectation? I dont think so...the leaders cant even meet the minimum expectations.

Click here to view the whole thread at www.sammyboy.com (http://www.sammyboy.com/showthread.php?186636-Singaporeans-Hold-Unrealistically-High-Expectations-Of-Their-Political-Leaders&goto=newpost).