View Full Version : Xianglong Shiba Zhang

25-08-2005, 11:11 PM
Something I came across... Its in Chinese but is it good for you?

First article:

主题: 15分钟让她饥渴难耐

专家们这样告诫我们:女人所需前戏的时间,至少要15分钟。嗯,这大概是足以让你犯规很多次的一局足球赛的 时间。15分钟对许多事来说,都嫌太长,对前戏这件事尤是。如何好好运用这漫长的15分钟,使你成为人见人 爱的情场圣手?兄弟们,我们请了一对性学专家夫妻——Susan Crain Bakos (Sexual Secrets 一书的作者,以及其性治疗师先生,Ph.D.Michael Perry),为大家传授前戏的秘技,如何充分运用这15分钟。
  1.轻轻地握住她的手,亲吻她的手指背。一位熟识的指甲彩绘大师偷偷告诉我,其实手指是最被女性忽略的 性感带。
2.将她的手翻过来,手心朝上。你呢,嘴巴紧闭,用你的嘴唇轻柔地压印在她手掌肉厚最柔软处。慢慢地往她手 腕方向压按移动,直到你的嘴唇感觉到他手腕上的脉搏跳动为止。
  1.从她的下嘴唇开始。一样地,你双唇轻阖,将她的下嘴唇轻轻含在你的双唇间。要轻柔到让她几乎没有感 觉你的存在。
  2.同样的方法,用你的嘴唇依序对她的上嘴唇、颈间、耳垂、眼皮进行轻触。记得,你的眼睛要张开,嘴唇 阖起,不要猴急地把舌头伸出东舔西舔。
  这阶段你可以用力地亲吻了。但是等等,兄弟,收回你的舌头。一般最被女人嫌恶的,就是你的舌头太过投入 了。只让你的舌头探出1/3,用你的舌尖和她的舌尖轻触、玩捉迷藏,或是轻舔她的嘴唇内侧,她牙齿的边缘……会有让你意想不到的效果 。
  好了,现在你更可以放纵你的唇舌,为所欲为了。别的男人的标准亲吻过程一定都是这样:嘴唇、胸部、肚脐 眼、然后更下面……。这样完全无法挑起女人的情欲,因为她们早就知道男人一成不变的这一套。我们要出点奇招 :
  1.集中火力攻击隐密的部位:大腿内侧、膝盖窝、耳垂后方、胸部上侧(不是乳头喔)。记得,不是一路吻 过去,而是从这个部位跳到另一个部位。
  1.切记,不要猴急地去揉她的胸部。如果她的乳头还没有兴奋地“竖然起敬”,别用力压她或是用手指头揉 捏。相反的,用你的手掌肉多柔软处,覆盖她整个乳房,作圆形按摩。如果她越来越兴奋,可以稍稍 加重力道。
  2.如果她的乳头已经勃起,将乳头轻轻夹在你的两根手指之间,作前后缓慢地摩擦。要轻一点,不要用力夹 挤。
  1.当你已经锁定她秘密花园时,与其直接刺激她的阴蒂,还不如多花一点时间用一或二根手指来善待她的阴 唇。缓慢地、有耐性地揉弄她两片阴唇,间接刺激她的性欲。
  2.接下来,用你的拇指和食指拨开阴唇,轻轻抚触她的阴蒂以及阴唇内侧。不要直接刺激阴蒂,除非她娇喘 连连,哀求你这么做。
  如果上述反应都很明显,就来个法国式亲吻,慢慢地进入她的体内,停个几秒钟,然后开始你最拿手的抽送, 让她欲仙欲死。

25-08-2005, 11:26 PM
Article 2: 男人必看之,让女人难忘

什么时候女人拥有难忘的性爱?是蜜月里的如胶似漆,还是旅途中的情景交融?每个女人可能有不同的体验。一般 来说,美好的做爱感觉多半是因为下列几种因素:

  1.自己有强烈欲望,很想要、心情又很轻松,最容易进入情况。譬如一位受访者的经验:“感觉最棒的一次 是从朋友处喝酒谈心后,他载我回家已经是清晨五点多了,弟弟在房里睡,我要他去洗把脸,休息一下再回去,结 果他却一把抱住我说:‘我想要!’那一次我们在房间里不敢大声,怕吵醒弟弟,可是我们同时达到高点┅┅那次 的感觉好棒!”

  2.对方表现良好,很体贴、技巧佳。一位受访者说:“最棒的性爱经验是和我的第四任男友,他是摄影师, 相当浪漫、温柔,外型酷酷的,跟他在一起经常会有一些意想不到的惊喜。跟他做爱是一件相当美的事,他总是会 找一个舒适的地方,放音乐、喝点小酒,最主要是他会注重我的感觉,也不是那种做完倒头就睡的人,他会放一池 温水和我共浴,那种感觉一辈子也忘不了。”

  3.两人情意交融,有浪漫前戏,感到相互了解、深深被对方珍惜。这通常发生在浓情蜜意的情人之间,但也 有特别的例子,譬如有位受访者的经验:“到目前为止,我感觉最棒的一次做爱是跟一个老外,那时我已离婚两年 了,而他也许看出我的需要,就在他下榻的饭店,晚上九点,他倒了杯beer给我,我们先在沙发上聊天,彼此 都有很好的feeling,他吻我耳朵、吻我脸颊,又把我紧紧的拥抱住,那一刻我觉得真美,从未曾有过这种 被啃噬的感觉,因为他了解你的感受,领略你的反应。洗完澡后他抱我上床,那时我心里唯一想到的是,我要放得 开,抛开一切羞耻、包袱,全心全意享受眼前的这一刻。他很高大,我很娇小,可是他很怜香惜玉,他教我慢慢去 玩弄、慢慢去抚摸,一步一步带领我进入佳境,体会到令人销魂的境界。”

  4.仪式与庆典的心情,久别重逢、特别的日子等。有位受访者说:“最棒的一次是好久没和他见面,一见面 在饭店中,那种干柴烈火的情欲焚身,似乎想把全身让他吃掉,而他亦是如此强烈,当‘进入’时,全身不禁欢愉 着、颤抖着、拥抱着,希望再紧密地接触与摩擦。这一次最棒,且高潮可以两、三次,尤其当他技巧性的引导时, 那高潮太美了。”

  5.面对刺激、冒险的气氛时。譬如偷情、掩人耳目、怕被发现等,也往往激荡出强烈的快感:“最棒的一次 是在国外的田野,边开车边做,有很大的解放感。”“最棒的一次是在MTV发生的,跟一个美国人,片子看到中 途,他开始抚摸我的身体,我没有拒绝,也有了反应,我们热烈地互相需求、互相对应,在最狂野、放肆的过程中 ,共同达到高潮。”

25-08-2005, 11:36 PM
This is last of first post:主题: 如何快速把阴茎练的如钢似铁

Have to translate to read... and donno if it works since I am not doctor... so ask comments from Bros if this post okay first... also any possible effects later if method adopted... let us all make sure for didi safety first.

芸芸众生,几个超人?!你我皆凡人,但又何尝不想做个有伸缩如意,软硬自如,能超长持久,连御 数女的神器!

为此,小弟和道中好友数人,或查阅古籍,或寻访新典,或看A片,或自行摸索。最后终于在中国古老的插沙功中 得到启发,创出简便易行,安全快速的锻炼方法,今天托出与狼友们共享!

道具:常见的绿豆,黄豆,剥去壳的花生等,洗净晾干后,放在一罐状容器中,盆也行。 (用真的细沙不是太卫生)

行动:哈哈,太简便 了 ,找个无人处(这最重要啊),裸下体,举老二,或做伏地挺身动作(还能练胸肌),或斜斜抽插,力度与速度、 次数当然是个人自行控制了。不过,刚开始的时候,讲究个循序渐进,不要着急嘛!实在忍不住,也可以射精,不 过是能忍则忍罢了。

修炼时间:一个月后,效果就已经很明显了,一般做爱时间能持续十分钟以上(从插入到射精)。正常能每天坚持 的话,也就一百天以内,保证神功大成!

效果:实践是检验真理的唯一标准啊!小弟自己以及几个朋友都证明,每次抽插时间最长可达30~50分钟,起 码也有10~20分钟! :p

26-08-2005, 04:16 AM


“阳萎、即男性在性交时、阴茎不能有效勃起或勃起不够硬,不能将阴茎插入阴道内完成性交的称阳萎。90%的 阳萎患者都属于心理性的,平时能勃起,特别在早上睡醒时能勃起而性交时却不能。

一时性阳萎,即平时能勃起能正常性交偶尔在不良的环境,药物、洒精等因素的影响下发生了阳萎,这也是阳萎( 心理性)的起因,(患者往往怀凝自已患了阳萎症,心理特别紧张,认为自己以前有过手淫史、或其它什么原因) 从而造成心理负担,再要性交时怕阴茎不能勃起,引起对方的反感。有了以上的心理负担,性交时就有了杂念,大 脑皮层兴奋,反而抑制脊髓性兴奋中枢神经,造成了一时性的阳萎。

如果有以上所说的一时性阳萎怎么办?首先要了解阳萎的起因,消除心理障碍,在性交时要尽量放松自已。保持良 好性交环境,适当时可先手淫泄精一次,过半天或一天,性欲不高时再行性交。女方卧于床沿双脚抬起叉开,裸露 阴部,男方取站立位,一手捏住阴茎的根部,一手拨开女方阴唇,找到阴道口将阴茎对准阴道口,双手挤压松软的 阴茎,强行将阴茎挤入阴道然后松开双手用身体压住,让松软的阴茎在阴道内保持住,不要抽动,经过一段时间, 阴茎受到阴道内的温热刺激,同时抚摸女性乳房及臀、腿的性敏感区,(尽量不要去想阴茎是否已勃起),以上刺 激会引起性神经的兴奋,阴茎会逐步勃起完成性交,只要成功一次以后再要性交时心理负担减轻了,阴茎就会自然 勃起。

26-08-2005, 04:30 AM
I believe it's a very interesting article but can someone translate it to english for chinese illiterate like me? :p

26-08-2005, 06:08 AM
Its not that I do not want to but... my translation skills not so good.

3 articles or 4 so far...
1) How to drive a gal nuts in 5 mins? by a professor...

2) How to make it unforgettable...

3) How to make your penis more hard n powerful for sex...

4) Just pic (not yet explain) but it is errogeneous spots...

5) Last article... em... cant rem oh yes, what to do when yang energy weak... this affects erection being achieved.

I am just gathering materials... I know 1st 2 look okay... bring in other 2 and asking comments on them.

No promises on translation ah... Now, looking at article with some pressure points... try to sort where lah, only words no location... so that might take a while. Post only if really think its useful.

26-08-2005, 06:51 AM
Sorry...15 mins... not 5.

First part of 1 goes something like this:

"Holding her hand gently... bring gentle dry kisses onto the back of her hand (The hand is supposed to have many nerve endings and thus sensitive)
Then turn hand around and continue this with her heart of palm face up.
Approach the most tender side of palm and gently massage her hand??? ( this part stucK) until you feel her pulse jump... this first part supposed to take approx 1 minute or so..."

That took me 30 mins++ to translate... phew...gotta see if any bro here willing to help you.

Part 2 - her lips... again dry kisses...lower lips then upper lips then eyes, face and ears... keep your eyes open during this time. look at her and remember dry kisses.

During this time keep hand busy with her arm, shoulders. Time taken: 3 mins

Part 3 - Its time to kiss her... but not invade. So only 1/3 tongue in her mouth. Play with her tongue... hide and seek etc. teasing ter gums, side of teeth etc... this is supposedly good Time: 2 mins

Thats all for now... I need my sleep too...

26-08-2005, 11:06 AM
Continue - kiss her whole bod...
1- avoid nipple, focus esp in back of ear, inner leg, front of chest and ???
No sequence, follow passion and what ur lady likes... mood.
2 strength medium... breathing as you kiss but creting some pressure/sensation wif tongue.
3 - After kissing, gently blow.

Hey, hands also working
1 - Massage her palm?
2 - If nipple harden, place it btw two fingers and directly tease with thumb
If she gets excited, increased pressure.
Time: 2-3 min

Heading South
1- Instead of directly going to her secret garden... use some time to admire... and tease both sides of her outer lips
2 - Gently tap clitoris but dont keep there unless she wants it...
Time 3 min

Once nipple hard and clit engorge, penetrate her and make love to her.

Okay, that's all for 1st part

26-08-2005, 11:16 AM
Point to note - men can have sex but don't always ejac...
According to TCM, not too good on journey later if men oversexed...
Any comments?

New Article - 女性阴痿是怎么回事

阴痿是中医学名词,它是女性较常见的疾病。此病并不是性欲减退或无性欲要求,而是有性欲要求,但当性冲动或 与男性接触时,阴道内分泌物即大量排出,与男性的阳痿、早泄及“见色遗精”相似,性交时即出现阴痿症状,性 欲也随着阴道分泌物的大量排泄而很快消失。
  因此,在性生活时便会感到难受或者全身发抖,严重时则昏厥而失去知觉,甚至几天内不能起床。有些阴痿却 不出现排泄物,虽有性要求但无性冲动,因阴道内缺乏分泌物而干涩,以至性交时毫无快感,甚至疼痛,时间长了 ,会造成性冷淡。有些夫妻感情和睦,女方为了满足男方的性要求,而勉强做爱,但阴道疼痛,感到难以忍受。上 述这些情况均属阴痿。
  至于阴痿的治疗,可用中医疗法,属于肾阴虚者可用左归丸加减,属于肾阳虚者可用右归丸加减,属于痰湿者 ,用健脾化痰,温阳利温法,属于心肾不交者宜健脾肾。 :eek:

26-08-2005, 01:51 PM
For those who want to know:
Women describe their orgasms here...

And their best experiences with orgasms

You can Tell - She Fakes

Its not Length of Penis

26-08-2005, 03:40 PM
regret didn't study chinese harder when i was young... now gotta beg for translation from brudders.

thanks to all who have traslated. cheers!

26-08-2005, 06:01 PM
Second article deals with how to make moments unforgettable ...

Stories of doing "it" as follows:(in brief)

1) In house where brother sleeping nearby... girl friend can't tahan already. (ie risk can increase the thrill for some)

2) Chap was a photographer...Romantic setting... wine, music and the works

3) She suddenly felt vulnerable ... not done it after divorced a while... then y swept off feet gracefully. (Feeling)

4) Powerful Bod and Sex technique and;

5) the right mood and social setting... beer, music at MTV concert...

26-08-2005, 06:04 PM
Hmmm, my latest addition to my thread: Something to Share coming in today

I may also be posting new article if I can find it first... tied down with something... but not for long.

26-08-2005, 07:53 PM
Not sure how to translate 3rd... but sure many'll be interested... see if anyone can assist... I am short handed here...

Found this off a bulletin board
与往一样做爱,当感觉到要射精时。放慢速度,适当保持一定的刺激。控制射精,让精液射出一至两滴。最多是两 滴。此时,龟头的敏感度会大为降低。但阴茎依然会保持坚硬。
成功控制射出一至两滴精液后。因龟头敏感度大为下降。要在以后的时间保持阴茎依然坚硬。必须加快做爱的速度 。增大对龟头的刺激,才能保持阴茎依然坚硬。此时到最后射精。最少也要三十分钟。

Tried translating but too chim...

26-08-2005, 08:01 PM
haha seems like we now into kungfu manual...maybe monster should publish monster Tian Long Ba Bu...the Eight steps to turning a gal on... :p

Roy Li FeiHui
26-08-2005, 08:27 PM
so this manual got 18 chapters is it? :D
thanks for sharing.

got 一阳子 (fingering) ? :p

26-08-2005, 08:45 PM
Heheh, nice one... actually keeping these pics for later...
But since you asked - Yi Yang Zi or Er Zhi Chan...

Pic 1 - Yi Yang Zhi


I don't uaually apply direct unless my woman ready or can take it then tap or give naughty little pinch like manouvre a little north of her hot button... usually made mine jolt since the wave washed over her... but I am single now... :p

After that I finger her until she cums....hahhahahah

26-08-2005, 08:47 PM

Er Zhi Chan...no direct contact with clit... good if her slit too sensitive to touch... indirect teasing does wonders for the very sensitive clit.

Was trying to compile... Xiang Long is because we all guys mah... but truly had 18 topics back then

26-08-2005, 09:11 PM
Sometimes the tongue goes teasing before the finger... but it depends
Oh, by the way, how many fingers do you use...

One - rarely, usual starter but can use two finger support when doing special stuff. ;)

Two - most common... usually pointer and middle, using others for support... thumb can also learn to make friends with not so sensitive clit.

Three - See woman's reaction... this tests her reaction to thickness. Some women like this

Five?? - Hmmm interesting

Rarely, a fist. Don't recommend... Actually, vagina flexible for an entire baby so there are even extreme practices like fisting. But make sure you read up on subjects and take all precautions first... quite extreme and not suited for all.

Exploration and Excarvation

When fingers inside, look for gspot... I sometimes move from 1 to 3 fingers slowly... esp if too tight. 2 reasons... one she is contracting against fingers...
Then spread her walls and use middle finger to taunt her to ecstasy by finding the right spot... some women ultra sensitive down under and may resist

Another method is two fingers... since some women smaller or too sensitive.
Call it scissors. Can use longside but I usually use it to work against her contracting vagina with a rhythm of my own... find a rhythm that she likes... and remember her rhythm may change over time.

If new, or unsure how she likes it, experiment...
Moving round, stronger or lighter...
Mixed with mouth??
Mouthing which way? (Hint)
An orgasm for her - your bonus.

Before fingering there, always use some petting, foreplay... Have you tried following techniques? (to be shared)

Anyone has anything to share?

26-08-2005, 09:30 PM
My experience:

Yang is Fire... Strong, Intense and Fast
Yin is Water... Slow, Gradual and Yielding

A woman sometimes waits long for the same thing we do. Sometimes months.
The flowers, the moments shared all add onto her passion.
The moment you held her hand may be something she long waited for...
Ultimately, sex selection and mating usually ends in the hand of the lady.

She usually has implcit method in shopping... ie look from top to bottom of supermarket... and changes mind until point of purchase... so what about relationship? Still, some women differ.

26-08-2005, 10:15 PM
What if one day you were having regular routine of missionary


26-08-2005, 10:17 PM
Then you decide to gently alter...

26-08-2005, 10:18 PM
To this,


26-08-2005, 10:38 PM
Last Step:
Then, for a little more, straighten her legs up.
Hold up both her legs up 90 degrees (with each hand )bending from hips (max tightness) and continue to enjoy penetration.

Note: More people can do since mainly missionary then alteration as to pleasure both... You control time ratio. The 3rd step already deep penetration but sometimes changing to new position good esp if your partner finds it more intense. Last tighten her as you continue... still better to watch ur partner reaction... If almost there then better maintain unless she wants to.

Why I like it - simple. start from plain missionary then gradually increasing depth of penetration and tightness of her sex on your didi.

She is not acrobatic or can't stretch that well... so didn't like 3... but can still do 4... Otherwise can alternate to holding 1 leg and intense thrust or switch other loved styles.

Any Bros tried this combo?
Your comments pls

26-08-2005, 10:51 PM
Didn't say my position suited for all... not all like it deep. But some like depth as max friction and pleasure.

Here's a site for for better sex with women:

This one sometimes happens (in Chinese)


  女性性冷淡是指育龄夫妇婚后居住在一起,女方3个月以上无主动的性要求,或者对其配偶的性爱行为反应迟 钝、淡漠。为解除性冷淡妇女患者痛苦,现介绍一套按摩疗法如下:

  一、性敏感部位按摩:性敏感部位是指能够激起性欲与性兴奋的体表带或穴位。它包括性敏感带和敏感点。女 子的性欲敏感带如耳朵、颈部、大腿内侧、腋下、乳房、乳头等部位最敏感,其敏感点有“会阴”、“会阳”等穴 。按摩性敏感带时,男方宜缓慢轻揉,使之有一种舒坦的感觉;按摩敏感点时,可用指头掌面按压,以柔济刚,达 到激发起女方性欲的效果。总之以女方体验到一种快乐、舒适感为原则。每天按摩1次即可。

  二、腰部按摩:取直立位,两足分开与肩同宽,双手拇指紧按同侧肾俞穴,小幅度快速旋转腰部,并向左右弯 腰,同时双手掌从上向下往返摩擦,约2~3分钟,以深部自感微热为度,每天2~3次。

  三、神阙按摩:仰卧位,两腿分开与肩同宽,双手掌按在神阙穴上,左右各旋转200次,以深部自感微热为 度,每天2~3次。

  四、导引体操:两腿伸直坐好,自然放开,两手放在身后着地支撑身体,向外开足尖,同时于吸气时反弯上体 ,即躯干、头部后仰;接着足尖扭入内侧,同时于呼气中向前弯曲,但双手不能离地。这样前屈、后 仰3~4次。


27-08-2005, 03:26 PM
Good diet, rest, exercise total up = good sex
Easier said than done in Singapore... Some countries... work only 7-9 hours... got leisure and weather cold, less stress etc... like Norway. Result: high sperm count etc.

Some Facts:

The idea on Penis Size - Look out Survey Results
Another survey

All guys, different erection results

This incomplete article (no need click)
Female response indicate width may be more important than length for satisfaction...

Got some positions haven't tried here


August 27, 2005
Is My Vagina the Right Size?
According to a study just out in a British obstetrics journal, “women vary widely in genital dimensions.” In other words, variety is normal.

Vaginas tend to mirror body type. Bigger, taller women tend to have somewhat larger vaginas. Of course, age and child-bearing affect dimensions. The older you get, the more kids you have, the bigger you become. (But remember, Kegel exercises can do a lot to help return vaginal muscles back into pre-kid shape.)

In a 1996 study of 56 women, doctors found the length of the vagina varied between 2.7 inches to 5.8 inches. Width varied from 1.9 inches to 2.5 inches.

So if not too long, no worries... being a 12 incher can be lonely. Although I am not... Some gals can't take that length.

On how long one can last...

Kinsey noted that the length of time over which the erection can be maintained under “continuous erotic arousal” drops from an average of nearly an hour in the late teens and early twenties to seven minutes in men in their late sixties.

Don't say age cannot ah...
The oldest potent male in the Kinsey survey was an 88-year-old black man, who continued to enjoy regular sexual intercourse with his ninety-year-old wife!

How long does she wait
According to a new survey by the Adam & Eve sex toy company, 42 percent of guys are willing to get nasty less than a month after the first meeting compared to 18 percent of women.

In fact, 20 percent of women are willing to wait six months to have sex and 17 percent say they’ll keep their legs locked for more than a year. Men aren’t as patient. Only seven percent will willingly wait six months for sex and only eight percent will stick around for a year for the chance to use their stick.

08-09-2005, 09:52 PM
I'm posting a new article I found (in Chinese)
Donno contents since not read... so don't rush into it...
If it makes sense maybe it'll help - I only know its on thrust power


很多男人都希望自己的阴茎在阴道里能待的时间更长一些。可是怎样才能做到这一步呢?      男人和女人毕竟不同。大部分久经房事的女人都会有不易兴奋的特点,男友如何卖力就是兴奋不起来;而男人 不同,只要性功能正常,兴奋起来是很容易的事情。      所以对久经房事的男女性爱的要求是女人兴奋期尽量提前,而男人的兴奋期尽量延后(指勃起到射精之间的时 间)。可是如何才能做到这一点呢?      对女人来说,降低做爱的频度是适宜的。这既有利于身体健康,也会提高她对做爱的兴趣。有条件的话,也可 以换换男友,男人和男人毕竟不同。      对男人来说,可以适当提高做爱的频度,但以体力为尺度,不要过度。这实际是一种锻炼方法,久经沙场,自 然游刃有余。当然,也可以换换女友。和三十多岁,风韵犹存,并且生育过的女士做爱是一个很好的选择。她们的 阴道一般比较宽松,她们又极擅做爱之道,对提高你的做爱技巧和增强你的做爱信心很有帮助。找处女做爱未必是 一个好选择,特别当你是个新手时。搞不好双方都会疼痛,且会索然无味。当然,如果你是这方面的行家时,和处 女做爱的确是种享受,特别是她娇羞却又欲罢不能的表情,的确妙极了。      如果没有条件,那你只好自己锻炼了。女士手淫一下倒没有什么大的害处。男孩儿最好不要手淫。这方面的讨 论够多了,我的理由只有一个:会导致你以后做爱时早泄。想想看,为了将来性功能更强大一些,还是别手淫了吧 !      有别的方法吗?有的!那就是经常用凉水、温水交替反复洗你的阴茎。温水以四五十度为宜。另外就是经常按 摩它。有点象手淫,手淫的目的是为了射精,按摩的目的是抑制射精。你可以列个表记录你每次坚持的时间。这个 方法还可以克服你手淫的毛病。

08-09-2005, 10:00 PM
There is also a site on positions on one click
But I guess we've seen it many times already