View Full Version : The Photoshoot / Portfolio

17-07-2014, 10:24 AM
here goes... i dont usually write stories or tales... the very few i wrote before were all true... unless of course u choose not to believe it...

and my stories do not always focus on the steamy scenes... dat to me is not the exciting part... everyone in here experience those... rather i would prefer to narrate on events that lead up to the action itself... and events dat follow after...

this one... just to manage the expectations of some bros in here... i have not gotten anything yet... except some pictures... but i am supposed to meet her today at 12:00 noon at hotel 81 somewhere... time check now is 10:20 am...

it all began a few days ago... i am a frequent chatter at one of the online chatrooms... as i was chatting on the main room there was a chatter that was asking if there are any freelance photographer around... for this story lets refer to her as N.....

to be continued... gotta get myself ready to meet her...

17-07-2014, 11:01 AM
going out now... but not knowing wat to expect...
anyway she gave me these pics...


17-07-2014, 01:35 PM
Very promising, wish you good luck and can continue your juicy story here. :D:)

Ah hai
17-07-2014, 06:27 PM
look good and promising, looking forward to your update!