View Full Version : Doctor's butt insertion

Ah Yat
21-04-2005, 02:37 PM

wonder how many of you got medication shoved up the butt when you were young? When I was young, I used to have constipations and my parents would bring me to the famliy doctor.

I would fear the doctor saying "remove the pants and lie on the bed". The doctor would wear a glove and shove a piece of medication into my butt hole. Some how, in those days, doctors do not use KY Jelly when doing so. You can imagine the great pain in my butt. The pain would last for about half an hour. Come to think of it now, it seems quite a erotic feeling.

Recently, I got diarrohoe and visited a female doctor. She wanted to see the colour of my stool. Wow, I know that something is going to be shoved up my butt again, something that I have not experinced for the past 20 yrs. So I gladly removed my pants and let her finger do the shoving. This time, she used KY Jelly, so not painful.

Anyone got similar experince to share ?

21-04-2005, 02:50 PM
Eerr... What has that got to do with this section? Unless you are going to tell us that you kena butt fucked by the woman doctor with a dildo?... :D

If yes, I would love to hear the story from you... If not, I think you have posted in the wrong section...

21-04-2005, 03:37 PM

21-04-2005, 05:18 PM
why do u sound like duckee....

21-04-2005, 05:21 PM
duckee part 2..... hmmm maybe next time shove up scapel? :D

Ah Yat
21-04-2005, 06:15 PM
No lar. I perfectly straight. hee hee.

duckee part 2..... hmmm maybe next time shove up scapel? :D

21-04-2005, 06:52 PM
Aaaaaaaa............what the morale of your story.........u wan to know who got the same case as u or u love sure butt insertion by doctor.........lol...........No topic to talk abt your story leh.....just like duckeeeeeeeeeeeee.....

21-04-2005, 07:47 PM
Hiazzz.....I think he is re-collecting his experience with the doc.
Either the doc is pritty or the poke is yucky :D

22-04-2005, 09:39 AM
Hiazzz.....I think he is re-collecting his experience with the doc.
Either the doc is pritty or the poke is yucky

No! He's asking for the remedy to remove his backside smell! :p :D