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20-09-2013, 07:40 AM
An honorable member of the Coffee Shop Has Just Posted the Following:

Benjamin Fulford - September 17, 2013: P2 Freemasons want Pope Francis to be new M1, the controller of money
The battle over the control of the right to print and distribute dollars, Euros and many other currencies is down to a few factions, according to multiple sources involved in the fight. In Italy, Pope Francis and his faction have won a major power struggle and as a result, the P2 Freemason lodge is now calling for the Pope to be named as M1, the person who decides how money is created and distributed, a senior P2 Freemason source says. However, there is also a strong faction in the US military and agencies who want to completely expunge the entire cabalistic structure.

Meanwhile, a source close to Queen Elizabeth says the committee of 300 that features so strongly in conspiracy literature has been disbanded and that the cabal control of finance is now run by 13 individuals.

The members include Queen Elizabeth, the Dalai Lama, the Sultan of Brunei, Baron Fritz Thysen, Jesuit Secretary General Adolfo Nicholas, David Rockefeller, George Bush Sr., and other still unidentified individuals, including some Chinese members. It is likely the King of Belgium and Queen Beatrix of the Netherlands recently resigned from this group.

The Dalai Lama has also been buying lots of real estate in Portugal recently, a possible indication this high-level-demon-pretending-to-be-a-holy-man expects he will soon no longer be welcome in Asia, MI5 sources speculate.

The Rothschild family operates one layer below the money creation committee and take a 2% cut of all dollars, Euros and many other currencies before the money is distributed via big banks like Goldman Sachs and Bank of America, the sources say. The Rothschilds are also behind the bombing and attacks on countries like Syria that do not accept their debt slavery, the committee sources say.

The battle to replace this committee with something new is now down to a few factions including the Pentagon, the Vatican, the BRICS coalition, the former “global warming” faction of the cabal and, still controlling their sock-puppet Obama, the “war on terror faction.” These groups claim “spiritual” or fiat (out of nothing) control over the process of creating money. There are also several groups claiming ownership of the world’s historical assets including the One People’s Public Trust (OPPT) group, the Neil Keenan Group and a coalition of Asian royal families.

The Pentagon and the US agencies seem to be winning for now. It has now been widely reported in cabal controlled media outlets that the NSA is monitoring the SWIFT, Visa and other international financial payment systems. What the cabal controlled media failed to report was that the NSA and their allies are also blocking cabal financial transactions. For example, one of the reasons the recent attempt to start World War 3 in Syria failed was because the trillions of dollars that were supposed to finance this campaign were frozen by Pentagon and agency white hats. That is the real reason why the NSA is being attacked so much in the Zionist press.

Nonetheless, the money remains frozen and yet we still have murderers like Barack Obama and John Kerry appearing on TV sets around the world telling lies, so clearly something is still not right. “Why aren’t they in jail?” so many aware people are asking. We are asking the same thing and the answer we got from several Pentagon contacts was that mass arrests were in the works. As we said many times before, believe it when you see it. As long as that cretin Obama is parading on TV as if he represented a legitimate government, it is not over.

On the more positive side, representatives of the above mentioned committee of 13, specifically the Queen and the Pope, have been negotiating with the White Dragon Society in the hope of both keeping some power and avoiding mass arrests of cabalists.

The P2, through senior boss Marco Di Mauro, started by offering $250 billion to “help clean up Fukushima.” This offer was an insult because first of all, Italy is bankrupt and is in no position to offer money. Secondly it is an insult because agents affiliated with the fascist P2 were responsible for that man-made disaster in the first place. When the P2 answered that this is what the Japanese government had asked for, the WDS pointed out the Japanese slave regime was not in a position to bargain either.

We know that the current Abe government was put in power by rigged vote counting machines produced by the company Musashi and that Musashi is a cabal front. It is owned by Fortress Asset Management, run by former Goldman Sachs employee and Council on Foreign Relations member Peter Briger. The CFR is headed by David Rockefeller. Briger got an 11,555% pay rise last year.

http://www.passfail.com/fig/executiv...r.htm#MD_About (http://www.passfail.com/fig/executive/peter-l-briger/peter-l-briger.htm#MD_About)

In any case, when informed the WDS had the names and addresses of 500 self-described “scum,” in Italy, the P2 suddenly changed its tune and offered to work through Pope Francis instead. Pope Francis appears to be a genuine Christian and could a good person to oversee the process of truth and reconciliation that will be needed to end cabal rule. He also supports the WDS plan for a massive campaign to end poverty and stop environmental destruction.

The British Royal Family is also in support of such a campaign and a truth and reconciliation process.
The problem now appears to be the criminally insane murderers in Washington D.C., the Rockefeller and Bush factions of the cabal, the French branch of the Rothschild family and various other riff raff affiliated with them. They have set up a series of laboratories in central Asia for the purpose of spreading bio-weapons in the hope that their plan to kill 90% of the world’s population can still be carried out. They also still think that they have a holy mission to start a war between Islam and Christianity to pave the way for their one world religion and fascist world dictatorship. Satan has surrendered so it is never going to happen.

A meeting between WDS representatives and Asian secret society representatives last week revealed that they, though known for their patient tolerance, were growing impatient. For that reason, the cabal was reminded that the Asian secret society has the capability of carrying out 200 simultaneous assassinations and has a list.

Direct contact has been made through several routes including your man in Japan Mr. E, the British Royal Family, the P2 Lodge and an Asian secret society.

Time is running out Mr. Rockefeller and fellow cabalists. You can start by cashing Federal Reserve Board box 1558 and making the money available for fighting poverty and stopping environmental destruction. This box contains a Dillinger gun and poison gas as well as close to $1 trillion. You owe that money so you choose: the Dillinger or the cash.

Fulford: Fear and Hate Palpable as Final Cabal Take-Down Continues
Posted by Deus Nexus on September 9, 2013

Reposted from: Benjamin Fulford.

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Nuclear blackmail, threats of more sabotage against Fukushima, attacks on bloggers and the ongoing attempt to start war with Syria are all part of the death throes of the Sabbatean mafia cabal. On the Syrian issue, Pentagon sources say they are giving the Washington politicians enough rope to hang themselves with since it is helping prepare public opinion for mass cabal arrests.

As always though, the cabalists do not plan to vanish quietly into the night and are still hoping to use nuclear terror to star World War 3. In Asia, for example, cabal stooge UN Secretary Ban Ki Moon, together with envoys from cabal puppet Barack Obama, have been busy trying to convince North Korea to stage some sort of provocation but, the North Koreans are having no part of it, according to Chinese government sources.

Ban Ki Moon is the person who tried to bribe the dragon family with $100 million during the 2009 Chiasso incident in order to prevent them from cashing $134.5 billion worth of gold backed bonds they owned. Moon and fellow cabalists also put out lies that the bonds were fake and have been doing everything in their power since that time to keep their control of the money creation process out of the hands of the legitimate owners of historical global assets. Now that the dragons are making a new move,

Moon is freaking out and is up to no good, the Chinese sources say. Due to the sensitive nature of this topic, there is a lot we cannot report other than to say a Dragon family delegation arrived in China with week for a 10-day visit concerning these bonds. There is also confirmation that the Pentagon and the Chinese military support the Dragon family on this issue. We can also say the talks are very concrete, involve the Bank for International Settlements, the Federal Reserve Board and the Committee of 300 and that no major obstacles appear to exist to the cashing of trillions of dollars’ worth of bonds for the purpose of financing a massive anti-poverty campaign. The moderate faction of the cabalists is now on-board.

Those die hard religious fanatics who still think they can provoke China and the US to fight each other in order to fulfill biblical prophecies of Armageddon should take note of friendly US/Chinese joint military exercises taking place in Hawaii this week.

http://www.scmp.com/news/china/artic...i-exercises-us (http://www.scmp.com/news/china/article/1305464/chinese-naval-vessels-rare-visit-hawaii-exercises-us)

The attempt to start a war in Syria has also become the modern day example of the story of the boy who cried wolf. This time nobody is being fooled. Even the corporate media propaganda machine is falling apart on this issue. Enough has been written and exposed by others on this issue so, suffice it to say our pentagon sources make it clear the US military has no intention of being fooled into yet another war in the Middle East. That is why Israeli submarines are not going to be allowed to shoot missiles in order to provoke war.

The question on every aware person’s lips, of course, is “when are all these criminals going to be rounded up and put in jail?” One pentagon sources says that an initial list of 12,000 people to be arrested has been increased to close to 30,000 and that the arrests will be announced soon. However, believe it when you see it.

Other sources say the cabalists have resorted to massive nuclear blackmail and that is why the pentagon has decided to simply deprive the cabalists of any real power and let them wither away without giving them any excuse to start nuclear terror.


What they are really talking about is the control of the financial system going out of their control.
The cabalists are also trying to reassert control over public opinion by silencing or pressuring influential bloggers. As many readers know for example, Jeff Rense told me a few years ago he was under enormous pressure to stop carrying my stories and since then he began putting out vast amounts of scare-mongering disinformation about Fukushima.

More recently, we hear from an associate of Tom Henegan that “he is under a gag order,” and that the last time that person talked to him Henegan seemed “scared and paranoid.” We have tried to contact Henegan directly to confirm this but have been unable to get a response. His reports appear to have changed in content and character since his original home page went down and may no longer be written by him.

In yet another case, Jane Burgermeister, the science journalist who has been reporting on cabal attempts to spread bioweapons, has been reported missing by a colleague. We received an e-mail from somebody purporting to be her but the content seemed different from her previous e-mails. Her net persona may also have been taken over by cabal agents.

Then there is the ongoing police investigation against the lawyer Michael Shrimpton in England. British police contacted this writer about him last week. They are trying to convict him of putting out false threats of nuclear terror planned against the 2012 London Olympics. Shrimpton was a major source for the murdered Christopher Story (aka Edward Harle) and has been consistently fighting against what he calls Nazi DVD influence in England. The police investigating him report to Sarah Thornton, the woman who was promoted after UK bioweapons expert David Kelly was killed in her district.

If the British police are serious about investigating nuclear terror threats, we strongly recommend they take in for questioning Daryl Goodrich, of New Moon Television, the producers of this Olympic promotion video:


which we were told by an MI6 agent contains a nuclear threat against Japan at exactly 2.55 minutes into the video. We hope the police investigators are serious about finding the perpetrators of nuclear terror attacks and are not just trying to silence Mr. Shrimpton. If they are serious, we can give them a lot more names.

This writer has also experienced more than the usual amount of harassment recently and we have been warned by Asian secret society members of renewed attempts by cabal agents to have me killed.

Needless to say, it is far too late for the cabal to be able to prevent the mass awakening of humanity simply by killing or compromising a few bloggers.
Ben Fulford Update - September 2, 2013
[Source] The attempt to start a war in Syria, the sudden spike in radiation at Fukushima, threats by Saudi Arabia to wage terror on the coming Russian Olympic Games and other unusual world events are part of a long ago planned bigger plot to start a fascist world government.

Fortunately for us all, the plot is unraveling and the Sabbatean Nazis behind it are now very, very scared. That is why US corporate government slave Barak Obama is now the laughing stock of the world for his attempt to get the US military to support Al Qaeda based on obvious lies.

The regional headquarters for the ongoing Syria operation is a terrorist training school in Turkey run by a Nazi CIA front called the Jamestown Foundation, according to MI5 sources. A key player in this plot is Nazi Skull and Bones Nazi so-called Secretary of State and suspected wife murderer John Kerry (Kerry married the heir to the Heinz family fortune who then died in a plane crash, leaving the fortune to lucky Kerry), the sources say.

Just when the arrests of these mass murdering criminals will begin is not known but their next moves are becoming increasingly easy to predict and thus easy to prevent. The next events the Nazi will try to orchestrate will likely include major oil crisis triggered by a closure of the Suez Canal, a financial crisis caused by an implosion in the derivatives market and nuclear terrorism, according to various agency sources.

Stepping back to look at the big picture for a minute by piecing together testimony from a variety of insiders over the years, the plot to create a Sabbatean Nazi world government has become transparent.

We know for example, from the testimony of pilots and others, that George Bush Sr. and John Kerry were aboard a special flight to Paris, France to meet with Iranian representatives in order to ask them to take over the US embassy in Iran, and keep the staff hostage until after the US Presidential election of 1980 as part of a plot to ensure that US President Jimmy Carter was not re-elected in 1980.

Once he became Ronald Reagan’s Vice-President, we also know from former Soviet top brass and others that George Bush Sr. told Mikhail Gorbachev that if he agreed to allow the USSR to fail the EU would become the new USSR.

We then saw George Bush Jr. and the fascists carry out the 911 attacks to impose a Nazi constitution known as the Patriot Act on the US and begin a massive invasion of the Middle-East.

The plot involved creating a Weimar Republic type of economic crisis in the US and Europe in order to create the conditions needed for further Nazification of Europe.

Part of this plot involves creating a massive oil crisis in the Middle East. To prepare the ground, the invasion of Iraq and the so-called Arab Spring were all part of an effort to impose Nazi-allied Muslim Brotherhood governments in the region.

The Muslim Brotherhood was then supposed to revive a pan-Muslim Caliphate and provoke a Christian/Muslim holy war to fulfill biblical prophecies of Armageddon, according to fascist P2 Lodge whistleblowers. The end result of course was supposed to be a fascist world government run by the estimated 1 million members of the Sabbatean Nazi Cult. Barak Obama was supposed to put a brown face on this world government in order to make it acceptable to non-Europeans.

Now let us look at how this plot is both unfolding and unraveling at the present time. The fall of the Mulsim Brotherhood government in Egypt has been a key element in the unraveling because it makes closing the Suez Canal, and thus causing a major oil crisis, much harder to carry out. At the same time, members of the P2 fascist Lodge and their Nazi operations center in Turkey were supposed to have removed the government of Syria by now but have failed.

The attempt to blame the Syrian government for a sarin gas attack on its own citizens, in order to provoke a Western invasion of Syria, has seriously exposed and crippled the Nazi movement.

UK puppet Prime Minister David Cameron had the dubious honour of being the first British Prime Minister to be voted down by Parliament since 1782. Cameron is now expected to be out of office by December and the British political system will then be freed from cabal control, according to MI5 sources. The British parliament is also expected to go from a two party system to a much harder to control four party system, the sources predict.

The Syrian crisis has revealed the Nazis now only control Turkey, Israel, Saudi Arabia and a pseudo-government in Washington that does not control its own armed forces. Barak Obama will be a laughing stock if he is shameless enough to still consider going to the G20 summit meeting this week in Russia.

The key Nazi ally Saudi Arabia is also in serious trouble now. When Saudi Arabian intelligence chief and Bush bum buddy Prince Bandar bin Sultan threatened Russia with a terrorist attack on its upcoming Sochi Winter Olympics he made a fatal error. By convention, even if some governments sponsor terrorism, there is supposed to be plausible deniability. By directly linking the Saudi Government to terrorist threats, he allowed Russia the opportunity, under international law, to legitimately attack Saudi Arabia.

Given this situation, the Jews definitely need to remove that Nazi scumbag traitor Benjamin Netanyahu and free Israel before events spin further out of control.

Netanyahu has been recorded threatening to blow up all of Japan’s nuclear reactors in a phone call to then Prime Minister Naoto Kan in the immediate aftermath of the March 11, 2011 nuclear and tsunami terror attack against Japan. The motivation was to force Japan to sign away ownership of its US Treasury holdings to the Nazis (which Kan duly did), according to Japanese military intelligence. The use of nuclear terror to shut down Japan’s nuclear reactors was also aimed at forcing Japan to import more oil from the Middle East as a part of the Nazi planned oil crisis.

The recent spike in radioactivity being reported in Fukushima is being caused by the dumping of nuclear industrial waste (mostly medical), according to Japanese gangsters sub-contracting to the Nazi Mossad faction. The aim is to blackmail the Japanese government in order to prevent it from restarting its nuclear reactors. Message to Netanyahu: they are coming after you and there is nowhere in this universe where you will be able to hide.

In any case, it is not over until it is over but even if you read the fascist controlled corporate media, it is increasingly obvious the Sabbatean Nazi’s days are numbered.

Click here to view the whole thread at www.sammyboy.com (http://www.sammyboy.com/showthread.php?163772-Benjamin-Fulford-Weekly-geo-political-news-and-analysis&goto=newpost).