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09-11-2007, 01:13 AM
Hmm..... Of cos you enjoyed the hangout...You had your tongue running over a certain Ms A... ahahahahaha...:p

Bro, must be specific lah.... got function also never jio... Been long time never join u guys liao

09-11-2007, 05:59 AM
Bro SGPshanghai69,

How are you? It seems that you all in Shanghai are having a good time. Of course, under your guidance, life is more enjoyable in Shanghai.

I was alone in Nanjing. Wednesday nite was with two friends from Beijing, and we went to a joint, which turned out to be a "Hei Dian". I have reported this in the Nanjing Thread to warn fellow brothers.

Hope to see you soon in Shanghai.



09-11-2007, 12:48 PM
Bro Hyundai,
As per Bro Kelvin25 said here, it's all a risk in China to patronise these BBS so it's not safe but rather a matter of one's self discretions....
Furthermore, the hygeien aspects of such BBS are also a great concern that one self should be awared of and take necessary precautions to it....
Have fun & stay safe.............;)

hi bro shanghai 69,
true and thanks for your advise .....as u said "have fun and stay safe":)


09-11-2007, 02:32 PM
hahaha, thx for the reminder bro!

Juz a bit of dirty dancing on the floor la~ she responded, so did i, hee hee...;)

wah lau, still need reminder for something so recent meh? Song liao chit chui (shiok oredi wipe mouth), totally forgot about it? no intention for RTF? hahaha

09-11-2007, 02:43 PM
I was alone in Nanjing. Wednesday nite was with two friends from Beijing, and we went to a joint, which turned out to be a "Hei Dian". I have reported this in the Nanjing Thread to warn fellow brothers.

Hope to see you soon in Shanghai.



sorry to hear about tat. haiz, shit happens, even to old birds. As a consolation, even locals oso kena, not to mention non-locals. Juz tat old birds / locals kena lesser.


09-11-2007, 05:12 PM
no la, definitely remember la~ it started with a kiss, and then her tongue juz lapped it all up;) kekeke....shudda followed-up with her for a one to one session, lol!

wah lau eh!! din follow-up ah? sure anot? or follow-up-ped oredi, but diam diam, pretend pretend say no? quite unusual leh, unless yr OC ard...

09-11-2007, 08:12 PM
read again, I typed "30% - 45% price", not "30% - 45% discount", heh heh heh. U must be too excited, hahaha

hi bro 84gunner, sorry my fault i did not read your posting correctly..

hi SGPshanghai69, thanks for the advice i am trying to get some feel on the 2 city beijing and Shanghai then put my a proposal to my company HQ to propose to them to post me to either of the city. so far from all brothers comments look like based in south china will be best for happening and cheong... but i cannot see how the HQ will agree to based me in CP or Shenzhen....

any brother keen to organise KTV session next week please PM me i will like to join ....

09-11-2007, 09:08 PM
any bro know a place call "The club 金尊" what is the cost and style like?

09-11-2007, 09:26 PM
hi bro 84gunner, sorry my fault i did not read your posting correctly..

hi SGPshanghai69, thanks for the advice i am trying to get some feel on the 2 city beijing and Shanghai then put my a proposal to my company HQ to propose to them to post me to either of the city. so far from all brothers comments look like based in south china will be best for happening and cheong... but i cannot see how the HQ will agree to based me in CP or Shenzhen....

Bro Adamfish,
You're most welcome. Mere sharing on my personal thoughts on Shanghai city. Nothing to it.
You can email at [email protected]....

10-11-2007, 04:54 PM
hi....i will be coming to shanghai during the third week of december...any bros here want to meet for some R & R? :) i will be there for a few days...

laughing buddha
10-11-2007, 09:15 PM
Bro 84gunner & SGPshanghai69,

I'm gonna be posted soon to Shanghai for about a month on business. Just happened onto this thread and do hope to learn more from you bros.

Hope you can guide me on what are the fun night life in SH.


laughing buddha
10-11-2007, 09:17 PM
hi....i will be coming to shanghai during the third week of december...any bros here want to meet for some R & R? :) i will be there for a few days...

I'll be there after x'mas. if u are still there bro, we can meet up :D

11-11-2007, 09:07 AM
Hi to all bros in shanghai

any bros here can provide info on where to purchase aphrodisiac (pills or capsule kind) or are there sex shop (not bonking type) here in SH? esp near Luwan area where i'm staying or anywhere else......................nid to buy some erection spray(indian god oil kind) 4 my boss who has problem 'gettin it up' bt canot take viagra/cialis becos got heart problem.

any info wil b greatly appreciated:D

11-11-2007, 02:12 PM
Hope this is useful. I am looking for good quality low budget fun. I tried wenzhou massage with hanky panky for only 20rmb an hour. The girls are young around 20 years old. Think it's a good and cheap way to relax in Shanghai.

上海紅燈區超強排行 ( 2007-3-24 14:18 )


[第 20 位] 路途遙遠的“金橋”紅燈區
金橋地處浦東新區的深處,由於十年來工業、經濟的飛速發展,帶動了其他一系列行業的起步,這裏的娛樂服務業 也就伴隨著這樣的大潮迅速興起,如今已形成一定規模。前些年,金橋的買春行業正以其出色的表現被越來越多人 注視,但近年服務水準明顯下降,小姐的品質也大不如前,可能是地理位置的因素,那一地區的大大似乎沒有太多 的選擇,因為他們不可能花很多的時間和精力去到其他地方,也就造就了這裏略帶壟斷性的格局。所以“金橋”紅 燈區勉強擠進了我們的榜單,排名最末。

[第 19 位] 讓人看到希望的“吳淞地區”
吳淞地理位置偏僻,處於黃浦江的源頭,是運輸的集散地,這裏仿佛不會在人們的腦海中經常出現,但買春事業卻 在被遺忘的角落悄悄興起。這一地區主要是以FL為主,小姐素質參差不齊,偶爾也會出現能讓人眼前一亮的。只 不過目前“吳淞地區”的春地還未形成規模,有待繼續發展,只能暫時列在第19位。

[第 18 位] 最近才進入我們視線的“甘泉地區”
甘泉地區是普陀主要的居民區之一,人口眾多。這一地區的娛樂場所很久以來一直存在,但距離“紅燈區”的定義 似乎比較遙遠,直到近年,隨著此處的不斷發展,這裏的買春行業才逐步確立了在人們心目中的地位,人氣一路飆 升,為了以示鼓勵,我們把第18的位置留給它。

[第 17 位] 浦東的髮廊集散地“棲霞路,乳山路”
有人說浦東和浦西的小姐存在著本質上的區別,浦西的小姐外貌占優,而浦東則在服務上更勝一籌,顯然這種說法 是否真有道理是無從考證的,就小狼而言,對於浦東買春行業的現狀瞭解不算多,不過在這裏介紹的“棲霞,乳山 ”地區卻是浦東這一領域的典型代表,就大大們而言,這裏比金橋更具交通優勢,名列17。

[第 16 位] 名不副實的“宣化路,昭化路”
宣化路,昭化路,朱安浜路一帶我們可以把它當作一道風景來欣賞,整條街琳琅滿目,一家挨著一家,有SN,F L,也有夜總會,其中不乏名店。總體看來這裏的小姐相貌都還不錯,可是服務內容和服務品質卻落後於時代的潮 流,很長時間以來一直是以FL為主,帶BJ和ML的店只在少數,現如今這幾條路上FL也越開越多,看來一場 革命是在所難免,希望今後看到這裏是一派嶄新的面貌。先將其放於16的位置上。

[第 15 位] 價格低到極至的“南匯鎮”
照理來說“南匯鎮”並不具備進入前20名的實力,單憑其價格優勢,給我們帶來了驚喜。一年前小狼曾經光顧那 裏,小背20,大背40是不少FL的公價,估計現在應該也不會有很大的改變,只是店裏基本上充斥著大媽大嫂 級的人物,都以超出了一般熟女的概念。即便這般,如此低廉的價格也讓我們難以將它捨棄,那就先放在15位吧 。

[第 14 位] 具有特色的“大華新村”
大華新村僻臨市區和郊區,人口稠密,人員複雜,是個藏汙納苟的好地方,在這裏發展買春事業是再合適也不過了 。雖然有許多人對大華的采花場所並不認可,但它確另有一功,尤其是那家新疆MM的名店更是眾所周知,我們也 衷心地希望這樣的地方會越來越多。這樣看來把“大華”放在第14的位置上還是比較合適的。

[第 13 位] “七寶”欣欣向榮
七寶的成功得意於其商業的飛速發展,以七寶老街為核心整個七寶地區在商業的帶動下娛樂業也迅速台頭,大大小 小的娛樂場所象雨後春筍般地冒了出來。最近富強街一帶的幼女受到了大大們的廣泛好評,今天它排在第13名, 或許明天就有可能殺進前10。

[第 12 位] 江河日下的“法華鎮路”
小狼是親眼目睹了法華鎮路從昌盛到日漸蕭條的全過程。幾年前的法華鎮路可以說是長寧春地中的驕傲,雖說這裏 已FL居多,但幾乎FL小姐中最漂亮的精英全部都彙集於此,讓人看了嘭然心動。特別是名店“惠子”幾乎做到 了一覽眾山小,裏面的小姐個個具備明星潛質。而如今“惠子”離開了,“法華鎮路”的風光也已不在,只有附近 的兩家夜總會還能勉強經營。這也印證了世間的萬事萬物都會有一個蛻變的過程。要是早個兩三年,它將毫無爭議 地佔據前10,而現在只能是寥表安慰地把12的位置給了它。

[第 11 位] “成山路,上南路”浦東著名的紅燈區
提到浦東的春地,就不得不提“兩南”,相比下南路,上南路似乎更顯得中規中矩,無論是從價格,數量還是品質 幾乎都達到“國家標準”,而正是有了這麼一大片的爽地才大大方便了廣大浦東的大大,只不過目前尚缺乏新奇之 處和自身特色,不幸與前10強擦肩而過。


[第 10 位] 面臨危機的“東寶興路”紅燈區
就在去年“東寶興路”紅燈區還依然璀璨一片,可是自從進入了2006年,似乎就漸漸地陷入了危機。不少店都 歇業,也有的慘澹經營,讓人依稀感覺到在不久的將來這片熱土將不符存在。買春是一個邊緣行業,有著極大的變 數和不穩定性,作為已經具備一定規模的“東寶興路”,我們希望它只是遇到了暫時的困難,有朝一日必定能恢復 往日的生機與活力,或許是下個月,或許是明年。今天,我們的前10名當中還是少不了你。

[第 9 位] 大起大落的“北新涇”
可能不少人對於“北新涇”能進入前10頗感意外。如今的“北新涇”好象再也找不出能吸引你去的理由,可殊不 知它也曾經輝煌。早在上海FL只有FJ的年代裏,北新涇的FL就已經名聲在外了,特別那時候的全裸FJ更是 聞所未聞。可是在後來的大規模城市基礎設施建設中許多店都被拆了。不過我們很高興地看到現在的北新涇已經建 設得越來越漂亮,更讓人興奮的是這裏的買春事業也在慢慢地恢復起來。第9吧,希望明年你能再進 一步。

[第 8 位元] 不堪如目的“新客站”地區
新客站附近的買春場所基本以FL為主,其數量之多,環境之差,危險係數之高長久以來一直保持著一項項的記錄 ,難以企及。如果講得稍微誇張點的話就是這些地方幾乎整條路上的每一個門牌號都是FL,但幾乎所有的人對這 一地區都印象極差。其實也不無道理,這裏的惡劣環境,小姐頻繁地流動,黑店的猖獗一次又一次地為大大們敲響 了警鐘,小狼就很不幸在那裏遇到過一家黑店。可是話又說回來,就算再差了班裏也會出現好學生,大統路上的專 業GJ店就是這麼一個例子,除了小姐的相貌稍差,其服務品質,服務態度,安全程度都是值得信賴的,服務明星 小吳如今更是帶出了一批技藝高超的弟子。但在數量如此龐大的FL群中,這樣的店卻實在少得可憐,所以“新客 站”能排到第8已經不錯了。

[第 7 位] 瀉火的首選“下南路”
“下南路”是浦東最著名的紅燈區之一,出名的原因主要是源於其價格。這裏是瀉火的好地方,經濟實惠,但如果 你一味追求服務品質、小姐容貌,那請不要來這裏,因為“下南路”只是一個低檔次的紅燈區,有其優勢,當然也 有太多的不足。第7把交椅它勉強能坐上。

[第 6 位] 西部的明珠“虹橋”
虹橋地區的紅燈區是在特定的時間和形勢下形成的,比較特殊,很多年來一直統治著上海的這個行業。無論這裏的 規模,檔次,甚至招搖程度都是建國以來本市的歷史上絕無僅有的,這裏面夾雜著更深層次的原因,可能姿深的大 大都知道。不過近兩年來由於其他地方的春地如雨後春筍般迅速興起,好地方越來越多,“水城路”紅燈區已經不 再被人們過多地關注,以前的那種一統天下的局面也已一去不復返,今後,大家看到的將會是一個百花齊放的春天 ,而對於虹橋地區的這段歷史我們也許是該留戀,也許是該祝福。第6,有點委屈了,但你應該也看到了上海的發 展是如此之快。

[第 5 位] 當今上海的一線紅燈區“豐莊”
“豐莊”的買春事業是這幾年才發展起來的,它的地理位置得天獨厚,屬3不管地區,以建德花園為軸心向四周輻 射。如果有人讓小狼推薦幾處上海的爽地,那“豐莊”絕對是不容遺漏的。在這裏值得一提的是,那裏特色是包夜 ,許多去那裏玩的大大都會選擇包夜。現在的豐莊在我們的腦海裏似乎已經不再是一個地名的表示了,它更多的是 一種概念的象徵。排在第5,或許值得商榷,但餘地不會大。

[第 4 位] 采花重鎮“梅隴”
“梅隴”紅燈區在本市各大紅燈區中佔據極其重要的地位,如果算上連為一體的莘莊,閔行,其覆蓋範圍幾乎是整 個上海的西南角。FL,SN,娛樂場所星星點點,滿街都是,檔次也高低不一,在這裏面出了不少知名度很高的 明星級小姐。如果你是一位大大,沒去過梅隴,那建議明天趕快去。第4位,無可爭議。

[第 3 位元] 膨脹速度驚人的“航華地區”
“航華地區”以FL居多,幾乎遍佈了航華新村的每條大街小巷。小狼親眼目睹了在這4、5年裏航華FL的發展 速度,和不少以前成名的紅燈區每況愈下的現狀相反,航華買春場所的數量幾乎是以每年番一番的速度在增加,如 今早以成了氣候,我們也十分渴望在上海這樣的地方能更多。希望“航華紅燈區”在發展數量的同時的服務品質也 能更上一層樓,打造真正的精品紅燈區。前3的排名,可能今天會稍帶鼓勵的色彩,相信明天一定是 名副其實。

[第 2 位] 包羅萬象的“靜安”
“靜安”可謂是玩轉上海灘的一個縮影,這裏幾乎包羅了一切形式,所有檔次的娛樂場所,高到“天上人間”低到 街女無其不有,其中的名店不計其數。靜安的小姐漂亮,價格也高,服務有好的,也有極差的,在這裏面常常會迷 失了自己,找不准方向。但是這裏的各大娛樂場所久經考驗,受到了大大們的廣泛肯定。FL的名店差不多有一大 串。SN方面,舒怡泉的人氣之高幾乎所有玩SN的朋友都去過,而吉原會所更是到達了獨步天下的境界。再上面 還有曹家渡的頂級地段。或許窮人住在這裏並不是明智的選擇。“靜安”魅力無限,它居於一人之下 ,萬人之上。

[第 1 位] 上海娛樂業的聖地“曹家渡”紅燈區
“曹家渡”紅燈區代表了目前上海甚至中國娛樂業的最高領域。這是一個範圍很小的地方,只有“帝豪”、“天上 人間”、“金色大帝”等極少的幾家娛樂城,但卻是上海政府唯一特批的合法紅燈區,檔次為國內最高,消費巨大 ,並不適合於普通收入的老百姓。裏面的小姐大多來自中國,也有來自世界各地的。對於這幾個地方,小狼遺憾沒 能親身經歷,或許應該讓去過的大大們稍作補充,呵呵。

11-11-2007, 02:22 PM
很谢谢您跟我们分享。您的资料很广泛的。有机会到上海,可能要找您这位大哥带路咯。 Cheers! :)

11-11-2007, 05:38 PM
Yin Zi
Been in and out of shanghai for the last few weeks. No time to relax, enjoy and write FRs.

Finally back a couple days ago.
Went down to Yin Zhi after lunch today. Wanted to try the new Harbin girl but she's not in yet (her no is 15)

Picked # 90, the girl from Shenyang. Her service is good, responsive and likes to try some tricks.

The special package still availabe, RMB 550

Also took the time to wait along WuZhongLu - there's a number of hair saloon. Didn't try as already sextaisfied. May be of interests to some brothers out there.


11-11-2007, 09:03 PM
Yin Zi
Been in and out of shanghai for the last few weeks. No time to relax, enjoy and write FRs.

Finally back a couple days ago.
Went down to Yin Zhi after lunch today. Wanted to try the new Harbin girl but she's not in yet (her no is 15)

Picked # 90, the girl from Shenyang. Her service is good, responsive and likes to try some tricks.

The special package still availabe, RMB 550

Also took the time to wait along WuZhongLu - there's a number of hair saloon. Didn't try as already sextaisfied. May be of interests to some brothers out there.


yup...saw alot of hair saloon over there...but yet to find one very good ones... bro here got any cheap and good hair saloon who provide BBBJ ??

11-11-2007, 09:42 PM
.... I am looking for good quality low budget fun. I tried wenzhou massage with hanky panky for only 20rmb an hour. The girls are young around 20 years old. Think it's a good and cheap way to relax in Shanghai.

Great info. Thanks for sharing, Bro. I also like to cheong BBS cos it is cheap and good fun unlike the sauna, so expensive, the Shanghai market spoilt by the expat japs/koreans.

For newbie who have not tried the BBS (those foot massage/hair salons shops with skimply dressed or cheongsam girls sitting around doing nothing), juz walk bravely into one and ask your target girl, 搓小背多少钱?aka massage small back how much huh?

11-11-2007, 11:33 PM
Good Clean Massage
just thought I'll share my massage experience with the brothers here. I've been going to this massage place for a decent massage, this girl provides very good massage and I've always looked for her. Very experienced and is young and is easy on the eyes, though strictly no hanky panky. She has recently quit the company and is freelancing around. She does outcalls for massages, comes to your hotel or service apartment.
Her number is: 13917834270
Her rates are 80/hr for foot massage and 100/hr for body massage.

This is strictly for brothers who are interested in a good quality genuine massage with no hanky panky. She has specifically said that she is not interested in "other services". I don't gain anything from this, just to share good massage experiences with the brothers here. Took me some time to weed out the so so's massage services in Shanghai. There are tons of massage shops in Shanghai, but very few gives good professional massages, those that do, charges 200 or more per hour. She is quite professional in her massage and knows the accupuncture points very well. Rates are reasonable and competitive with the massage shops. She also speaks a bit of English, which goes to her credit. So rare to find someone in her line speaking English.

Personally, I've always seperated my massages with "other services" as I've always had lousy massages with lousy "other services". Either go for one or the other and never combine the two together, cos' you will get the worse of both. The only exception to this rule was in Thailand.

12-11-2007, 01:15 AM
Good Clean Massage
just thought I'll share my massage experience with the brothers here. I've been going to this massage place for a decent massage, this girl provides very good massage and I've always looked for her. Very experienced and is young and is easy on the eyes, though strictly no hanky panky. She has recently quit the company and is freelancing around. She does outcalls for massages, comes to your hotel or service apartment.
Her number is: 13917834270
Her rates are 80/hr for foot massage and 100/hr for body massage.

This is strictly for brothers who are interested in a good quality genuine massage with no hanky panky. She has specifically said that she is not interested in "other services". I don't gain anything from this, just to share good massage experiences with the brothers here. Took me some time to weed out the so so's massage services in Shanghai. There are tons of massage shops in Shanghai, but very few gives good professional massages, those that do, charges 200 or more per hour. She is quite professional in her massage and knows the accupuncture points very well. Rates are reasonable and competitive with the massage shops. She also speaks a bit of English, which goes to her credit. So rare to find someone in her line speaking English.

huh? 80 - 100 RMB per hr? tat's more than double the rates for walk-in 2 the massage shops! Like u said, there r tonnes of massage shops in Shanghai, I walked-in randomly to several shops, I find most of them quite ok. Or, when doing tat, at least, I see tat there's quite some customers in the shop, so chances are, it shouldn't be tat bad. Another catch is, if tat shop has several Taiwanese customers, especially if they are regular or repeat customers, then tat shop has some standard. The Taiwanese r oso rather particular about service & quality.

Now I simply walk 2 the one opposite my apartment, there are several massage shops around my apartment.

V good professional massage more than 200 RMB / hr? I been to some health clubs, 2 hr massage + some tips, they even have free supper such as Japanese Ramen & fruits, it costs 160+ or 170+ per person only.

Ok, for non-Chinese speakers, maybe this is a plus. But then again, Shanghai is an International Standard Metropolitan now, for non-Chinese speaking visitors staying-in star rated hotels, the staffs are able to converse in English. I have some European associates coming regularly, they are able to move around on their own, yet they are not able to speak any Chinese except "Ni Hao", "Xie Xie".

12-11-2007, 09:10 AM
New Recommnedation of HC to all fellow bros here;

伊豆桑拿浴 (directly next to Golden Entertainment KTV)
Very limited but above average selection of girls available. Nicely decorated rooms, with limited food selections though.
NO public spa hot/cold pools but rather all individual rooms with 'water shower bed' treatment (Jap style).
Tried Girl no. 108 (from Shandong), very fair complexion and very very 9/10 body with a 'tear-drop' shaped tits.

Overall, a fresh new try, good location for fellow bros who prefer centralised downtown locality.

Have fun! Cheers.

12-11-2007, 10:23 AM
New Recommnedation of HC to all fellow bros here;

伊豆桑拿浴 (directly next to Golden Entertainment KTV)
Very limited but above average selection of girls available. Nicely decorated rooms, with limited food selections though.
NO public spa hot/cold pools but rather all individual rooms with 'water shower bed' treatment (Jap style).
Tried Girl no. 108 (from Shandong), very fair complexion and very very 9/10 body with a 'tear-drop' shaped tits.

Overall, a fresh new try, good location for fellow bros who prefer centralised downtown locality.

Have fun! Cheers.

heh heh, was thinking of trying it out, but had some superficial "skin tear" injuries sustained during the bachelor's nite, so had to wait till the injuries are healed.

So u managed to try it b4 me! Go oso never jio? me waiting for yr call last week.

12-11-2007, 12:12 PM
[第 20 位] 路途遙遠的“金橋”紅燈區

wokow! 浦東金橋 you also have lobang...............:eek: damn f*kingly good!

12-11-2007, 12:29 PM
So u managed to try it b4 me! Go oso never jio? me waiting for yr call last week.

Yo bro 84gunner,
Go easy with the 'bonking' sessions lah! Over doing it will only caused one to sustained 'superficial' skin abrasions cases like yours....very high risk too bro! Be careful & exercise extreme precautions....

Not that I didn't 'jio' you but rather it's a impromptu case that very Monday when I left my office in a huff as I told you so over the phone....need a place & reason to release some frustrations man......:o

Sure to 'jio' u along the next time round bro.....lots of loose ends to tie up b4 end this month moving on to new job if u know what I mean bro. Sure to call u up and catch up again....

12-11-2007, 12:37 PM
Bro SGPshanghai69,

How are you?
I was alone in Nanjing. Wednesday nite was with two friends from Beijing, and we went to a joint, which turned out to be a "Hei Dian". I have reported this in the Nanjing Thread to warn fellow brothers.

Hope to see you soon in Shanghai.


Dearest big bro Abang PTR,
Greetings from chilly cold Shanghai here.
I'm well but frustrated with my present firm on certain work related issues.....sigh.....:mad:

Anyway, other than that, domestically is all well at home. Sorry to hear of your unfortunate incidents in Nanjing. Shall introduced u to Bro Sexatronic when you're here the next time as he was stationed & based in Nanjing for 2 years b4 he is based here in Shanghai now. Maybe he can render you afew sound mindful tips. Hope that didn't deter you from further 'cheonging' sessions in Nanjing...however, as you've mentioned to me and many other fellow bros here on forum, always exercise extra cautions even if one has been here for ages. As long as we're all in China, expect the unexpected....one never knows.....be it in Nanjing, Shanghai or anywhere else bro.

See ya soon here abang! Take care & stay well.......cheerios.

12-11-2007, 01:05 PM
Yo bro 84gunner,
Go easy with the 'bonking' sessions lah! Over doing it will only caused one to sustained 'superficial' skin abrasions cases like yours....very high risk too bro! Be careful & exercise extreme precautions....

haha, no lah, I'm not such a violent bonker, hahaha. The injuries were not sustained during bonking. I believe it was sustained when we were playing rather wild at the bachelor's nite party, several gals managed to pull down my underwear, I was struggling to put it back on, and so on. Best part is, I'm not the "star of the nite"!

And I only saw & knew the injuries 2 days later. Me maciam numb, dun feel any pain at all, not even when bathing. The fingernail scratch marks, especially 1 of them on my hand, is rather deep, may leave a scar there for some time. Luckily, I was recuperating & didnt bonk before I found those injuries. Oso lucky tat my little bro wasn't injured, but nearby area was oso scratched & injured. Maybe the gals were careful enuf, so tat I can still bonk if "needed"!

Not that I didn't 'jio' you but rather it's a impromptu case that very Monday when I left my office in a huff as I told you so over the phone....need a place & reason to release some frustrations man......:o

Sure to 'jio' u along the next time round bro.....lots of loose ends to tie up b4 end this month moving on to new job if u know what I mean bro. Sure to call u up and catch up again....

wah lau, wat time did u go tat HC? I remember u calling me in the late morning, when I was still in bed!

No worries, I can understand.

12-11-2007, 06:45 PM
Dear all fellow bros,
Just read from Weather Channel.com that this Saturday onwards the chill factor in Shanghai would be alot colder at 9 deg celsius ONLY!!!
Next week onwards it would be a mere 7 deg or lower thru out the week.....pls exercise cautions and keep warm....

Cheers to all bros.

12-11-2007, 06:49 PM
haha, no lah, I'm not such a violent bonker, hahaha. The injuries were not sustained during bonking.

No worries, I can understand.

Bro 84gunner,
Glad to hear that you're fine & well not from the 'bonking' sessions.....

Thanks for your utmost understanding to my incident. I tried calling awhile ago at your mobile nos but to no avail. It announced a message as "The subscriber you're calling is not in service".....

Call me when you see this posting bro...cheers.

12-11-2007, 11:48 PM
Dear all fellow bros,
Just read from Weather Channel.com that this Saturday onwards the chill factor in Shanghai would be alot colder at 9 deg celsius ONLY!!!
Next week onwards it would be a mere 7 deg or lower thru out the week.....pls exercise cautions and keep warm....

Cheers to all bros.

Thanks for the headsup bro. It'll be my first time traveling to Shanghai next Monday, and I need all the advice i can get.

Looking to have a cheonging good time as well. Possible for us to meet up?

In fact, any bro headed to Shanghai next week?

13-11-2007, 01:28 AM
Bro 84gunner,
Glad to hear that you're fine & well not from the 'bonking' sessions.....

Thanks for your utmost understanding to my incident. I tried calling awhile ago at your mobile nos but to no avail. It announced a message as "The subscriber you're calling is not in service".....

Call me when you see this posting bro...cheers.

sorry, got lotsa phone calls 2day. Kena complain by several other pple too.

Going holiday to HangZhou, Qian Dao Hu & probably several other parts of Zhejiang wif my potential in-laws & their family later.

13-11-2007, 08:49 AM
Going holiday to HangZhou, Qian Dao Hu & probably several other parts of Zhejiang wif my potential in-laws & their family later.

Yo Bro 84gunner,
Envy you having the luxury of going away for a holiday.....'potential' in-laws?
Hmmmm......have a great holiday bro! call me when you're back in town then...

13-11-2007, 08:53 AM
New Recommendation of HC to all fellow bros here;

伊豆桑拿浴 (directly next to Golden Entertainment KTV)

To all fellow bros,
Apologies on the pricing mistakes, just recalled that it's the BOLD RED but not the previous pricing as stated. Pls take note.

13-11-2007, 10:37 AM
hi everyone. it's been a long time. disappeared from SBF for almost 2 years liow! but i'm back in good ol' SH.

i got to know a part-time FL. she's from Jiangsu province, currently studying English in a local Uni.

can tell she's fresh and not very experienced. those that like uni girl-next-door will appreciate but those going for pro service, this gal might not be for you.

looks: 7.5/10
body: slim, not big boobs, A cup, maybe B. (1.65m, fair/smooth skin)
attitude: quite good, can french, not sure can BJ but definitely no BDSM, anal or any other fancy stuff.
damage: 1000 (unlimited) + room
no overnight, she prefers daytime, which means you can bonk her first, take her out for a meal or jalan-jalan, bonk her again… treat her like your gf

she's a Liang Jia Fu Nv (良家妇女), so very sorry to newbies, out of protection, i'm only giving her contact/pic to senior SB members. i’m not her OKT but i do have a small request – i want a fair exchange of another good contact from you. i will send you her photo, you can take a look first and if you like her (which i’m sure most of you will), send me one of your better girl’s photo and then we exchange the numbers.

those interested, please don't PM me, send me an email directly: [email protected]

don't forget to up me for this great lobang!

13-11-2007, 11:18 AM
sound fishy... :(

selfish also, damn selfish, if u wan, u may just share and not asking for exchange. well "selfish" may not be the right word, just wake up not long, cant think of right word, any bros would like to?

A typical sillyporean.

1st, you said lobang good, is wat you say.

2nd 1000rmb? how long? whole day? With less 1000rmb, am sure can get a chio bu accompany whole day.

3rd, 良家妇女? if 良家妇女, still will do meh? Once done, is no longer 良家妇女 liao wor.

13-11-2007, 12:15 PM
A typical sillyporean.

1st, you said lobang good, is wat you say.

2nd 1000rmb? how long? whole day? With less 1000rmb, am sure can get a chio bu accompany whole day.

3rd, 良家妇女? if 良家妇女, still will do meh? Once done, is no longer 良家妇女 liao wor.

Totally agreed with you bro!
Exchange somemore siahz.. I was thinking of sending some KTV gal pic and tell him its 1000RMB too, and can overnight, go shopping, and things like tha... Hahahaha...

Or maybe some BBS gal instead...:D

China has so many girls... why bother to exchange when you get one off the street for less?:rolleyes:

13-11-2007, 12:17 PM
Dear all fellow bros,
Just read from Weather Channel.com that this Saturday onwards the chill factor in Shanghai would be alot colder at 9 deg celsius ONLY!!!
Next week onwards it would be a mere 7 deg or lower thru out the week.....pls exercise cautions and keep warm....

Cheers to all bros.

Damn... wasted I going SG this weekend.. hehehehe...
But I will be ready when I return next week.
Anyway I havent got a bedwarmer yet... No stunning good looks like Bro Limpeh so he take all the girls away from me.... Sighz...:(

I think I will go to Sunning to buy a electric bedwarmer instead....:o

13-11-2007, 12:22 PM
9C??? or less? wth.... I going this christmas...... :(

Nope... no lobang lah, so, u got lobang to get my ass to beautiful Shanghai, i mean, beautiful shanghainess gers? :)

I going there to 谈情说爱

13-11-2007, 01:17 PM
I going there to 谈情说爱

谈情说爱 ??!! i also want !! :p
Bro Ronaldo, can intro some !! hehe :D

Have a great week ahead Shanghai Boyzz...

13-11-2007, 02:45 PM
Anyone in SHA next week?

I will be putting up at Citadines near Nanjing Rd, hoping for a chionging good time.

Do drop me an email at [email protected]


13-11-2007, 05:47 PM
Surprised to see that there were not more reports on the FL wan wan/Jolin.

Personally, I found her the best FL ever met. She does the full set of services available on any sauna's menu and does them much better than many. She has great personality, and you can easily tell she's just naturally into sex, and enjoyed it greatly, very adventurous with all kinds of kama sutra positions. And, her natural endowment is superb! Young, pretty (not a typical Chinese beauty, but has her unique appeal), great boobs, snow-white and smooth skin, thick black hair. Furthermore, she's almost an exhibitionist, very willing to strip and then dance nakedly for your viewing pleasure, doesn't mind having her pictures taken. What more do you ask from a FL?! And only for RMB600. If I had the kind of money, wouldn't hesitate to bao her for a month.:p

Just my two cents. Interested bro can find her contacts posted publicly in this thread.

13-11-2007, 11:00 PM

Citadines ? anyone could kindly advice me on this service apartment? In term of comfort and convinence.

540rmb/night. I think is a steal

Thanks a million in advance

14-11-2007, 01:02 AM
FR on 航华新村。

Quality Cheonging On a Shoe String Budget.

Dedicated to Brudders out there who lack the luxury expat package to visit KTV or expensive saunas every weekend, here's how i tried spending my weekend, maximising enjoyment for less:

This week decided to check out 航华 village ranked no3 in my previous post. Was surprised to find this vibrant little place south of Hongqiao airport. Took a train to 延安西路 station and took bus 709. After a 20 mins ride arrived at the entrance of the village. Saw many BBS along 航南路 and 航中路 and decided to drop off at 航北路 and walk back. Seems like a lot of good quality BBS at this area. There are at least 10 BBS concentrated on 航中路。

Man, I always thought that the girls in Shanghai BBS cannot make it, but this place changed my perception. All the sweet young and pretty girls can be found here. It reminded me of my trip to Shenzhen's Shazui village, whereby over 500 pretty lasses line the streets.

Went into a BBS along 航中路, there are these 2 shops near each other with the most sexy and pretty babes. They are mostly from Dongbei and Sichuan. I took this girl with long sexy legs and perky bubble butt. She's from Jilin. Over here standard damage is 150 rmb. Walked up the shop to a small cubicle (I think meant for massage?) She was wearing a dress, took off undies and ask me to start work. Then i ask her to strip but she said over here they dun strip upper body. WTF?!! first time i hear of such things. anyway i was not too bothered as i chose her because of nice legs. Pussy was warm and tight, and i finished faster than usual.

Went for dinner nearby and was contemplating whether to go to a massage place. apparently all the massage here got hanky panky, except blind man massage shop. Then i walked to the opposite street. Some shops have just opened only. When i passed by previously, curtains were drawn and still quiet. Suddenly after 8pm all come to life. 3 fish tanks had around 50 young girls crowded in it. There was this particular BBS with the youngest girls...i must say some look like below 16. The youthful vibes emanating from the shop will make anyone mari kita. I was immediately drawn to this petite sweet girl with large boobs. She looked like some japanese idol, and a little like 杨采妮。One will really wonder why such a demure and innocent looking girl will hang out in a BBS. I decided to pick her but then as I just did it, was afraid didi cannot stand. The OKT at the door re-assured me that she will do a good job for me, and give me extra time of 45mins. So i went for it.

Paid 150rmb and had to take motorbike to the nearby hotel, and cost another 5rmb. Actually very near only, like 1 lorong to another, really easy $$ for the biker. The hotel not bad, furnishing better than hotel 81. Anyway cut the story short, sex with this girl was the most enjoyable 1 i had in a long time. She did BBBJ for me (normally the BBS at my area will charge 200rmb for BBBJ) and for 2 long cycles. Asked if i want to continue. I think if she still suck i will surely blow...cos it's damn good. So i asked her to stop and ride me. Just looking at her idol kind of face got me iron hard. The grip from the pussy was so natural and good i felt there was no condom at all. Then we changed position and i finished off in missionary after what felt like forever. I asked where's she from, i think she said hubei or hunan. I dunno why, from my experience, these hubei or hunan girls always got big boobs but not very tall. I got silly and asked her if i can 包养 her for 3k a month. She said no without thinking. Afterwards i calculated they can at least make 10k a month with 3 customers a day, who will be so silly to accept anything less?

Exhausted, decided to call it a day. Took bus 776 that brought me to 中山公园 Mrt station. Along the way, passed by entire stretch of 吴中路。 Seems like there are some BBS near 金汇路 intersection. Further down near 红许路,got some themed bbs, the girls all wearing white or purple dress. Now i know why Japanese like to stay in 虹桥 area, cos all the fun places are around there. Next week i will explore 丰庄新村 and 建德花园 area, ranked no. 5 on the list. Stay tuned.

So total damage for the evening, 150+155 rmb, and plus dinner and transport, no more than 350rmb. For 2 exquiste babes that you will pay around 80 to 100 sgd in geylang lor 8. All the more i don't understand why some folks like to go KTV and pay 300rmb tips just for touching only.



14-11-2007, 01:04 AM
Damn... wasted I going SG this weekend..
Anyway I havent got a bedwarmer yet... No stunning good looks like Bro Limpeh so he take all the girls away from me....

I think I will go to Sunning to buy a electric bedwarmer instead

Bro Ronaldo,
Going back to SIN homeland again this weekend? You're rich man lah...flying to & fro almost every other month back home....
Wasted for missing the cold weather here you mean? Can't be lah bro...back in homeland with family & the warm sunshine weather....more like we're so envious over your fortunate life style in fact....Winter is a full 3 months to go from now so lots of time for you to catch up with the chill cold weather here I'm sure bro...

I believed Bro Limpei369 was merely 'helping' you out with entertaining the gals you've asked along during outing I'm sure...you had your fair share of fun too with the gals I saw that sat night too.....

Hmmm.....Su Ning Electric Mall to buy a electric blanket eh you're intending to? Maybe its just more economical to do so than to get a Human 'bed warmer' instead bro?
Cheers and have a good trip home......;)

14-11-2007, 01:05 AM
Studio size service apartments generally 4k a month only. So it's 133 rmb a day. for 500 + a night you can stay in a good 4 star hotel already.

14-11-2007, 01:15 AM

Citadines ? anyone could kindly advice me on this service apartment? In term of comfort and convenience.

Bro Niceman,
Citadines Service Apartment is owned & managed by our fellow Capitaland....
It is located on Beijing West rd, junction of Xi Zang rd. A very centrally located with Raffles City mall on Xi Zang rd a stone throw away only, and of course the famous Nanjing Rd Pedestrian Street is also within a 5 mins walk in the vicinity. A Starbucks Coffee & a 24HRS Convenient Store is located at the ground level of the Apartment bldg.
Rooms are adequately & comfortably decorated and service is above average. Hope the info said helps.

14-11-2007, 01:20 AM
...besides no OC to report to, still one-man army....
Bro Spydro,
Be sure when you made such statement here saying you're a 'One Man Army'.....need no further elaboration to my sentence here as to who I'm referring to lah....Miss "V".....??? So who is she to you for now bro? hehehe...:D ...
Or simply you're keeping your options open still maybe?...hmmmmm....:confused:

14-11-2007, 02:25 AM
Bro SGPshanghai69,

Thanks a million man, the info is great. Guess I will go ahead with the booking.


500++ can get good 4stars meh? Could you kindly highlight 1-2? Thanks again.

Pardon my noob-ness.

14-11-2007, 02:45 AM
tried this FL today:

name is : Zhang something Hong, didn't catch her middle name. Surname is Zhang.
HP: 13774348080
Province: Sichuan
Age: unknown, didn't ask, looks young enough to be about 23.
Looks: sweet with long hair
Attitude: so so. maybe didn't click with her. Other brothers might have better luck. I get the feeling that she is rushing me to complete on time. Says she has to be back at the shop in an hour's time. She spent 15 mins bathing at my place and the action went on for 25 mins.
Frenching: no
Boobs: B
Height: about 1.68
Figure: slim
BJ: 5 mins, ok I guess
Service: so, so. I have to service her. Don't expect her to give you a paint job.
Cost: rmb 300 for outcall near the Raffles City area in Puxi.

Overall, a screw and forget kind of experience. Brothers who are into sweet looking Sichuan girls might want to try her.

She operates from a shop, so strictly speaking, she's not an FL. Don't know where the shop is, but if you call her, she will come to your place.

Since she was in such a rush, I didn't really get to know her very well, ie. age and such. Operates till 6am. Good for brothers who are night owls.

14-11-2007, 08:33 AM
Studio size service apartments generally 4k a month only.

As per my personal experience, I have stayed in a local managed service apartment block which all of their respective apartments are actually sold to individuals owners which the management then take over to lease it out on their behalf. The one I stayed in is a studio apartment of an area of only 55 m.sq (approx. 550 sq.ft).
The cost of rental per month basis is RMB 4,500.00. However, no house-keeping services as well as all monthly utilities bills are to be borne by respective individually, just like any other rented apartment basis.
Location is quite centralised though, located on Kang Ding rd, junction of Yan Ping rd in Jingan area. Name of apartment block is "TONG JI JIA YUAN" 同济佳园.
Hope the info helps for some fellow bros understanding to the apartment's rental cost here.

14-11-2007, 11:42 AM
Bro Niceman,
Citadines Service Apartment is owned & managed by our fellow Capitaland....
It is located on Beijing West rd, junction of Xi Zang rd......


Can intro good cheong places nearby Citadines? Also how to get to Fantasy?

Thanks for helping out a noob!

14-11-2007, 09:43 PM
First of all, thank you all you grand masters of shanghai. Excellent field work... really helped us newbies in shanghai.

Hope this ain't a dumbass question... I noticed a lot of barber looking shops with chicks in them. I assuming these are the BBS most of you are talking about.

Here's the dumbass question. I went to pretty much 6 different ones? out of the six I had 2 places which offers a fj. And the balance 4 places only hj (no matter how much I begged! pretty lame I know... but that 1 girl was friggin cute, hot, and young). anyway, in the end only hj was offered.

fj = RMB120-150 (never bothered to bargain, since the price seems right... I pretty much said, "zuo ai?" they said, "yi bai wu shi"... done... fucking begins.

hj = RMB80-100

FINALLY here's the question... how do you know if the place offers fj or only hj? (I mean how does one know by just looking from the outside? or the only way is to pop your head in and ask without shame?)

There are some dressed casual clothes and some dressed in bridesmaid dresses... whats the diff?

Thanks again people... good stuff in here.

15-11-2007, 04:54 AM
hi sorry to bother bros...i tried to search for jolin contact number but cannot find it so, can someone pm me jolin or wan wan contact? because i will be in shanghai for a few days. thanks. :)

16-11-2007, 06:56 AM
hi bros....i found this website
it is in japanese, but has links to massage shops.
Not sure whether it is a good deal, just wanna share with u bros, please up my points...:)
i will be in shanghai from 19 dec to 22 dec, if any bros want to meet up, pls pm me. thanks

16-11-2007, 02:41 PM
Tried 999club,

The place is very new. Rooms quite nicely decorated with mirrors all around.
Includes japanese soap bath massage.

Quite a good selection of girls to choose from the tank.

Chose girl 801, petite with big boobs, quite good.

Gets quite crowded from 8pm. A lot of japanese customer there.

Just a quick update.

Opened on 01 Nov 2007
Xuhui District, 999 Tian Yao Qiao Road (Near to No 2 Zhong Shan Road West)

Damage: RMB 880
(RMB680 before 8pm, RMB780 after 8pm for Lao Jiu friend)
Was told that it is a Japanese Style massage like Ji Yuan (吉源), with more than 50 girls (yet to verify).

Contact Person:
Mr Gao Yuan (高源)
1381 897 5888


16-11-2007, 03:08 PM
So, what's Japanese style massage? Is something different, worth trying?

I'd love to hear from the more experienced players out there about the different styles at HC. I've had the helicopter treatment and had the ass-wash, slip-slide treatment. Am wondering what else is worth trying.

I've heard of a place with a special kind of chair, can anyone tell me about this, is it something different worth trying? and Where?

16-11-2007, 03:14 PM
First of all, thank you all you grand masters of shanghai. Excellent field work... really helped us newbies in shanghai.

Hope this ain't a dumbass question... I noticed a lot of barber looking shops with chicks in them. I assuming these are the BBS most of you are talking about.

Here's the dumbass question. I went to pretty much 6 different ones? out of the six I had 2 places which offers a fj. And the balance 4 places only hj (no matter how much I begged! pretty lame I know... but that 1 girl was friggin cute, hot, and young). anyway, in the end only hj was offered.

fj = RMB120-150 (never bothered to bargain, since the price seems right... I pretty much said, "zuo ai?" they said, "yi bai wu shi"... done... fucking begins.

hj = RMB80-100

FINALLY here's the question... how do you know if the place offers fj or only hj? (I mean how does one know by just looking from the outside? or the only way is to pop your head in and ask without shame?)

There are some dressed casual clothes and some dressed in bridesmaid dresses... whats the diff?

Thanks again people... good stuff in here.

There seems (to me) to be no way of telling from the outside. Some places don't offer fj, some places have some girls offering fj and other only hj. Some places seem to be very pushy about offering fj... etc, etc, etc.

I have not noticed the clothes the girls wear as any kind of indication.

The only thing to do it try different places and see what you get. It's tough when a real cute girl wont give you what you want, but hey, your getting a hj from her for almost nothing so can't complain too loudly.

One final thing. I found a gorgeous young girl with a tiny body and huge tits at a little place. At first she was very shy, only basic hj - they had other girls offering fj but they were nothing special.

BUT, I kept going back, paying her a little extra (they do hj for 50 as the location sucks) and we worked up to more and more, kissing, sucking, more open anf playful. Finally, I convinced her to fj and it was well worth the wait.

16-11-2007, 05:48 PM
Greeting to all Da Ge!!!

Many thanks for all yr guidance which i have received from this forum which had made my life in Shanghai more interesting.

Will definately post my first virgin F.R on the next H.C visit and pls do keep this newbie posted of any activities especially for the lonely sporean here.

Have a gd weekend!!! :D

17-11-2007, 02:52 PM
Thanks to all taikos and sifus that helped out this noob. Hope to see you all soon.

I will be in SHA from 19-24 Nov. Any bros wanting to meet up please pm me.

Looking forward to good chionging and good company!


18-11-2007, 02:18 PM
Totally agreed with you bro!
Exchange somemore siahz.. I was thinking of sending some KTV gal pic and tell him its 1000RMB too, and can overnight, go shopping, and things like tha... Hahahaha...

Or maybe some BBS gal instead...

China has so many girls... why bother to exchange when you get one off the street for less?:rolleyes:

seems that i kena flamed and zapped for this post. my apologies to fellow sbf bros... actually for me, it was just a simple purpose: to get more quality girls' contacts without going through too much hassle (i assume they have been tried and tested by my fellow bros).
i totally agree with bro Ronaldo that China do have MANY girls, that's the reason why it'll take some effort to sieve out the good ones.
but i learned my lesson, in sbf community, it's all about good will sharing, right bros? hopefully not much harm done and even hope to cheong together with you guys one of these days. :)


18-11-2007, 02:59 PM
FR on 航华新村。

Quality Cheonging On a Shoe String Budget.

Next week i will explore 丰庄新村 and 建德花园 area, ranked no. 5 on the list. Stay tuned.

So total damage for the evening, 150+155 rmb, and plus dinner and transport, no more than 350rmb. For 2 exquiste babes that you will pay around 80 to 100 sgd in geylang lor 8. All the more i don't understand why some folks like to go KTV and pay 300rmb tips just for touching only.



Hi bro Pocket,

Dat was an excellent FR!! I mean, even in the expensive SHA, one can still get cheap fuck!!

丰庄新村 and 建德花园, I used to stay here until 3 mths ago... u can forget abt going, cos all the gals here cannot-make-it (CMI)..haha:D If they r ok, I would hv tried already!

When i first move in, the pimps will tout me whenever i pass by. After awhile they realised i stay there n they stopped wasting their time.

keep us updated...

18-11-2007, 03:17 PM
FR on 航华新村

paiseh, double posting.

18-11-2007, 03:23 PM
FR on 航华新村。

Quality Cheonging On a Shoe String Budget.

So total damage for the evening, 150+155 rmb, and plus dinner and transport, no more than 350rmb. For 2 exquiste babes that you will pay around 80 to 100 sgd in geylang lor 8. All the more i don't understand why some folks like to go KTV and pay 300rmb tips just for touching only.



i've been very adventurous for the past 10 days, have accumulated quite some experience: HC, ktv, bbs, FL... etc. will start from my most recent encounter and then work backwards (hopefully got time to finish telling all the stories)

thanks to bro POCKET for the great intro to 航华新村. totally agree with him that this is THE place for best BBS in whole of Shanghai. (confirmed by local friends as well) lots of pretty SYT to choose from, i'm completely spoilt with choices. i was trying hard to look for bro POCKET's 杨采妮 but couldn't locate her. so settle with another SYT from Hunan. originally took the 150rmb package which includes the hotel room. the room is ok, like what bro POCKET described but i can tell for the fact that this room has been used over and over again without change of bedsheet and pillow case (probably for the past 3-5 hours). kinda turn me off thinking about it.

decided to pay a bit more and book into another hotel nearby (i drove), cost 200rmb and allow you to stay until next day noon time. clean sheets, nicer room, of course. i also told the girl that i want to upgrade to 2 times (300rmb). she agreed and then we stripped, took a shower together. not much action, she basically clean my semi-hard didi thoroughly and we moved to the bed. not much of a pro service that you'll get in HC, licked my nipples and gave me a BBBJ. she later capped me, i was on top and unloaded. TCSS a little bit to give me some time to recuperate. after about 30 mins, her hands start to roam to my didi and he started to wake up. round 2.

overall, quite a pleasant experience though not as sexciting as bro POCKET's. she's a nice girl, slim body, b cup. but i'm definitely going back to find me my 杨采妮. there are so many good ones to choose from.

looks: 7/10 (from hunan)
body: 7/10 (slim, b cup, smooth skin)
bbbj: 5/10
fj: 6/10 (not very wet type but tight, cannot french but i didn't try hard enough)
overall: 6.5/10 (pleasant experience)
damage: 300rmb for 2 rounds, 200rmb for a nicer room (else she's available 150rmb for 1 round with a free so-so room)

end of a simple FR. 航华新村 strongly recommended! :D up me if you like this report.

18-11-2007, 07:02 PM
As per my personal experience, I have stayed in a local managed service apartment block which all of their respective apartments are actually sold to individuals owners which the management then take over to lease it out on their behalf.
The cost of rental per month basis is RMB 4,500.00. However, no house-keeping services as well as all monthly utilities bills are to be borne by respective

Do they have short term rental e.g. 3 weeks and will the charges be different? Thanks !

18-11-2007, 07:35 PM
Do they have short term rental e.g. 3 weeks and will the charges be different? Thanks !

Bros, I also want to know too...as sometimes the Local Chain Hotels are also quite cheap for short term stay.

Cheers! :)

18-11-2007, 08:35 PM
[QUOTE=Shanghai_guy27;2398369]So, what's Japanese style massage? Is something different, worth trying?

Went to 999 this afternoon as it's brand new.

Indeed the place is nicely decorated, clean pool and rooms with mirrors
All the rooms are of Japanese style massage - they have a separate, big bathroom where you will be given an inflatable bed and the girl will soap and massage you with her boobs/body

Tried no 865, girl from Hunan, B+ boobs. Overall service is good

18-11-2007, 11:17 PM
FR on Shanghai Hotel Health Club
been to this place several times. A lot of girls and the quality is pretty good.

If anyone can recommend a girl that gives frenching service there, please let me know. I miss Girl #21 there, gives very good frenching. The current girl #21 is not the same girl.

Brother cimman305,

I tried #66 last Friday. She's good but I am not sure if she frenching. Her service is good especially BJ. She did helicopter trick too. This gal caught my attention from almost 15 gals right away when I enter the room to chose. She look likes Russian but later on found out she's a muslim, minority from XinJiang.

18-11-2007, 11:22 PM
Do they have short term rental e.g. 3 weeks and will the charges be different? Thanks !

Hi 36SCE bro,
Not sure on short term's stay but from my recollection they do provide short term stay I think.
I also remembered they offer daily basis room charegs such as hotel, at very reasonable rates of about RMB 280+ I think....
Shall ask on their contact nos & website if any, and post here again for you bro & all other fellow bros.....

Stay tuned...cheers!

18-11-2007, 11:29 PM
Bros, I also want to know too...as sometimes the Local Chain Hotels are also quite cheap for short term stay.

Bro alwong,
Me too heard that the local chain hotel such as the lately renowned Motel 168 / 268 or Greentree Inn do provide short term stay periods ranging from 2 weeks to a month or maybe more. Also, personally I feel it's more comfortable to stay in such hotel chain as laundry + security + housekeeping services are prompt and proper too. Also, the above-mentioned hotels have very well located branches within the heart of town....very convenient to go about town and everywhere esle.

Hotel 168/ 268 tel: +86 21 63 168 168

Greentree Inn Hotel www.greentree.com.cn (USA managed & owned Budget Boutique Hotel chain)

Hope the above info helps further for all fellow bros.....

19-11-2007, 03:11 AM
Went to 999 this afternoon as it's brand new.

Tried no 865, girl from Hunan, B+ boobs. Overall service is good

yo bro kingkong, you tried 865 too. she's good ya. great body, great personality, great service, look wise, i think she's easily 7, 7.5/10. though lack a little bit of GFE, she's definitely highly recommended.

19-11-2007, 06:51 AM
hi bro, give u info
nice KTV and Clubbin:
1: KTV: zhong(center) xing (star)
add: ren min lu 839 hao (zhong xing da jiu dian 3rd floor)
search for miss Wang (13681609266)
the girl came in with very minimum cloth, with out BRA
and they gonna play nice 'game' for you, you know wat i mean ok
DC: dunno, cause my friend qing me, maybe same with others ktv lah

2: Clubbin: HoneYHoney Club
Add: huai hai zhong lu 1045 hao
search for Mr Zhiao or Zhao (maybe :p) 13761291249
ask him to give you his gals collection, good and nice :)
sum of them have nice and tall body
this club its like G+ plus or sumthing but this place
have vip room, maybe like KTV room sumthing
website: www.clubhoneyhoney.com

this 2 place is very very good lah, hahaha

19-11-2007, 10:14 AM
FR on 航华新村。



Great post and really great to hear stories of people going further afield looking for fun. I'd love to know the areas you are talking about but unfortunately can't read Chinese. Do you think you could put them in PinYin next time?

19-11-2007, 11:24 AM
Great post and really great to hear stories of people going further afield looking for fun. I'd love to know the areas you are talking about but unfortunately can't read Chinese. Do you think you could put them in PinYin next time?

sure bro.
the area is called Hang2 Hua2 Xin1 Cun1. most taxi will know where to bring you. it's south of Hongqiao airport.

the most concentrated area is on Hang2 Zhong1 Lu4. good luck and happy cheonging!

19-11-2007, 01:16 PM
wow, seems like lotsa actions recently...

bro sgp, i think we can retire liao... :D Old man like me now only chiong ktvs'.

20-11-2007, 12:20 AM
Thanks Bro Sextronic,

You saved me lots of time to travel to feng zhuang xin cun. Guess i'll stick to Hang Hua for the time being then, pity that i stay so far in pudong.

Quality BBS in Shanghai is pretty hard to come by. Long time ago i went clubbing at MUSE at 余姚路 and 西康路。 I noticed opposite it there was 3 BBS that have to step up to the shop from street level. I think 2 of the BBS there have some quality SYTs...but of course choices cannot compare to Hang Hua Village. Not sure if the BBS standard there still good or not. Another brothers who stay in Jingan district may wanna go check it out.

20-11-2007, 12:35 AM
Hi Bro Tomdh,

Next time i will check out the shop no. and ask for the girl's name if i go again :)

Glad you liked the FR. Hope this will start the ball rolling for brudders to share their adventures as we uncover more hidden gems in shanghai.

20-11-2007, 12:42 AM
me will be putting a night stay at Shanghai next friday. so am looking for some fun together if you happened to be there.

20-11-2007, 01:20 AM
Hi all bros out there,

Anyone going to Shanghai Pudong from 23rd Nov to 1st Dec?
This my first time there! If anyone going can jio me to chiong at night?

I'll be staying in Yalong International Hotel.
Do drop me a PM...

Thanks in-advance.


20-11-2007, 10:31 PM
Tried 999club,

The place is very new. Rooms quite nicely decorated with mirrors all around.
Includes japanese soap bath massage.

Quite a good selection of girls to choose from the tank.

Chose girl 801, petite with big boobs, quite good.

Gets quite crowded from 8pm. A lot of japanese customer there.

Wah Thank you bro IMMSHOP

999club is great man

its new only started this month on the 1st.
so spanking new facilities

after the usual suana and jacuzzi not too big you go bathe and then private waiting room with Plasma tv where you wait for manager and also serve food, real massage/or foot massage if you want.

I went for the recommendation 801. from hangzhou, wah mo tuck teng, C cup soft and hard nipples wah lau nearly come in the soapy massage.
according to her if you request when you enter that time can skip the bath below and go right up for the soapy massage.

wah lau this girl really work hard to please you man. great soapy massage, great service attitute really feals like Japanese type, minus the japanese porno sound (replaced by chinese porno sound) hahaha

RTF- definitely in fact i will get her number anf fuck her the whole night in my room by then no soapy massage gear in hotel :(

by the way when I came down after massage I realize this place got fishbowl for you to choose. alamak how come noone say anything about that, got about 20 girls to choose from. wah lau eh now I am torn between 801 and having a look at the fiahbowl. apparently what 801 say is that you may not get to see her in the fishbowl but if you request but then you don't get to coohse in fishbowl (like what happen to me) but I think 801 is definitely a good soapy massage fuck.

good soapland place in shanghai

20-11-2007, 10:49 PM
Brother cimman305,

I tried #66 last Friday. She's good but I am not sure if she frenching. Her service is good especially BJ. She did helicopter trick too. This gal caught my attention from almost 15 gals right away when I enter the room to chose. She look likes Russian but later on found out she's a muslim, minority from XinJiang.

thanks bro, for the feedback. I'll check her out.
From my taxi driver, he says that most girls in this line don't allow frenching. I guess I was really lucky the last time.

21-11-2007, 01:02 AM
Went to Shanghai hotel yesterday with SGShanghai bro's recommendation and directions (thanks bro!) together with another fellow SBF bro.

Have to say its a very nice place, extremely service oriented with bellboys awaiting to attend to you every step of the way, from wiping your bag dry to giving directions. Deco was classy and generally pleasant.

Need to note to other bros, you will be peppered with invitations to other chargable services such as body scrubbing, toe nail cleaning (to both i opted for at RMB70 per item), ear cleaning and foot massage. They are not pushy to the point of irritating, but something to be aware of nevertheless.

After a relaxing tok cock session with fellow bro, was led to a room of around 15 girls. Took a while to chose, but finally settled on No. 55, which turned out to be a fantastic choice.

She warmed up to me quickly, and we walked hand in hand to our room while chatting away. Was led to a room where i could feast my eyes on her. She was wearing a pink bra that could really *barely* contain her 36E boobs. Very smooth skin and beautiful eyes. We both quickly stripped down and got ready for the session.

Have to say up front that she's got a very sensual tongue. Licked me all over slowly as i laid on my face. I really enjoyed watching her in the mirror as she did this. Next up, she used her immense breasts to rub me down with baby powder. Very nice. Next up, ass rimming, which i admit i really enjoyed although was never a big fan.

Then, she broke up the red cloth, but instead of doing the helicopter thing, she just hung up there while giving me a bbbj. Had an awesome view of her pussy and had a good time squeezing her boobs as she did this. More bbbj after she dismounted and a riding good time before i unloaded. Kimuchi!

Throughout the session, her attitude was top notch, always smiling and chatting. The foreplay was at least 40 min, the whole thing never felt rushed nor hurried. Spent the last moments laying next to me and chatting about her childhood, which i really appreciated. I do like the GFE :)

Girl: No. 55
Age: 24
Attitude: A+, definitely a winner here, loved her cheeky smile
Figure: 36E - 25 - 34
Looks: 8/10
BBBJ: 8/10 (the tongue alone deserves a 9)
Frenching: No
FJ: 8/10
RTF: Yes, before i head back to SG

Really enjoyed my first cheong in Shanghai.

21-11-2007, 07:42 AM
wow, seems like lotsa actions recently...

bro sgp, i think we can retire liao... :D Old man like me now only chiong ktvs'.

You also never bring me go KTV... I am leaving SHA liaoz.. Sighz... Still no action from KTV.. Unlike Bro Limpeh and Bro Shingo...:(

21-11-2007, 07:43 AM
Really enjoyed my first cheong in Shanghai.

Another soon to be addicted bro... hehehehe....
Good FR...:D

21-11-2007, 09:18 AM
You also never bring me go KTV... I am leaving SHA liaoz.. Sighz... Still no action from KTV.. Unlike Bro Limpeh and Bro Shingo...:(

You got sing song one meh....you go there also let others use your "mic" only....:D

21-11-2007, 09:51 AM
good soapland place in shanghai

Can anyone tell me if this 'soapland' experience is different to the wash and slip'n slide you get at places like the one on Jiao Zhou rd?


21-11-2007, 10:26 PM
Yo all bro,

A big hello to everyone.

I am a newbie in Shanghai.

Any cheong session pls PM me as I will love to get to know eveyone there and see what is hot...

Work hard, play hard man

22-11-2007, 01:32 AM
hi bro

this is my virgin trip to shanghai, i'm in songjiang now, any action there to recomend ?

thanks in advance.

22-11-2007, 01:27 PM
Hi all bros out there,

Anyone going to Shanghai Pudong from 23rd Nov to 1st Dec?
This my first time there! If anyone going can jio me to chiong at night?

I'll be staying in Yalong International Hotel.
Do drop me a PM...

Thanks in-advance.


hi bro, i'm in shanghai now, but in songjiang area, not sure how to go around tho... if you are free this weekend, maybe can try meet up and c c poke poke


22-11-2007, 06:24 PM
Hi fellow samsters,

Just arrived in SH on permanant posting..Looking to Cheong with some of the experts here, Up for any cheonging activities this weekend drop me a PM i am staying currently in the puxi area.

thanks bro's!

23-11-2007, 12:18 AM
hi bro, i'm in shanghai now, but in songjiang area, not sure how to go around tho... if you are free this weekend, maybe can try meet up and c c poke poke


Yoz guys.. am in shanghai this weekend. jio me if you guys got any new exploring..

23-11-2007, 03:12 AM

me already tried 999 sauna, in tian yao qiao lu 999 hao

its very very very good place

and me already meet the manager, mr Gao Yuan

he is good person,

ok now, the girl, off course 801, hang zhou girl



Face: 7/10

Body: 8/10 ( not tall, slim, cute, my type)

Boob: 8/10 (c cup, soft, with hard nipple)

Wet Bath: 8/10 (she'll make sure all part of your body get wash)

F**k: 8/10 (hard working girl, with Dolby Digital Surround sound, Wet)

Repeat Order: off course, but there still so many pretty girls

cost: 780 (bit expensive, but still worth it)

still got a lot place to go.....:cool:

23-11-2007, 10:36 AM
wah, suddenly so many tourist... :D

some of the guys here like to go clubbing on wkends...like bro limpeh etc.. I only chiong during wkdays, in fact, been going to ktv for consecutively 3 nites liao... i'll be resting over the wkend. :p

PM me only if u interested in decent foot massage..haha!!

23-11-2007, 11:23 AM

me already tried 999 sauna, in tian yao qiao lu 999 hao

its very very very good place

and me already meet the manager, mr Gao Yuan

he is good person,

ok now, the girl, off course 801, hang zhou girl



Face: 7/10

Body: 8/10 ( not tall, slim, cute, my type)

Boob: 8/10 (c cup, soft, with hard nipple)

Wet Bath: 8/10 (she'll make sure all part of your body get wash)

F**k: 8/10 (hard working girl, with Dolby Digital Surround sound, Wet)

Repeat Order: off course, but there still so many pretty girls

cost: 780 (bit expensive, but still worth it)

still got a lot place to go.....:cool:

I tried 999 two days ago. As the directions given by a fellow bro wasn't detailed enough. I called Manager Gao and asked him to speak to the cab driver.

When I arrived, a lot people at the reception greeting me and was brought to the locker and changing area which is relatively small. The shower and sauna facilities are small too. As usual, they were trying to sell the body scrub and something else to me.. rejected all of it. Then changed into robe and was brought upstairs to an individual room with plasma TV as described by other bros.

Wanted to order some food but they advised me to go for "massage" first as now more choices are available (abt 6.30pm then). So went to fish bowl area and was greeted by Manager Gao which is from Yuping Hotel. There were about 10-12 girls in the fish bowl. Saw 802 but no 801 leh.. so ask Gao for recommendation and he said second from left which is 826 from Dalian, Dongbei. He said for a unforgettable experience.

Okay so I was led up the stairs to the rooms.. when we were near the room, 826 said, lao gong we have reached our home.. haha I couldn't stop laughing.
The room is nicely decorated, new of course with a small bed and a mirrored wall and ceiling.. really nice. The wash area is very big and there was a inflated bed. She asked me to sit on the stool while she washed me up.. followed by the standard soap bath on the inflated bed. Reminded me of the spas in Macau. Before I continue, 826 has a very sweet and foxy face but a bit of baby fat.

At the bed, again standard cat bath behind and ass rimming. Followed by BBBJ, very nice and almost cannot tahan especially looking at it from the mirror like making my own porno. She then capped me and was on top.. really nice, she knew the right angle to give the best feeling. She then did a split and started pumping .. not bad.. can see the penetration clearly just like in a porno. She then changed into another position and I beh tahan shot out. totally sextified. She then said lao gong you rest a few minutes she wants to go again, I said no lar.. no energy already.

She then make me promise to go again today which I am really considering now. After washing up, went back to the individual room and ordered fried kuey teow, fried dumplings and a coke (food & drinks are free). Left the place at 8.30pm. Overall damage was RMB 780 (discounted).. normal rate is RMB 880. Remember must look for Manager Gao Yan to get the discount or maybe mention lao jiu's friend I think also got discount. At the changing area, they asked me if I was driving or do I need a cab.. I said cab.. once outside the cab was already waiting for me.. great service.

I am returning to Beijing this weekend and this place will be on favourite list. By the way, the sauna at Yuping Hotel is closed and all girls have been moved here. ;)

If any bro, like my posting, please up my points, I can't stand my points going down while trying to be proactive. Thanks.

23-11-2007, 12:57 PM
I tried 999 two days ago. As the directions given by a fellow bro wasn't detailed enough. I called Manager Gao and asked him to speak to the cab driver.

If any bro, like my posting, please up my points, I can't stand my points going down while trying to be proactive. Thanks.

Nice FR on 999. Manager Gao is a good friend of mine too. For good effort I shall up your points.

bro matsuda:D

23-11-2007, 01:19 PM
Hi Bro Tomdh,

Next time i will check out the shop no. and ask for the girl's name if i go again :)

Glad you liked the FR. Hope this will start the ball rolling for brudders to share their adventures as we uncover more hidden gems in shanghai.

can someone guide me how to go 航华新村 ?
i'm in songjiang area now.


23-11-2007, 01:45 PM
Nice FR on 999. Manager Gao is a good friend of mine too. For good effort I shall up your points.

bro matsuda:D

Thanks bro matsuda, much appreciated. Shanghai's so much better than Beijing when it comes to sauna's and ktvs. Btw, are you familiar with Mi-spa or new lucky sauna. I am staying at the Regent Hotel and if I am too lazy to venture far, tonight I might just try this two nearby places.

I also heard that Manager Gao will be opening another place in Shanghai next February and is reputed to be the largest and grandest sauna in Shanghai. Can't wait. :D

23-11-2007, 02:49 PM
any brother want to meet up in Shanghai on Sat Nov 24 for KTV?

I am returning transiting in Shanghai on that day and hoping to meet fellow brudders for some wild fun.

interested brudder pls let me know...

23-11-2007, 06:36 PM

Great to know everyone enjoying themselves in Shanghai

23-11-2007, 09:31 PM
Hi all bros out there,

Anyone going to Shanghai Pudong from 23rd Nov to 1st Dec?
This my first time there! If anyone going can jio me to chiong at night?

I'll be staying in Yalong International Hotel.
Do drop me a PM...

Thanks in-advance.


I'm staying in this hotel as well, and will be checking out on this coming Sunday. Have you tried the "massage" at 3rd floor?

I've been in SH 2 weeks, and 1st day I arrive, I've tried the "massage" in Yalong. There is not much option by the time i visit as it's a pretty busy day for them, and gal served me is just average look but her service is very good and hardworking. Total damage is RMB600.

Then on my third day, I've also called Jolin as recommended by many bro here. First impression is, she is not pretty but has a unique look (might not be the taste of everyone). Her figure is not that good as well, but she has a pair of big and soft boob, with light brown nipple. Her service is good, not rush, and willing to spend time to just make you happy. Damage is RMB700 with 100 tips for the taxi.

On my fifth day, I went to visit "Yin Zi". It's kinda far away from Pudong, the taxi fare costs around RMB70, but since many bro recommended it, I would like to try it out. Manager 王鑫 is very friendly just as many bro said. The gals here majority looks average for me, with few above average. After few rounds, I've choose no. 90 and asked her to choose her partner for 双飞.The partner she choose is no. 21. Usually I prefer to let the gal choose her partner as most of the time it will works out better that way. Overall, gal 90 has better figure and look than gal 21, but gal 21 is very hardworking (her look is average). Service is good and total damage is RMB1050, and used 16 condom in just this round.

On my sixth day, after my sightseeing, I head down to 航华新村 as I would like to try BBS to get some new experience. I've spent more than 1.5 hour to walk through, 航东路,航南路,航北路,航中路,and I really can't find one that I think I can take it, all have thick makeup and not the type I like. So I got conclusion that, this is not my cup of tea. I've decided to give up and go back to my hotel. Again the taxi fare cost almost RMB90 as this is even further than the location of Yin Zi.

I've decided to go back to 3rd floor of Yalong. This time, a lady manager called 朱红 came in after my shower. she chat to me just like an old friend as she recognize I came before. she sits just besides my legs and holding my hands (we both 楷油 of each other). She doesn't has figure as good as the manager in "Yin Zi" but she has her own 风韵. we have chatted for almost 20 mins, then she promised she will find good gals for me to choose, and I can slowly choose till I satisfy. She then lead me to my room, and by that time there is already 5 gals waiting over there. She reminded me again I can reject if I don't find one that I like as she still has a lot of other gals available. Just these 5 gals, I found they actually have better look as compare to the gals at "Yin Zi". As I was a little bit tired and one of the gal looks very cute, slim. I've let her stay to serve me. The manager tell the gal "serve my friend good".

After some massage at the back, this little cute gal asked me if I've tried 双飞 or not as they have promotion now, the 2nd gal just need to add another RMB300. She said she has a good partner which looks a bit mixed and they can serve me very well. So I said, ok why not. she then go out to bring her partner in. and my 1st impression is, wow I like this gal more than the gal I choose. The thing turned out that, these 2 gals are really good, talkative and serve better than what I got from "Yin Zi". The 2nd gal is really solid, she did the red rope thing and played a lot of skills. she can hang there for about 10 mins which is quite impressed me. It's ends up that I actually 加钟 for both of them. We have lots of fun in these 3 hours, especially with the 2nd gal. We chat a lot too, and after the session finished, I got the msn account from the 2nd gal.

While resting in the resting room and watching TV, this lady manager came again. She told me that she talked to her boss, and told everyone that, this time onward, I'll be receiving their VIP price which is RMB550. I guess it's my lucky day. Total damage is 1700 for 3 hours of 双飞.

Next day, I found that I missed the 2nd gal, so I went back to visit again and this time I told the manager I want her only. As she is actually with another customer, so I choose to wait for her, and this took around 40 mins. When she see me in the room, she is quite surprise that I come back to visit her so fast. Of course we have another good time again, and this time she gave me her phone number. total damage is RMB550 this time.

On next day, I sms her that I miss her, and invited her to go supper after her work at 12am. She agreed. We went to a HK restaurant which is not far away, and she also getting her another close gal friend from the same hometown to join us. After supper, I walk them back to her apartment and the gal staying with her tonight.

2nd day, I sms her again telling her that, I'm going to find her for the "massage". She replied don't want me to spend too much, and invited me to her house after work. End up that these few days I've been spending all my nights in her apartment and let my hotel room being empty. This gal is really great, she gave me the gf feel, I really feel good when doing fj with her, she easily to get wet and allow me to fingering her "backdoor" (too pain for her to put my bro in, I gave up to continue as I don't want her to get hurt), she always make me feel high that I wanted more round every night and before I go to work in the morning. Now it has been 5 days in a row and I have another 2 days to spend with her. In these 5 days, we just like gf and bf and I didn't spend single cents. I think I gonna miss her a lot after I go back to SG.

This is my first trip to SH, overall I feel the fj service here is better than SG and TH. The gals here serve you from head to toe, will work till the time is up, and you can come as many time as you want/can. The overall quality in looks wise is also better, it is easy to find the type of gal you like. I've to apology that I don't go into too much details as I'm not good in writing those thing.

Last but not least, hope all of you enjoy SH as much as I do.

23-11-2007, 09:38 PM
Hi all bros out there,

Anyone going to Shanghai Pudong from 23rd Nov to 1st Dec?
This my first time there! If anyone going can jio me to chiong at night?

I'll be staying in Yalong International Hotel.
Do drop me a PM...

Thanks in-advance.


I'm staying in this hotel as well, and will be checking out on this coming Sunday. Have you tried the "massage" at 3rd floor?

I've been in SH 2 weeks, and 1st day I arrive, I've tried the "massage" in Yalong. There is not much option by the time i visit as it's a pretty busy day for them, and gal served me is just average look but her service is very good and hardworking. Total damage is RMB600.

Then on my third day, I've also called Jolin as recommended by many bro here. First impression is, she is not pretty but has a unique look (might not be the taste of everyone). Her figure is not that good as well, but she has a pair of big and soft boob, with light brown nipple. Her service is good, not rush, and willing to spend time to just make you happy. Damage is RMB700 with 100 tips for the taxi.

On my fifth day, I went to visit "Yin Zi". It's kinda far away from Pudong, the taxi fare costs around RMB70, but since many bro recommended it, I would like to try it out. Manager 王鑫 is very friendly just as many bro said. The gals here majority looks average for me, with few above average. After few rounds, I've choose no. 90 and asked her to choose her partner for 双飞.The partner she choose is no. 21. Usually I prefer to let the gal choose her partner as most of the time it will works out better that way. Overall, gal 90 has better figure and look than gal 21, but gal 21 is very hardworking (her look is average). Service is good and total damage is RMB1050, and used 16 condom in just this round.

On my sixth day, after my sightseeing, I head down to 航华新村 as I would like to try BBS to get some new experience. I've spent more than 1.5 hour to walk through, 航东路,航南路,航北路,航中路,and I really can't find one that I think I can take it, all have thick makeup and not the type I like. So I got conclusion that, this is not my cup of tea. I've decided to give up and go back to my hotel. Again the taxi fare cost almost RMB90 as this is even further than the location of Yin Zi.

I've decided to go back to 3rd floor of Yalong. This time, a lady manager called 朱红 came in after my shower. she chat to me just like an old friend as she recognize I came before. she sits just besides my legs and holding my hands (we both 楷油 of each other). She doesn't has figure as good as the manager in "Yin Zi" but she has her own 风韵. we have chatted for almost 20 mins, then she promised she will find good gals for me to choose, and I can slowly choose till I satisfy. She then lead me to my room, and by that time there is already 5 gals waiting over there. She reminded me again I can reject if I don't find one that I like as she still has a lot of other gals available. Just these 5 gals, I found they actually have better look as compare to the gals at "Yin Zi". As I was a little bit tired and one of the gal looks very cute, slim. I've let her stay to serve me. The manager tell the gal "serve my friend good".

After some massage at the back, this little cute gal asked me if I've tried 双飞 or not as they have promotion now, the 2nd gal just need to add another RMB300. She said she has a good partner which looks a bit mixed and they can serve me very well. So I said, ok why not. she then go out to bring her partner in. and my 1st impression is, wow I like this gal more than the gal I choose. The thing turned out that, these 2 gals are really good, talkative and serve better than what I got from "Yin Zi". The 2nd gal is really solid, she did the red rope thing and played a lot of skills. she can hang there for about 10 mins which is quite impressed me. It's ends up that I actually 加钟 for both of them. We have lots of fun in these 3 hours, especially with the 2nd gal. We chat a lot too, and after the session finished, I got the msn account from the 2nd gal.

While resting in the resting room and watching TV, this lady manager came again. She told me that she talked to her boss, and told everyone that, this time onward, I'll be receiving their VIP price which is RMB550. I guess it's my lucky day. Total damage is 1700 for 3 hours of 双飞.

Next day, I found that I missed the 2nd gal, so I went back to visit again and this time I told the manager I want her only. As she is actually with another customer, so I choose to wait for her, and this took around 40 mins. When she see me in the room, she is quite surprise that I come back to visit her so fast. Of course we have another good time again, and this time she gave me her phone number. total damage is RMB550 this time.

On next day, I sms her that I miss her, and invited her to go supper after her work at 12am. She agreed. We went to a HK restaurant which is not far away, and she also getting her another close gal friend from the same hometown to join us. After supper, I walk them back to her apartment and the gal staying with her tonight.

2nd day, I sms her again telling her that, I'm going to find her for the "massage". She replied don't want me to spend too much, and invited me to her house after work. End up that these few days I've been spending all my nights in her apartment and let my hotel room being empty. This gal is really great, she gave me the gf feel, I really feel good when doing fj with her, she easily to get wet and allow me to fingering her "backdoor" (too pain for her to put my bro in, I gave up to continue as I don't want her to get hurt), she always make me feel high that I wanted more round every night and before I go to work in the morning. Now it has been 5 days in a row and I have another 2 days to spend with her. In these 5 days, we just like gf and bf and I didn't spend single cents. I think I gonna miss her a lot after I go back to SG.

This is my first trip to SH, overall I feel the fj service here is better than SG and TH. The gals here serve you from head to toe, will work till the time is up, and you can come as many time as you want/can. The overall quality in looks wise is also better, it is easy to find the type of gal you like. I've to apology that I don't go into too much details as I'm not good in writing those thing.

Last but not least, hope all of you enjoy SH as much as I do.

23-11-2007, 11:49 PM
Hmmmmm looks like Shanghai has certainly changed alot. Next time must go on my own to enjoy the hidden delights. Thanks for all the valuable information guys.

24-11-2007, 12:04 AM
omg... finally found the location after 2 hr searching on the internat map :eek:

anyone interested in a geathering at 航华新村 this Sun afternoon ?

current head count + me : 3

24-11-2007, 02:13 AM
FR on First visit to 湯田會所 at 上海賓館.

Got in in the afternoon at around 4.00PM, Showered, took Spa and all the usual stuff and then proceeded to downstairs where was offered the massage service. Led to a room where could chooses the girls, at that time there were 7 of them, all nice looking but nothing really that specatacular. I chose 07 a girl from Dongbei and was lead into the room.

Very happy to see the bars on the top of the room as I knew this was leading up to red rope action! She came in undressed and started with a great catbath all over just making me shiver with delight. Next came a truly awesome and long A/R. One of the best I have ever had,

She proceeded to cap me for the BJ as she said she had a cut on her lip and was afraid.. no problems by me.... She got the rope out and started hanging it up and in no time at all was spinning upside down from it while sucking my dick... this being my first time seeing this it really was something quite special, she switched positions a couple of times before getting down and giving me fire and ice... with the cap on it didnt feel that great but still she since she said she had a cut on her lip I was prepared to put safety first over a minor increase in pleasure.

Finished up with the BJ and on the sex while hanging on from the ropes , this is quite fucking kinky even by my incredibly perverted standards and she squeezed my cock really hard with her pussy muscles and I came pretty quickly. Still a fucking nice screw by all means.

Cleaned up got me a cup of green tea and chatted for a while , she then showed me the six positions on the ropes and their funny kung fu sounding names. Cleaned up and left a happy man

07 (dont know name)
Face= 7/10 (quite sweet but no stunner)
Body=7/10 (But no boobs to speak of)
Ass=5/10 (FLAT)
BJ=9/10 (fucking great even though covered)
Fucking= 9/10 (squeeze's tight)
WIR=Maybe but so many others to try..

damage=650 (before 7.30Pm)

Go try bro's!

24-11-2007, 09:25 AM
omg... finally found the location after 2 hr searching on the internat map :eek:

anyone interested in a geathering at 航华新村 this Sun afternoon ?

current head count + me : 3

going to work liao... anyone interested pls SMS 139 170 70802

24-11-2007, 03:22 PM
so ask Gao for recommendation and he said second from left which is 826 from Dalian, Dongbei. He said for a unforgettable experience.

999's service was indeed good. went there yesterday after many bros recommendations here. chose 826. bro JuanL is right she is pretty and foxy in look ... in some angles and the dim ligthings in the room, she look like zhang bai zhi, cecilia ... and in some angles ... esp the leg split stunt ... she do look a bit like liu xuan ... the china gymnastic golden gal.

good body and and excellent GF feeling, but no frenching ... but i think should be OK after a few visit.

sorry bro, simple FR...

look: 8/10
body: 8/10
attitude: 8/10
bbbj: 8/10
ar: 9/10 (quite like the feeling)
fj: 7/10 (everything else too interesting)
RTF: of cos ... rmb780 ...

24-11-2007, 09:00 PM
going to work liao... anyone interested pls SMS 139 170 70802

bro, u expose ur nos so openly here!! :eek: Asking for trouble leh.. later a lot pimps start sms'ing u offering gals

25-11-2007, 12:06 AM
Hi bro busybody. I suggest you guys go slightly later perhaps in the evening. Some BBS don't open until 8pm i think, and from outside cannot tell they are BBS inside until they open. I dun mind joining you guys if i have time tmr. Now really tempted to go 999 after hearing all these reviews, hehe. Who else have tried the gals at Yalong Hotel? make a comparision for us leh.

25-11-2007, 12:32 AM
bro, u expose ur nos so openly here!! :eek: Asking for trouble leh.. later a lot pimps start sms'ing u offering gals

lol... thanks for reminding, but bo lang sms me contact leh :(

i'll be using this number till tue only, then next time maybe 6 month later...

sian... i hate songjiang... dead shanghai outskirt town... ahhhhhhhhhhh

25-11-2007, 12:38 AM
Hi bro busybody. I suggest you guys go slightly later perhaps in the evening. Some BBS don't open until 8pm i think, and from outside cannot tell they are BBS inside until they open. I dun mind joining you guys if i have time tmr. Now really tempted to go 999 after hearing all these reviews, hehe. Who else have tried the gals at Yalong Hotel? make a comparision for us leh.

thanks for the advise, any recomendation on which shop is better ?
please sms or call me cos tomorrow morning i'll be heading to town shopping, may not able to c forum or pm.

25-11-2007, 12:30 PM
bro, u expose ur nos so openly here!! Asking for trouble leh.. later a lot pimps start sms'ing u offering gals

Ya man.. Maybe SGPSHA69 will be messaging him... Hahahaha.. :p
But nowadays people use pre-paid card, so when there is too many nuisance calls, just change number.

Luckily you did not come down to Guandii on Fri. I have to say sorry to 84gunner, I think I saw him came in about 130am. I was already drunk for the first time in Shanghai! :eek:

2 bottles of Tequilas with Bro Shingo, and just him alone. Shots and Slammer. Got into some tussle, and Bro Shingo was damn steady as he took care of me.
I lost that chance with the Chinese gal from New York (actually it was Bro Shingo who told me, I seriously cannot remember what I did I say to her)

Got a bump on my head the next day. A bad hangover and swearing off Tequila till I get sick of Chivas.

Next weekend, I think I am going tertiary... hehehehe....

25-11-2007, 01:22 PM
999's service was indeed good. went there yesterday after many bros recommendations here. chose 826. bro JuanL is right she is pretty and foxy in look ... in some angles and the dim ligthings in the room, she look like zhang bai zhi, cecilia ... and in some angles ... esp the leg split stunt ... she do look a bit like liu xuan ... the china gymnastic golden gal.

good body and and excellent GF feeling, but no frenching ... but i think should be OK after a few visit.

sorry bro, simple FR...

look: 8/10
body: 8/10
attitude: 8/10
bbbj: 8/10
ar: 9/10 (quite like the feeling)
fj: 7/10 (everything else too interesting)
RTF: of cos ... rmb780 ...

Hi bro, glad you enjoyed 826. Actually I forgot to mention that she was a gymnast before that's why she can do the splits etc. In fact she told me she still have a lot of tricks up her sleeve.

For myself, I am back in Beijing already and already missing the action in Shanghai. ;)

25-11-2007, 04:21 PM
Next weekend, I think I am going tertiary... hehehehe....

I tot u r back in spore??? I pm u leh...but u never reply....:(

25-11-2007, 11:23 PM
I tot u r back in spore??? I pm u leh...but u never reply....:(

I long time no check PM liaoz.. Somehow I just come to see the thread postings then log out.. Hehehehe...

Will be in Shanghai till middle of Dec... Free to come here?;)

26-11-2007, 01:43 AM
Luckily you did not come down to Guandii on Fri. I have to say sorry to 84gunner, I think I saw him came in about 130am. I was already drunk for the first time in Shanghai! :eek:

2 bottles of Tequilas with Bro Shingo, and just him alone. Shots and Slammer. Got into some tussle, and Bro Shingo was damn steady as he took care of me.
I lost that chance with the Chinese gal from New York (actually it was Bro Shingo who told me, I seriously cannot remember what I did I say to her)

Got a bump on my head the next day. A bad hangover and swearing off Tequila till I get sick of Chivas.

Next weekend, I think I am going tertiary... hehehehe....

No worries bro.

I din come in tat late, but not much earlier either. Cos I was entertaining (playing cards) wif future MIL & family elders. The whole family came 2 SHA from Ha'erBin early tis month. Went holiday wif them to Zhejiang province the previous week. The men oredi went back 2 work, but the aunties are still hanging ard till early next month, and then going USA + Canada after tat.

While my gf is in Canada attending some training, MIL is here 2 serve & take care of me (keeping an eye on me 2!). Tat's why u see me putting on some weight, wif MIL's cooking + FIL & uncles' boozes! Actually, Sis-in-law is oso based in SHA, we party 2gether quite often 2, but those aunties are in town, so SIL is kinda restricted from going out late (no licence), hehe.

From another point of view, tat nite in GuanDi was rather happening. Kinda like boxing stadium! Saw ang mohs kena thrown outta the club, 1 of them u know lah, when I arrived. Then the tussle wif tat Jap guy, and oso the Koreans' drama. In fact, the Koreans' drama was the most exciting, from seeing some gals thrown outta the dance floor, to outside the club, and then when u were resting & bro Shingo went 2 collect our coats, they had another fight, even in front of the police! At 1st, I thought the police came 2 spot-check the club, but I think they came cos of the Koreans. Just b4 we left, I saw at least 1 Korean guy's nose bleeding from the fight!

26-11-2007, 08:38 AM
I long time no check PM liaoz.. Somehow I just come to see the thread postings then log out.. Hehehehe...

Will be in Shanghai till middle of Dec... Free to come here?;)

Maybe next week lor....u wan to bring me go party liao har!!!

26-11-2007, 10:04 AM
Ya man.. Maybe SGPSHA69 will be messaging him... Hahahaha.. :p

Luckily you did not come down to Guandii on Fri. I have to say sorry to 84gunner, I think I saw him came in about 130am. I was already drunk for the first time in Shanghai! :eek:

Next weekend, I think I am going tertiary... hehehehe....

aiyoh, bro... why drink so much? Too happy or too stressed?? :D

I was too tired dat nite, knock out by 10.30pm liao...

Let's party 1 more time before u leave SHA...I'm sure bro limpeh's gonna miss u deep deep!

26-11-2007, 11:00 AM
No worries bro.

From another point of view, tat nite in GuanDi was rather happening. Kinda like boxing stadium! Saw ang mohs kena thrown outta the club, 1 of them u know lah, when I arrived. Then the tussle wif tat Jap guy, and oso the Koreans' drama. In fact, the Koreans' drama was the most exciting, from seeing some gals thrown outta the dance floor, to outside the club, and then when u were resting & bro Shingo went 2 collect our coats, they had another fight, even in front of the police! At 1st, I thought the police came 2 spot-check the club, but I think they came cos of the Koreans. Just b4 we left, I saw at least 1 Korean guy's nose bleeding from the fight!

Wah! So many fights ah? Hmm... Getting out of hand there ah? Maybe next time I have to bring parang to Guandii liaoz... hahahaha...
Luckily we know Bro Limpeh.. We fought but never got thrown out.. heheheh..
Make it up to you next time.. Before I leave SHA..

26-11-2007, 11:01 AM
Maybe next week lor....u wan to bring me go party liao har!!!

Come over the weekend especially from Friday onwards lahz.. I am not the KTV kind in Shanghai so usually we just go clubbing.. hehehe..
Ask Van Basten along lahz... :D

26-11-2007, 11:02 AM
aiyoh, bro... why drink so much? Too happy or too stressed?? :D

I was too tired dat nite, knock out by 10.30pm liao...

Let's party 1 more time before u leave SHA...I'm sure bro limpeh's gonna miss u deep deep!

Stressed lor... now jobless.. you got lobang to intro me? hehehehe

26-11-2007, 10:52 PM
It's sad to see Guandi being #1 club 10 years ago to what it is now "Fight Club". I guess there is no renovation for 10 years and the owner is not caring the club... the managress also going to leave the joint... Well there is alway MUSE for the boys to party.

27-11-2007, 01:06 AM
Pocket, I think BBS is more exciting and will have to try when I go SH next time.

Hi bro busybody. I suggest you guys go slightly later perhaps in the evening. Some BBS don't open until 8pm i think, and from outside cannot tell they are BBS inside until they open. I dun mind joining you guys if i have time tmr. Now really tempted to go 999 after hearing all these reviews, hehe. Who else have tried the gals at Yalong Hotel? make a comparision for us leh.

27-11-2007, 02:33 AM
Thanks all bros who recommend 999. It is a newly establishment and they are planning to expand their shop next month (according to the assistant manager)

To Busybody and Pocket,

999 is a definitely worth your money. I have tried 059 and 060. All the girls there are ok but their service is damn shok. :D (especially during catbath)
They sure take their time to satisfy the customers.

27-11-2007, 02:58 PM
Back in SG. Thanks to all bros for advice and recommendations.

All apologies to bro Spydro, really wanted to meet up but couldn't get out of a last minute meeting.

Shanghai is definitely THE place to be. I will be back soon (i hope!)

27-11-2007, 10:18 PM
Hi Bros,
Thank you all for posting recommendations here.
I followed the Ming Ting SPA recomendations when I was in Shanghai for a weekend and wasn't disappointed. They really have happy hours (550 RMB). The place is clean and safe. They also provided me a meal (dumplings) for free. The choice of gals was pretty rich, I think more than 15 but I didn't count. I just asked them who speaks English, no reply, so I chose one looking young and fresh, she looked at my eyes so I felt a sort of chemistry. Later it came up that she speaks Eng. good enough. After not bad at all massage she started to lick my back, than legs and feet, than asked me if I want her tounge in my little hole, sure darling, it was my first time and I liked it!!!! Afterwards BG and finally FG, but she was controlling my stick not to enter too dip because she sad it's very big and she afraids to get hurt:confused:. I don't think it is so big, standard EU size :D, but OK, I agreed. At the end we had some time left so she laid near by like a GF, very nice.
Conclusion: Good Deal for 550.

28-11-2007, 02:08 AM
Wah! So many fights ah? Hmm... Getting out of hand there ah? Maybe next time I have to bring parang to Guandii liaoz... hahahaha...
Luckily we know Bro Limpeh.. We fought but never got thrown out.. heheheh..
Make it up to you next time.. Before I leave SHA..

I wont be surprised if we kena thrown out. Of course, thanx to Bro Limpeh. But neither was the Jap's group kena thrown out. Ours is minor lah, compared 2 the Koreans.

No worries, got opportunity, we party 2gether again. Me travelling again on thur, coming back SHA next thur.

28-11-2007, 02:10 AM
now jobless.. you got lobang to intro me? hehehehe

me now jobless too, sacked my boss almost 1 month ago...

28-11-2007, 02:22 AM
me now jobless too, sacked my boss almost 1 month ago...

i think should be the other way round. YOUR BOSS SACKED YOU! not a surprise due to your dua pao xian (canon fairy) statements. :D

28-11-2007, 02:23 PM
For myself, I am back in Beijing already and already missing the action in Shanghai. ;)

yo bro ... you working / staying in BJ ? I was in BJ for 2 days 2 weeks ago, also a very happening place. maybe look for u next time ...

was at tang hui when i was in BJ, nice disco actually...

28-11-2007, 09:05 PM
hello experienced brothers of shanghai. i be heading down there for the coming weekends.. my timing is very tight so can i get help from fellows here to pm me the opening time and address for yingzi and 999? seems like these 2 places are highly rated here. will be good if anyone can provide contact personals for the following 2 places and i'll call them up when i'm over there. thanks a lot.. i'm having a lot of trouble accessing sammy from guangzhou here.. no idea why.. hopefully not banned in china! so pls pardon me for not scrolling through the 500 odd pages of this forum.. thank you again.

29-11-2007, 11:19 AM
Dear Bros,

I have benefited alot from sammboyforum,everytime when i am overseas trying to relax myself,i will reference to this website.

I want to share some lobang.

I am in shanghai from 27-1Dec,i wanted to try 999club as recommeded by bros here,but because my boss is with me,so did not go to 999.

i look for http://www.celebrity08.com/staff.asp to come to my hotel.

The one i have is from Inner Mongolia,this is the first time i had diffculty going in,because her is tight,not like in SG,easy.

Massage: Good
Damage $2000RMB overnight.(Gave her extra S$50.)

30-11-2007, 09:44 AM
Wow, dats an expensive experience.... ultimate indulgence huh! :eek:

30-11-2007, 11:23 AM
Wow, dats an expensive experience.... ultimate indulgence huh! :eek:

Maybe people have high overseas allowance? Or hardship allowance in Shanghai? What is RMB2000? Anyway that is 2 months of grocery for me... hehehe (And also 1 crazy weekend with accommodation in CP)


30-11-2007, 11:29 AM
Maybe people have high overseas allowance? Or hardship allowance in Shanghai? What is RMB2000? Anyway that is 2 months of grocery for me... hehehe (And also 1 crazy weekend with accommodation in CP)


ya rite!! RMB2k is my 1 mth allowance... :p

maybe they claim as entertainment expenses, hor say liao! unlimited budget!

30-11-2007, 12:31 PM
May some knowledgeable Bros help this newbie on hotel selection.
My criteria is guest friendliness and location. In addition to trying out saunas mentioned in the thread, I surely don't mind some overnight action in hotel room.

I am currently thinking of booking either Citadines JinQiao apartment or Summit Shanghai Xuhui Hotel. They appears the same class and price is almost same.

Is it issue to bring back girl to either one of these hotels ?
Can someone give an opinion which is more preferrable ?

BTW I shall arrive just before Christmas period. Would be great if some bros can show me around. Thanks.


baa tanhaa
30-11-2007, 02:35 PM

i am in shanghai pudong area now.. staying at this hotel opposite the crowne plaza hotel in wai gao qiao free trade zone. Any bro has good massage or BBS places to recommend around here anyone interested to chiong together? will be here till sunday.


30-11-2007, 03:36 PM
Hi everyone,
hope u guys dont mind-- but i got a new job in SH & will be coming over in mid Dec... was wondering if anyone can advise me -- can i do the medical here in SGH or must do in SH? i been talking to some folks here but got conflicting answers about the work permit/z visa application... some say must do in SH etc..
i'm running out of time as i have not yet finished handling over duties in Sin office... but would prefer to do medical check up in SIN..
hope u guys dont mind but i never work overseas b4. The JV company i'm joining is in midst of break-up - so i cant really ask anyone there now.
a merry x'mas to u all & hope to meet up in SH real soon!

The Bund
01-12-2007, 01:33 AM
...can i do the medical here in SGH or must do in SH? ...The JV company i'm joining is in midst of break-up - so i cant really ask anyone there now.

As far as I know, you have to do the medical check-up in Shanghai at a hospital specially run for this purpose for foreigners (it's at Hami Road). It's quite a comprehensive check-up and, the last time I went, I thought it was done rather efficiently. In any event, your SG doctor doesn't know what are the tests required, so you won't be able to do the medical in SG.

Just a question, purely out of curiosity: if the company is "in the midst of break-up", would it be wise to join in? (Or perhaps I've totally misunderstood what you meant.)

01-12-2007, 01:38 AM
hello experienced brothers of shanghai. i be heading down there for the coming weekends.. my timing is very tight so can i get help from fellows here to pm me the opening time and address for yingzi and 999? seems like these 2 places are highly rated here. will be good if anyone can provide contact personals for the following 2 places and i'll call them up when i'm over there. thanks a lot.. i'm having a lot of trouble accessing sammy from guangzhou here.. no idea why.. hopefully not banned in china! so pls pardon me for not scrolling through the 500 odd pages of this forum.. thank you again.

for 缨子会所, it is located at 吴中路,姚红路路口, 3rd floor. You may contact manager 王鑫 at 13601957080. She can sms you the detailed address as well. Most of the taxi drive in puxi know where to drop you, but less chance if you taking taxi from pudong, since the taxi driver from there is not so familiar with that place. Operation hour is 1pm-3pm. The gals there having 2 shift, 1pm-12am, and 4pm-3am seperatedly. So best time is go in between the overlapped timing, you can have more choice. You can walk in anytime before 3am sharp and they will still serve you well. if you want to stay overnight after 3am, just need to pay another RMB50.

Hope you enjoy your session.

01-12-2007, 08:58 PM
Wanted to go to Shanghai Hotel to try no 55 but was told she'll be on leave for the next 3 -4 days.

Head toward 999. Choose 810, a girl from Szechuan - C cup with slutty look. Service is good - so far can't find anything to complain about this joint yet

02-12-2007, 11:07 AM
Ya man.. Maybe SGPSHA69 will be messaging him... Hahahaha.. :p
But nowadays people use pre-paid card, so when there is too many nuisance calls, just change number.

Luckily you did not come down to Guandii on Fri. I have to say sorry to 84gunner, I think I saw him came in about 130am. I was already drunk for the first time in Shanghai! :eek:

2 bottles of Tequilas with Bro Shingo, and just him alone. Shots and Slammer. Got into some tussle, and Bro Shingo was damn steady as he took care of me.
I lost that chance with the Chinese gal from New York (actually it was Bro Shingo who told me, I seriously cannot remember what I did I say to her)

Got a bump on my head the next day. A bad hangover and swearing off Tequila till I get sick of Chivas.

Next weekend, I think I am going tertiary... hehehehe....

Bro, never have a chance to cheong with you since we met long long time ago.. you really powerful.. hope to catch up soon ...

02-12-2007, 11:11 AM
Hi everyone,
hope u guys dont mind-- but i got a new job in SH & will be coming over in mid Dec... was wondering if anyone can advise me -- can i do the medical here in SGH or must do in SH? i been talking to some folks here but got conflicting answers about the work permit/z visa application... some say must do in SH etc..
i'm running out of time as i have not yet finished handling over duties in Sin office... but would prefer to do medical check up in SIN..
hope u guys dont mind but i never work overseas b4. The JV company i'm joining is in midst of break-up - so i cant really ask anyone there now.
a merry x'mas to u all & hope to meet up in SH real soon!

Yes , I think you have to do the medical check up in Shanghai.
I have confirmed it when I try to do it in Singapore

02-12-2007, 12:56 PM
Dear fellow bro some thing to share with all of you. Thers is a new massage joint open at Pudong just about 3 weeks ago and is located at 190 崮山路/张扬路towards the direction of 浦东大道.This place will suit those who would like to go for a complete thorough massage to soothe your aching muscles for an 2 hr 精油body massage (and possibly something more...but no FJ ) without rush rush feeling.

Shop name is called 龙芳井For those in Pudong, if you proceed via 崮山路/张扬路, the shop is on your left, and for those come from 浦东大道/崮山路, the shop is on your right. Those come from Puxi, is better to go via 大连隧道.

This shop is own by the former angpai of 蓉蓉massage (no.39 马莉) locate at Pudong 崂山东路. I was her regular for the past few years liao cos of her no nonsense massage skill and something else:p Received her call 2 weeks ago was wondering why since she has been MIA for almost a month from 蓉蓉massage. Pay she a visit to her new shop and also pay the shop $ lah to visit their girls over there. Now the shop charge rmb240 (promotion price:20% discount) for whole body oil massage for 2 solid hour, in my opinion is one of the cheapest. And is not those play piano type of massage, I received a 2 hour full soild massage of course minus about 7 to 10 mins when they need to go and change the towel.

Is not a big shop but they have more than 5 rooms for body massage not bad for a new starter. This shop also offer footmassage. What I like the place is quite cosy, clean and comfortable. The girls are friendly too (not sure maybe they know I knew their new boss??) and normally they will be standing/sitting near the counter area, so you can pick and choose.

What I understand is that (for you to explore) most of their lady has strength and knows their stuff and have received formal training in the art of massage. Girls tried so far is no. 2 and no. 5. Both give me very good and soothing whole body oil massage to my dry skin in this winter period in Shanghai. And their different skill by using fingers and nails running down my body, back, thighs and inner thighs (with me face down and both my legs resting on their thigh), calves... I could only say it was sensual and seductive but they are not there just to finish you off just like that. After face front they will contniue to do a proper massage of your arm, chest and stomach area where is to build up your 气 as they said. There after they will perform the dick therapy slow and sensual with no rush rush attitude. During my 2 different visit on both girls they both allow me to auto roam and even un-button their shirt and bra :p to ruba ruba their XX

马莉no longer performing massage at the shop cos the girls will said she is trying to "steal" away their business. So is up to you to sian her, though I managed to get her to do for me in my hotel room but only once during her off day which is always on Monday.

My conclusion is worth a try especially if you are in Pudong and into a good massage and some sensual specials to perk you up. If you are very particular about looks with a model figure, i am afraid you have to look elsewhere. Firstly most of these girls are not SYT type of person and some of them actually late 20's yrs of age. One man's meat might be another man's poison and being a body oil massage lover, i had a good time. i also like the idea that the girls are polite and at the same time you do not get a "very rush" feeling. Definitely the better FL that i have tried in terms of service and attitude. And I m sure that some bro do have that feeling in some other joint before.

Name of shop: 龙芳井
Location: 190 崮山路/张扬路towards the direction of 浦东大道
Tel: 58513751
Damage: rmb240 (promotion price, usual rmb150/hr )
But if you mentioned you are from Sing, you might get the same price throughout. Speak to 马莉 said is yang recommend she might give you the discount but it depends your luck. Don't flame you if you don't get it hoh.

02-12-2007, 01:48 PM
All Bros, just want to relate something that happened to me last week. I am not partial to BBS, find them dirty, quick and the girl selection pretty bad. Prefer the HC, etc. However I am always on the lookout for any hot girls when I walk past a BBS. Well, I saw a real hottie and went in. She took me to the booth and asked me da bei or xiao bei - I really dont go in for da bei in this kind of a place, but she was so pretty and had such a hot body that I agreed.

She took me out back and even put a new sheet down and just as I was about to lie down... the cops walked in. SHIT! All that was going through my head is 'thank god they didn't come in 30 seconds later when I had my didi out.'

They were pretty rude to the girl. Grabbing her, pushing, shoving, etc. Looked quite shocked to see me. I figured that they couldn't do much to me but I really didn't want them to take me down to the station, waste my day, call my wife, etc.

Anyway, they played tough, asked me some stupid questions and obviously didn't know where to take it. After a while I decided to try and end it so I asked the politely if I should call my consulate to get some help. They said that I shouldn't come to this kind of place again and if I agreed I could go. Yea, whatever. And I left.

Anyway, lesson learnt. I'll stick to the HCs for a while. So, all bros, keep an eye out and try not to get caught with your didi out.

Happy hunting.

02-12-2007, 04:01 PM
First time chiong KTV wif bros FM, Ronaldo n limpeh in SH last nite... too bad bro SGP was busy wif domestic affairs, so cant join us..

Well, hope u guys enjoyed urselves!! U guys are real sporting!! Really..

But the other half of the grp, (whose frens har?), werent so funny.. Is it b'cos of the place or the gals??

02-12-2007, 10:52 PM
Hi fellow bros,

Will be in Shanghai tmr and reach hotel by 11pm. Want to head out to visit a KTV. Already browsed thru 100 pages easily and have come across Golden globe ktv and other various establishments altho they were not covered in detail.

I've chionged in Beijing once and understand that the KTV concept is the same in Shanghai with the KJ,mommy and girls tips to hover around 400-500RMB range. However I would really appreciate some recommendations on Midrange(the higher end ones) preferbly more affordable then places like Tian Shang ren jian..(that cost an arm and a leg in beijing).

Can't wait to hear from you guys soon. I'll be in Shanghai from 3rd-7th. =)

Cheerios and appreciate the help!

PS: Will be staying at The Bund's Huangpu district..wonder if anything's hot there. =)

Anyone hitting pickup joints pls message me, I wouldnt mind that too if i can get an invite! =)

02-12-2007, 11:03 PM
thanks to the generous wealth of info from bros here. managed to find a nice hook up when i was in shanghai a few weeks ago.

called wan wan based on the reviews here and must say they were spot on. early 20s lass with an so-so face (young looking but face a little squarish and broad nosed type). BUT an awesome HOT bod in slutty leopard print undies. C to D cuppers with nipples bigger than 50c coins, nice smooth skin and a warm pussy.... nice and accomodating gal too -- her hot/cold bj so good until cant tahan had to fire... haha went for another round of bonking after that. :D

looks: 6/10
bod: 9/10 (i'm a boobs lover and she's C to D cup. firm and natural)
FJ: 8/10

here's her number again.. 13916169695
apparently she goes by jolin as well... be nice to her and be treated to some great fun :)

03-12-2007, 03:22 AM
First time chiong KTV wif bros FM, Ronaldo n limpeh in SH last nite... too bad bro SGP was busy wif domestic affairs, so cant join us..

Well, hope u guys enjoyed urselves!! U guys are real sporting!! Really..

But the other half of the grp, (whose frens har?), werent so funny.. Is it b'cos of the place or the gals??

I think you are more steady... We should meet for dinner before my return to SG...

Sporting? hehehe.. It seems like its the 3rd time Bro Limpeh see me naked at a KTV.. hahaha.. Aiyah... Fun mahz.. just relax lor.. With the Da Feng Chui, I was practically naked by the time the 4th gal came to me.. And I found a dice near my asshole.. ahahhahaa.. amazing..

Those friends are of Bro Shingo78 and they are in Shanghai for the first time.. newbie.. so you have to understand.. Anyway I also newbie in Shanghai but definitely not China..

Thanks for controlling the bill... hehehe...

Lastly, I think my Airhead chick is very cute.. got potential... I will UP her if I were to come back to Shanghai.. or maybe before? hehehehe...:D

03-12-2007, 09:50 AM
no problem, bro...

KTV in SH need not be very expensive if u know the mommy. I seldom pay more than 2k for drinks here, except in Jin Bi Hui Huang, which typically range between 3-5k.

Yes! Now we've all seen ur "boxer"...hahaha...:D

But frankly, most of the gals quite ok lar, i mean the boobs.. min C-cupper n round, firm ones!

I really enjoyed myself, esp wif bro FM, which I hv not chiong wif him for at least 8 mths liao..

03-12-2007, 09:58 AM
I think you are more steady... We should meet for dinner before my return to SG...

Sporting? hehehe.. It seems like its the 3rd time Bro Limpeh see me naked at a KTV.. hahaha.. Aiyah... Fun mahz.. just relax lor.. With the Da Feng Chui, I was practically naked by the time the 4th gal came to me.. And I found a dice near my asshole.. ahahhahaa.. amazing..

Those friends are of Bro Shingo78 and they are in Shanghai for the first time.. newbie.. so you have to understand.. Anyway I also newbie in Shanghai but definitely not China..

Thanks for controlling the bill... hehehe...

Lastly, I think my Airhead chick is very cute.. got potential... I will UP her if I were to come back to Shanghai.. or maybe before? hehehehe...:D

Hey Guys,

Your "to & fro" replies and comments are good to read, just a single curious query, which KTV ah, or is that only for the priveleged? Its not necessary to reply, just curious, that's all.

Thanks in advance, perhaps in not so distant future, I might have an opportunity to meet and get to know you all.

03-12-2007, 12:09 PM
Hey bros, i will going to 24th Dec 2007 till 6th Jan 2008. Any bros wana met up?

03-12-2007, 12:50 PM
Hey Guys,

Your "to & fro" replies and comments are good to read, just a single curious query, which KTV ah, or is that only for the priveleged? Its not necessary to reply, just curious, that's all.

Thanks in advance, perhaps in not so distant future, I might have an opportunity to meet and get to know you all.

Hahaha.. its not for the privileged, more for the UNDER-privileged.. Hahahaha..
Just kidding.. Its Big Shot Fortune.. or Da Fu Hao lor...

Its my first time here... Bro Sexatronics is the GURU in KTV in Shanghai..
Still laughing about the Chao-Ren game.. hahaha...

03-12-2007, 12:51 PM
Bro, never have a chance to cheong with you since we met long long time ago.. you really powerful.. hope to catch up soon ...

Your Powerful means points or rep points? hahahahaa..

We went Banana that day.. not too happening.. But we intend to check out the Korean Night on the 7th.. hehehehhe:D

03-12-2007, 01:41 PM
Dear Brothers, a new place to share.

Venue: 中田沐浴有限公司 (Zhong Tian)
Address: 上海兴义路8号万都商厦B一层
(Shanghai Xing Yi Road No. 8, Wan Du B Building Basement)
兴义路,遵义路 路口。 近仙霞路。
(Junction of Xing Yi Road & Zun Yi Road, near Xian Xia Road)

Went there alone on a Saturday evening, place looks secluded but with enough white signboards to direct you. The place is at the basement of the building with no other shops/offices so you are unlikely miss it. Underground parking is free for 2 hours if any bros drive.

Place has a pool with shower facilities, never made use of it because that is not the main course I was eyeing for. Proceed to change and went to the resting room, big sofa chairs comes with LCD TV and free flow of usual HC drinks and food. Had a rest and call in the mummy for a chat. Seems that this place is own by a Shanghai boss. She then led me to basement, yes, resting area is B1 and girls at B2 and passing thru a door arm with password, talking about security, this is the first time I encountered this in Shanghai.

Moving along I was shown to a fish tank……much like being in BKK with gals standing up to parade inform of me. Mummy said the girls can’t see me but “Ya right” every single girl is staring at my direction, putting on their sweetest smile to entice me.

Selection of girls are good I would say, almost 20 of them are there to choose from, let alone the fact that there are already 4 person before me. I would most are at least 7/10. All clad in sexy bikini tops, bottoms with a scarf and some in panties even. Gosh I swore I saw the black mound behind the lacy pink panty on one of the girls. I was really spoilt for choice. But then one and only one really caught my attention.

Standing at slightly below 1.6m, she really has the look of Japanese, sweet, fair and nice smile. A good treat for folks who are into Japanese. Watching her undress is a killer. First was the top, nice perky breasts that stand against gravity, B-C cupper with fits nicely in my hands, anything more is a waste. Nipples are sweet to taste and reacts nicely to touch, not those big 50 cents nor inverted type. Nicely trim mound below unlike those comes with a jungle below. I know I am in for a feast.

She striped me naked and before I knew it she is already having my little brother in her mouth and massaging my nuts at the same time, had to stop her before the show is over. We then move over to the shower area, big area with a inflatable bed and yes, the show is on. She made me sat on a short stool with a gap in the middle and cleaned me properly from top to bottom not forgetting the crack as well.

We then move on the bed and she mix some gel like liquid and soap together, and gave me a good rub all over. The feeling of her boobs running down the back is sensational, next with her pussy hair and ass, perhaps it’s the gel which makes things slippery and making all her touches extremely arousing, especially when she massages my little bro, I almost beg for mercy.

Washed up and proceed to bed and the action starts, hot cold treatment, catbath and BBBJ as well. She was very accommodating and smoothing throughout the whole session. We did many positions and can really feel that she is out to please you and friendly throughout. No rushing and very much GF feeling, what I really like about her are her moans , nothing fantastic but feel sensual and natural which reciprocates to your movements, unlike others where the moment you touch her pussy, she scream like the pigs to the slaughter. I took a long time to finish but no a slightest glimpse of unhappiness from her. Finished and she cleaned me nicely before washing me up again. I left the place a sextisfy man.

Girl Number: 53
Overall rating: 9/10
Look: 9/10 (my type)
Body: (8/10)
BBBJ: 7/10
FJ: 9/10 (very accommodating)
RTF: 100% (Already made booking)
Damage: RMB880 (subsequent visit less RMB80 with voucher)
Before 7 pm think is RMB or something like that.
Mummy: Wang Yan 王燕 13918366231

03-12-2007, 03:47 PM
Your Powerful means points or rep points? hahahahaa..

We went Banana that day.. not too happening.. But we intend to check out the Korean Night on the 7th.. hehehehhe:D

U mean got Korean girl for Korea night ? CHio me along la.. so quite quite.... lately damn damn busy .. need a relax

03-12-2007, 03:57 PM
Yes , I think you have to do the medical check up in Shanghai.
I have confirmed it when I try to do it in Singapore

hi bro XJH,
thanks! haha, by the way- i'm scouting for small apt in XJH area too ! i was there last 2 trips & thought that it more convenient / better compare to putou district & zhabei area. when i'm all settled in - will hope to contact u guys for coffee.
merry x'mas !

03-12-2007, 10:21 PM
Dear Shanghai Tang bros,
Thanks for all the wonderful & informative input to make the life of newbies like myself who r attacking the "pearl of the orient" easier.

i hv tried to search and read up as much as possible on the 500++ pages of info on this thread but its abit diffcult to absorb so much and my search online bears no results so far.

May I ask, is there any good & skilful jua gen (or is there another name for it in china which i'm unaway of ?) service provided in shanghai HCs or massage place ? i dun recall any info posted which got any recommendation on someone with the skills for weapon maintainence. after firing,its best that our weapon should be clean and maintain to ensure no jamming or IA in the future,right ?

03-12-2007, 11:39 PM
..... can i do the medical here in SGH or must do in SH? i been talking to some folks here but got conflicting answers about the work permit/z visa application...

Bro, the choice is yours. U can do it either in Sgp or in SH. If done in Sgp, bring all reports including the X-ray to SH for endorsement. Otherwise, u can have it all done in SH.

Mine was done in Sgp & endorsed in SH. Both procedures have to be done at same place, 哈密路。 Diff if done in Sgp is 1) Medical report more ex. Abt S$200+. 2) Waiting time for medical procedure is in Sgp. 3) Results from SH endorsements faster & costs lower as compared to full report required. 4) Better professional attitude received/expected.

Actually not much diff, much depends on whether u have more time in Sgp or SH to do the medical check up. Hope this helps... ;)

03-12-2007, 11:57 PM
After being here for a while, finally found my way to 樱子会所。Thanks to the reco by bros here.

Called up 王鑫 (136 0195 7080) to confirm their location. Ask for her reco for hard wroking gals. Minutes later, she brought abt 5. Chose gal 90 from 沈阳. Shall not go too much into the details, but can vouch that what most bros here mentioned are true to the core.

Girl Number: 90
Overall rating: 9/10
Look: 7/10 (Best of the lot, 1st timer. Paiseh to reject)
Body: 7/10 (A B-cupper, not much of a butt too)
Catbath: 8/10 (Hot & Cold treatment, very detailed. Shoulders right down to the last toe, even had me toe-gering her in process)
BBBJ: 8/10 (Hot & Cold treatment, hard working tongue :))
AR: 9/10 (Had it prone & lie position, long lasting too)
FJ: 9/10 (very very accommodating, use of excercise ball; many positions till i lost count)
Moans: 9/10 (Least bit of fakeness, well synchronised)
RTF: 100% (But unlikely same gal, too many choices :D)
Damage: RMB550 (At the mentioning of "Glen", was there abt 7pm)

Can any bro adv on the damage for 双飞?

04-12-2007, 12:01 AM
-> Guys dun make me itchy leh talk about KTV but never narrow down or recommend me one.. =( Hope the bros here can take time to reply...

-> Now in Shanghai, anyone wanna go club?

Hi fellow bros,

Will be in Shanghai tmr and reach hotel by 11pm. Want to head out to visit a KTV. Already browsed thru 100 pages easily and have come across Golden globe ktv and other various establishments altho they were not covered in detail.

I've chionged in Beijing once and understand that the KTV concept is the same in Shanghai with the KJ,mommy and girls tips to hover around 400-500RMB range. However I would really appreciate some recommendations on Midrange(the higher end ones) preferbly more affordable then places like Tian Shang ren jian..(that cost an arm and a leg in beijing).

Can't wait to hear from you guys soon. I'll be in Shanghai from 3rd-7th. =)

Cheerios and appreciate the help!

PS: Will be staying at The Bund's Huangpu district..wonder if anything's hot there. =)

Anyone hitting pickup joints pls message me, I wouldnt mind that too if i can get an invite! =)

04-12-2007, 02:11 AM
-> Guys dun make me itchy leh talk about KTV but never narrow down or recommend me one.. =( Hope the bros here can take time to reply...

-> Now in Shanghai, anyone wanna go club?

Actually there is a difference between "Residents" and "Tourists"...
Speaking from experience when I was down south, there are many people coming to China on business trips.

With high overseas allowance and most importantly time flexibility, these "Tourists" are often very into having IMMEDIATE fun and experience what has been posted online. It is not everyday that we can chiong till late and still crawl to work the next day. Like Bro Limpeh always say on Sunday, "Fuck! Tomorrow have to work!"

Many "Residents" in China (or any other places), paid "school fees" prior to enjoy the current privileges. For example, one bro may have good contacts at certain KTV joints, good service is guaranteed.

Introducing his contacts to "Tourists" over SBF may backfire if he does not know the person well enough. Just to quote an example, what if this "Tourist" got drunk, forgets to pay tips and kick up a big fuss. This will make the "Resident" samster look bad at this KTV as this was introduced by him.

There goes the weekly investments to the joint. Reputation is all that matters in China.

Therefore I hope you can understand this. When I first came to China, I logged onto the GZ thread to look contacts. Horny in GZ one night, I started to PM samster for help. I guess I came a long way after knowing a good bunch of friends here.

With more than 30,000 Singaporeans registered in Shanghai, I am sure many bros here have their PM boxes flooded with questions.

I guess there will be an opportunity for you to meet a group who is having at that particular time.

Good Luck! :D

04-12-2007, 10:53 AM
hi bro XJH,
thanks! haha, by the way- i'm scouting for small apt in XJH area too ! i was there last 2 trips & thought that it more convenient / better compare to putou district & zhabei area. when i'm all settled in - will hope to contact u guys for coffee.
merry x'mas !

Basically depend on your budget. You can consider service apt... But I already move from XJH to other places...
City area is still pretty small I will said...

04-12-2007, 11:14 AM
Actually there is a difference between "Residents" and "Tourists"...
Speaking from experience when I was down south, there are many people coming to China on business trips.

Many "Residents" in China (or any other places), paid "school fees" prior to enjoy the current privileges. For example, one bro may have good contacts at certain KTV joints, good service is guaranteed.

Introducing his contacts to "Tourists" over SBF may backfire if he does not know the person well enough. Just to quote an example, what if this "Tourist" got drunk, forgets to pay tips and kick up a big fuss. This will make the "Resident" samster look bad at this KTV as this was introduced by him.

With more than 30,000 Singaporeans registered in Shanghai, I am sure many bros here have their PM boxes flooded with questions.

Good Luck! :D

Thks bro for speaking up, i'm waiting for u...my ang mo not so good...hehe..

many bros here PM me (almost every other day) asking for mommy contacts, which, yes, i really know many and hv good relationship with.

I go to KTV like 2-3 times a wk, switching between 6 outlets. All mommies know us very well...we can sleep in the room till next morning, go party together, forgot to tip etc... they will control the bill for us, free drinks etc.. dats why i always say, ktv in SH may not hv to be expensive, if u know the rite pple..

But like bro ronaldo said, I'm not so willing to pass around contacts of mommies if i dont know u...

perhaps if the timming is rite, we can chiong together, just like last wk!

I'm not stuck up, i need these mommies for business entertainment..

04-12-2007, 12:09 PM
Thks bro for speaking up, i'm waiting for u...my ang mo not so good...hehe..

many bros here PM me (almost every other day) asking for mommy contacts, which, yes, i really know many and hv good relationship with.

I go to KTV like 2-3 times a wk, switching between 6 outlets. All mommies know us very well...we can sleep in the room till next morning, go party together, forgot to tip etc... they will control the bill for us, free drinks etc.. dats why i always say, ktv in SH may not hv to be expensive, if u know the rite pple..

But like bro ronaldo said, I'm not so willing to pass around contacts of mommies if i dont know u...

perhaps if the timming is rite, we can chiong together, just like last wk!

I'm not stuck up, i need these mommies for business entertainment..

Hey Bro Sexatronic,

Totally agree with your point of view, if you notice that I didn't ask for a contact, just curious about which ktv. I know that some others might be asking for this or that, as if we HAVE to share since we are in a forum.
When you are in good rapport with some Mummies, you tend to think a lot more, especially if you involve business into it. I would do practise the same caution if i am in your shoes.

B/Reagrds - HKarto - One of the invisibles in Shanghai

Just a fair note, a reminder to the others that visit the forums (especially Shanghai) please know that we are not stuck up, try reading through the forums, try to participate before hand, try to get to know us all before you go to shanghai, an occasional Hi/Bye/Thanks/anything at all will easily gain our trust.

On a lighter note, hope see you all soon, preferably when happy, drunk and groping someone else

04-12-2007, 12:29 PM
Hey Bro Sexatronic,

Totally agree with your point of view, if you notice that I didn't ask for a contact, just curious about which ktv. I know that some others might be asking for this or that, as if we HAVE to share since we are in a forum.

the rainbow room (bing fen nian dai) - sorry, lazy to change to chinese and type
like the tian shang ren jian, cost you arm and leg, i only go if need to entertain certain people.

count or duke (bo jue) - nice little private place. fantastic service from all staff.

lido (or bo jue 2) - rendezvous hotel - 2nd nice little private place, same owner i think....

no. 9 - i think girls there are one of the prettiest nowadays.

then there are the rest, e.g. tian shang ren jian, jing bi hui huang, golden globe, 151, etc with more rooms.

if desperate, i'll try to recommend mum. pm me. but no obligations...
hope it helps a bit, instead of sieving thru 500 pages.

04-12-2007, 01:09 PM
the rainbow room (bing fen nian dai) - sorry, lazy to change to chinese and type
like the tian shang ren jian, cost you arm and leg, i only go if need to entertain certain people.

count or duke (bo jue) - nice little private place. fantastic service from all staff.

lido (or bo jue 2) - rendezvous hotel - 2nd nice little private place, same owner i think....

no. 9 - i think girls there are one of the prettiest nowadays.

then there are the rest, e.g. tian shang ren jian, jing bi hui huang, golden globe, 151, etc with more rooms.

if desperate, i'll try to recommend mum. pm me. but no obligations...
hope it helps a bit, instead of sieving thru 500 pages.

Thanks for the tips bro johnnylomas

Seems like bro johnnylomas does not like how i phrased my opinion. It does not matter, all I say is not everyone is obligated to. I am a silent Shanghai residing forum troll, but I get tips and nice reports from all the helpful people here (Thanks for all guys), all i want to say, since i seldom write, seldom participate and seldom contribute, I know I don't deserve any more than is present, and in case of I REALLY need info and ask for it here in the forums; I fully EXPECT not to get any insight and information, because i Don't deserve it.

Not in my best mood, apologies to all reading.

B/Regards - Hendri Karto

04-12-2007, 01:36 PM
bro..heard u busy last nite...hehe... we went out again...to some KTV..quite happening..hehe.. wasted u not there with us leh...so when again...countdown to Friday....:D

04-12-2007, 02:30 PM
Thanks for the tips bro johnnylomas

Seems like bro johnnylomas does not like how i phrased my opinion. It does not matter, all I say is not everyone is obligated to. I am a silent Shanghai residing forum troll, but I get tips and nice reports from all the helpful people here (Thanks for all guys), all i want to say, since i seldom write, seldom participate and seldom contribute, I know I don't deserve any more than is present, and in case of I REALLY need info and ask for it here in the forums; I fully EXPECT not to get any insight and information, because i Don't deserve it.

Not in my best mood, apologies to all reading.

B/Regards - Hendri Karto

my man.
it seems you misunderstand.
i'm not really that into time wasting in the forums, as i believe it is
a place to share information, not for politics. (real life has enough of its politiking....)
and this is probably a first, that i try to re-explain, since i'm still at my comp.
i only share information when i'm in the forums, or add my few cents worth at other times.
maybe my english is not good enough. no obligations meant that if i do pass any contacts along, don't expect guarantees for your happiness. too many factors concerned, in case later one gets blamed. maybe i should write, no guarantees, but that doesn't sound too good for any contacts passed along.

wa, life is hard. have to answer questions, and then justify my answers.

that's the problem i think with singaporeans - strictly my personal opinion. first, we don't help each other easily, like taiwanese help each other. then when we do help, we are suspicious of each other. difficult leh.

04-12-2007, 03:26 PM
First FR :

Was in Shanghai end of NOV, saw shingo78’s FR on长航美林阁大酒店 located at上海市浦东新区张扬路818号, so decided to check the place out as I was staying in Pudong.

The place was like what shingo78 had described. I didn’t go for the foot massage instead asked to see the girls immediately coz wanting to get happy hour rate (about 6pm then) but the mamasan said as long as I pay before 8pm, I can enjoy the discount.

The first group of 9 shown was rejected as some of them were quite masculine. The second group was better so chose a petite girl and led to a room thru a maze of corridors. She promoted the double team package at RMB1000 and said No.80 from her hometown NanJing had just arrived.

They worked well together but initially No.80 was not as engaging as No.39. After brief massage, hot and cold body treatment, they got me on my knees and hands on the bed then 1 went under for BBBJ and the other AR. No.80 did “monkey show” on the rope/swing as she was new but No.39 took over skillfully for boob rub and BBBJ. I requested the hot/cold BBBJ before they capped me for FJ. Finished threesome with about 15 mins left on the clock (90 mins for double, 70 mins for 1 girl), then requested FJ with just No.39.

Girl No. : 39
Overall rating: 8/10
Look: 7.5/10
Figure : 5’1’’, about 34b 24 32
BBBJ: 8/10
FJ: 9/10

Girl No. : 80
Overall rating: 7/10
Look: 6.5/10
Figure : 5’4’’, about 34 26 34
BBBJ: 6.5/10
FJ: 7/10

Damage: RMB1000

04-12-2007, 03:33 PM
my man.
it seems you misunderstand.
i'm not really that into time wasting in the forums, as i believe it is
a place to share information, not for politics. (real life has enough of its politiking....)
and this is probably a first, that i try to re-explain, since i'm still at my comp.
i only share information when i'm in the forums, or add my few cents worth at other times.
maybe my english is not good enough. no obligations meant that if i do pass any contacts along, don't expect guarantees for your happiness. too many factors concerned, in case later one gets blamed. maybe i should write, no guarantees, but that doesn't sound too good for any contacts passed along.

wa, life is hard. have to answer questions, and then justify my answers.

that's the problem i think with singaporeans - strictly my personal opinion. first, we don't help each other easily, like taiwanese help each other. then when we do help, we are suspicious of each other. difficult leh.

Thanks for your insight bro johnnylomas, In my opinion we did not misunderstand each other, just talking on a different level on the same subject.

For example, you are willing to give tips and info to anyone, thats helpful and beneficial to all, except you, so I applaud you. Shamelessly, since i don't write all the time, no one knows me, and that means no one bothered me.

However, i will not ignore a plea for help if I can actually help. Believe it or not I don't care.

But what i am referring is not about me, is about those people that is active in the forums, those that we considere Lao-Jiao, those vets that has from time and time given us more than enough insights to last over 10 horny sessions. Those people that actually made the forums readable, and social enough along with the FRs which they don't need to bother writing (but did anyway).

I think what they do is more than enough, they don't need :
1. people keep bothering them endlessly about where is nice or cheap
2. unknown people (enter the shanghai forum once) asking to join up on their parties where their credibility or trust can be compromised
3. some others we can all imagine, just i rather not say

I never said you are wrong bro johnnylomas, i just think differently. Why i thank you for your ktv tips? because i appreciate it, Bo Jue is something i heard but never seemed to see being recommended.

Anyway, thanks for all that read through the ramblings, and for all that is coming to shanghai for fun. HAPPY CHEONG-ING

B/Regards - Hendri Karto

PS: writing in forums is not a waste of time, writing in the forum and still see people begging for info, IS A WASTE OF TIME.

04-12-2007, 04:45 PM
I never said you are wrong bro johnnylomas, i just think differently. Why i thank you for your ktv tips? because i appreciate it, Bo Jue is something i heard but never seemed to see being recommended.

Anyway, thanks for all that read through the ramblings, and for all that is coming to shanghai for fun. HAPPY CHEONG-ING

B/Regards - Hendri Karto

PS: writing in forums is not a waste of time, writing in the forum and still see people begging for info, IS A WASTE OF TIME.

no problem.
bo jue - is duke or count translated in chinese.
most who go rainbow room, or no. 9 may know. or just ask the mum of another ktv.
definitely wat u say is true. lots of helpful folks that share info around, e.g. locations, etc. fr - is individual tastes, but location and pricing, these info very useful to first-timers or newbies in these areas, otherwise get ketohed.

like i say, my writing often omits certain points which, perhaps, an oversight on my part, or i simply type and never re-read. i don't mean writing in forums waste of time. i mean to participate in slamming, politiking, etc is to me very time-consuming, and can be put to better use.
therefore, i either give the info which i think may help others, or i just read and log off. not the most generous and helpful of forum participants, me, but hey, that's what i've been doing since beginning of the website, to delphi to now.

maybe being alone in the hotel room, and nothing to do now makes people want to write more. is that so, all u cheongster travellers out there?

04-12-2007, 04:54 PM
bro..heard u busy last nite...hehe... we went out again...to some KTV..quite happening..hehe.. wasted u not there with us leh...so when again...countdown to Friday....:D

I know lar! Dont hv to remind me wat I missed!

FYI, the ktv u went last nite was "discovered" by one of the bro here, and subsquently introduced into ur/our grp by urs truly...:D did the mummy ask for me? haha..

got a visitor last nite at home, who only left this morning... :p

04-12-2007, 05:27 PM
ok, since there r always many bros looking for info on ktv, i try to compile a simple list.. hope it helps.. my 2 cents worth..

1. Jin Bi Hui Huang - 金碧辉煌
Huai Hai Rd
Damage: expensive, anything frm 3500 to unlimited
Gals: 300 tips, abt 200 nos., most can make it..
Note: Good for entertaining client, cos it's posh.

2. Club 823 - 823 会所
Jiang Ning Rd
Damage: mid range, 2000-4000
Gals: 300 tips, abt 150-200, only half can make it, so pls go early for best pick

3. Shanghai Nite - 上海之夜
Cao Bao Rd, Hong Cao Rd
Damage: mid range, 3000 up
Gals: 300 for normal, 400 for models (looks the same to me), 200-300 gals. Models dressed in gowns, normal dress normally. :D
Note: This is my 2nd home in SHA. But if u stay in town, it may be a little far for u. Huge place, total 4 levels.

4. Club Boss Royale - 皇家红都
Zun Yi Rd, Hong Qiao Parkson Level 4
Damage: mid-high range, 3000 up
Gals: 400 tip, not many, but high quality.
Note: Relatively new, nice decor, good for entertaining client. My 3rd home in SH.

5. 大富豪
Cao Bao Rd, Everbright Centre, Level 3
Damage: mid range, 3000 up
Gals: 400 tip, 150-200, looks so-so, boobs ok
Note: Kinky place, lap dance, topless etc.. Decor shows sign of ageing..

Pls note that the price is just indicative, it depends on how much u drink. My price is usually much lower than quoted.

Then there r other joints like Golden Globe n Tian Shang Ren Jian, which hv been reviewed here before.

Last but not least, it is not the place, but the pple u go wif dat makes or break a nite! Jio bro ronaldo, FM n Limpeh...haha...

04-12-2007, 05:36 PM
I know lar! Dont hv to remind me wat I missed!

FYI, the ktv u went last nite was "discovered" by one of the bro here, and subsquently introduced into ur/our grp by urs truly...:D did the mummy ask for me? haha..

got a visitor last nite at home, who only left this morning... :p

ya ya..i heard u got a "visitor" ..hehehe..

i not sure mummy got ask for u or not..cos me busy..with "others" :p

06-12-2007, 12:34 AM
ok, since there r always many bros looking for info on ktv, i try to compile a simple list.. hope it helps.. my 2 cents worth..

Last but not least, it is not the place, but the pple u go wif dat makes or break a nite! Jio bro ronaldo, FM n Limpeh...haha...

Wah so free ah? Got time to compile somemore. Free to meet up for dinner either on Thur or Fri?

This is not 2 cts worth lor... Imagine all the amount (time, money and sperm) spent to compile this... hehehehe...

I gonna ORD from SHA liao... hopefully I can get "reservist" here... hahahaha:D

06-12-2007, 09:38 AM
Compiling as of right now as well,

Bro Sexatronic, maybe we can compare notes sometime, hahahaha


Krungthep Lover
06-12-2007, 10:20 AM
Hi bro busybody. I suggest you guys go slightly later perhaps in the evening. Some BBS don't open until 8pm i think, and from outside cannot tell they are BBS inside until they open. I dun mind joining you guys if i have time tmr. Now really tempted to go 999 after hearing all these reviews, hehe. Who else have tried the gals at Yalong Hotel? make a comparision for us leh.

Many thanks to bro POCKET's fantastic directions and recommendations.

Came to Shanghai for a business trip. Met with a local friend here for Dinner then decided to go check out Hang2 Hua2 Xin1 Chun1. The local boy was surprised I knew about this place since he wasn't too familiar as he's the KTV sort. Anyway, took a cab and arrived there with not much trouble. Wasn't too sure about where, so just told driver Hang2 Hua2 Zhong1 Lu4. He dropped me at a traffic light and told me that the whole adjacent road was Hang2 Zhong1 Lu4 and that it links Hang2 Bei3 Lu4 and Hang2 Nan2 Lu4. Since the road name didn't really match, I asked him again and he said this is the area I wanted to go. OK.

We could either go left or right from the traffic junction and we chose right. Wrong move, going right brought us to nowhere, just a lot of street peddlars selling their wares along and on the road. I thought to myself, SHIT! Sammyboy's let me down for once! But I persevered and boy was I glad I didn't just hop onto the next cab to go back to the hotel. We went back to the junction we started from and then went left this time. COOL! We were met with so many "pink" salons along this stretch. Strangely enough, all these "pink" salons were nestled amongst car repair shops. The whole area was an area where people go to repair their cars in the daytime! We window shopped for awhile then backtracked to one with 2 male OKTs outside. This shop was somewhere in the middle. There were 2 salons right next to each other. Both had, in my opinion, the best looking stock along this road. Also, both had the most stock cramped into their establishment as compared to the 5 or 6 on average in each salon elsewhere. These 2 had more than 20 in total. Anyway, we took about 2 minutes to choose and then we were on our way. The "hotel" was just around the corner, but was told to hop onto a bike to get us there. I didn't have to pay the extra RMB5 which some other brother said he had to pay for the bike ride. It was a very cold night and probably a slow one for biz as well so I guess the OKT may have just thrown in the ride into the RMB150 total price as well.

Not too impressed with the "hotel", but hey, it was free, and much better than the Thai and Indon "houses" in GL back in Singapore. The rest of the action, I'll just let the bros here use their imagination. It wasn't bad, but it wasn't great, but then for RMB150, I wasn't expecting a lot. After the 1st shot, I asked to extend for another as I wasn't really looking forward to going back out onto the very cold streets. Anyway, I have to say, the 2nd was better than the 1st, felt better anyway. Frankly, I don't even remember what her name was or where she was from. Anyway, I'm not the sort who goes back for 2nds, it's always been pay and fuck off with me, no way I want to put myself in a position where I develop feelings for any of these chicks. So, RMB300 down and quite sextified really, felt a little hungry, so went for some noodles nearby. The whole snack time was spent apologising to my friend about not informing him that I had wanted to extend time, which left him waiting for me in the cold and not knowing what happened except that he knew my room has not been vacated yet. HAHAHA...sorry bro.

After the hot noodles, was feeling up for it, so told my friend, let's go for another round. He wasn't as enthusiastic and didn't want to, but he was willing to go along with me just for the look see. I didn't bother with the rest of the shops and went back to those 2 I picked from earlier. I picked a girl from the other shop just to be fair to the OKTs. In any case, I had wanted to choose this girl just now anyway, so that wasn't a difficult call for me. I left on the bike again, and my friend went back home. Just had 2 rounds just over an hour ago, so wanted to take this in a slower and more relaxed manner. I've got to say, both these gals were great in service, no rush, very accomodating. My plans to take it slow and easy went out into the cold streets once the door closed behind us. This gal was very enthusiastic, took the initiative in everything, was very hot and wanted it bad, so naturally I got turned on by her attitude and a session of hot sex followed. This was better than the 1st, maybe not the gals, but because I was more experienced with this modus operandi now, the first was somewhat me feeling around not knowing what to expect. Anyway, decided to extend time with this 2nd gal as well, just as a show of support for her good attitude. Again, I don't remember her name or where she was from as well. Job well done. Went back to hotel a happy man.

RMB300 for 4 shots in about 3 hours in total spent in this place, including snack time of course. Not bad for a night out in chilly Shanghai.

06-12-2007, 04:18 PM
the rainbow room (bing fen nian dai) - sorry, lazy to change to chinese and type
like the tian shang ren jian, cost you arm and leg, i only go if need to entertain certain people.

count or duke (bo jue) - nice little private place. fantastic service from all staff.

lido (or bo jue 2) - rendezvous hotel - 2nd nice little private place, same owner i think....

no. 9 - i think girls there are one of the prettiest nowadays.

then there are the rest, e.g. tian shang ren jian, jing bi hui huang, golden globe, 151, etc with more rooms.

if desperate, i'll try to recommend mum. pm me. but no obligations...
hope it helps a bit, instead of sieving thru 500 pages.

Bo Jue girl is tall .. quite nice actually then.....

06-12-2007, 09:38 PM
Tried 999 today, very good. Girl selection was of good size but bad quality. Lucy one girl really took my eye. If you like young and small with a very pretty face and great GFE then give 823 a try. Also gives an amazing BBBJ.

As I left they offered me a foot massage, I declined but after I had walked out I remember some bros saying that the foot massage leads to a long, slow hand job. Can any bros confirm this for 999? Also, what are the girls like giving the foot massages?


06-12-2007, 10:03 PM

I am sure a number of you had tried Wan Wan/Jolie/......

I came in late last night and too tired to venture out. Call Wan Wan instead.

After session, she introduced me to 2 of her friends who do this part-time.

She call them and intro me to them. Was told that Chen Jin (taller) and Wen Jin (Shorter) then her. Both busty.

Tried the taller version just now. Not bad (individual taste lah). Busty (natural) but cannot beat Wan Wan. looks grow better by the minute. Understand that Wen Jin has bigger boobs then Wan Wan.

Sorry cannot post contact as both girls are part-timers and will only accept bookings only after Wan Wan's intro.

So when bonking Wan Wan, treat her well and ask her for intro.

2 more FL for solo bro's or tired bro's who do not want to chiong KTV and pubs.


Krungthep Lover
06-12-2007, 10:38 PM
Many thanks to bro POCKET's fantastic directions and recommendations.

Came to Shanghai for a business trip. Met with a local friend here for Dinner then decided to go check out Hang2 Hua2 Xin1 Chun1. The local boy was surprised I knew about this place since he wasn't too familiar as he's the KTV sort. Anyway, took a cab and arrived there with not much trouble. Wasn't too sure about where, so just told driver Hang2 Hua2 Zhong1 Lu4. He dropped me at a traffic light and told me that the whole adjacent road was Hang2 Zhong1 Lu4 and that it links Hang2 Bei3 Lu4 and Hang2 Nan2 Lu4. Since the road name didn't really match, I asked him again and he said this is the area I wanted to go. OK.

We could either go left or right from the traffic junction and we chose right. Wrong move, going right brought us to nowhere, just a lot of street peddlars selling their wares along and on the road. I thought to myself, SHIT! Sammyboy's let me down for once! But I persevered and boy was I glad I didn't just hop onto the next cab to go back to the hotel. We went back to the junction we started from and then went left this time. COOL! We were met with so many "pink" salons along this stretch. Strangely enough, all these "pink" salons were nestled amongst car repair shops. The whole area was an area where people go to repair their cars in the daytime! We window shopped for awhile then backtracked to one with 2 male OKTs outside. This shop was somewhere in the middle. There were 2 salons right next to each other. Both had, in my opinion, the best looking stock along this road. The gals ranged from really young like one was only 17 according to the OKT, to about late 20s. They also had the most stock cramped into their establishment as compared to the 5 on average in each salon elsewhere. These 2 had more than 20 in total. Anyway, we took about 2 minutes to choose and then we were on our way. The "hotel" was just around the corner, but was told to hop onto a bike to get us there. I didn't have to pay the extra RMB5 which some other brother said he had to pay for the bike ride. It was a very cold night and probably a slow one for biz as well so I guess the OKT may have just thrown in the ride into the RMB150 total price as well.

Not too impressed with the "hotel", but hey, it was free, and much better than the Thai and Indon "houses" in GL back in Singapore. The rest of the action, I'll just let the bros here use their imagination. It wasn't bad, but it wasn't great, but then for RMB150, I wasn't expecting a lot. After the 1st shot, I asked to extend for another as I wasn't really looking forward to going back out onto the very cold streets. Anyway, I have to say, the 2nd was better than the 1st, felt better anyway. Frankly, I don't even remember what her name was or where she was from. Anyway, I'm not the sort who goes back for 2nds, it's always been pay and fuck off with me, no way I want to put myself in a position where I develop feelings for any of these chicks. So, RMB300 down and quite sextified really, felt a little hungry, so went for some noodles nearby. The whole snack time was spent apologising to my friend about not informing him that I had wanted to extend time, which left him waiting for me in the cold and not knowing what happened except that he knew my room has not been vacated yet. HAHAHA...sorry bro.

After the hot noodles, was feeling up for it, so told my friend, let's go for another round. He wasn't as enthusiastic and didn't want to, but he was willing to go along with me just for the look see. I didn't bother with the rest of the shops and went back to those 2 I picked from earlier. I picked a girl from the other shop just to be fair to the OKTs. In any case, I had wanted to choose this girl just now anyway, so that wasn't a difficult call for me. I left on the bike again, and my friend went back home. Just had 2 rounds just over an hour ago, so wanted to take this in a slower and more relaxed manner. I've got to say, both these gals were great in service, no rush, very accomodating. My plans to take it slow and easy got thrown out into the cold streets once the hotel door closed behind us. This gal was very enthusiastic, took the initiative in everything, was very hot and really wanted it bad, so naturally I got turned on by her attitude and a session of hot sex followed. This was better than the 1st gal, maybe not the gals, but because I was more experienced with this modus operandi by now, with the first gal it was somewhat me feeling around not knowing what to expect. Anyway, decided to extend time with this 2nd gal as well, just as a show of support for her good attitude and also because I wanted to see if she's got any more party tricks up her sleeves. I wasn't disappointed. Again, I don't remember her name or where she was from as well. Job well done. Went back to hotel a happy man.

RMB600 for 4 shots in about 3 hours in total spent in this place, including snack time of course. Not bad for a night out in chilly Shanghai.

Had to update my FR. Made some typo errors and also got the price wrong.

Krungthep Lover
06-12-2007, 10:40 PM

I am sure a number of you had tried Wan Wan/Jolie/......

I came in late last night and too tired to venture out. Call Wan Wan instead.

After session, she introduced me to 2 of her friends who do this part-time.

She call them and intro me to them. Was told that Chen Jin (taller) and Wen Jin (Shorter) then her. Both busty.

Tried the taller version just now. Not bad (individual taste lah). Busty (natural) but cannot beat Wan Wan. looks grow better by the minute. Understand that Wen Jin has bigger boobs then Wan Wan.

Sorry cannot post contact as both girls are part-timers and will only accept bookings only after Wan Wan's intro.

So when bonking Wan Wan, treat her well and ask her for intro.

2 more FL for solo bro's or tired bro's who do not want to chiong KTV and pubs.


Bro, they cost 600rmb as well like wan wan? I really don't wish to try wan wan again just to get these 2's contacts. if you can, please post them here. Thanks.

06-12-2007, 11:19 PM
Dear Bro Yangzong, today i went down to 龙芳井, located at 190 崮山路 in pudong as you have recommended. The place looks nicely renovated but then the girls really cannot make it. No offence, I saw around 6 of them. Maybe the prettier 1s are working. There was not a single looker that attracted me, they look more like ordinary girls trying to look high class in the black uniform. The price is at 20% discount as you have mentioned, but not sure if the price shown to me includes the 'specials'. Anyway i left the place and went to the brand new 泰和足道 along 浦东大道 opposite 五牛城。 For bros who want decent quality massage, i would highly recommend this place for its good decor and solid massage. Its only 128 bucks for 2 hour package, 1 hr foot and 1hr body.

Anyway for prettier girls and not so good oil massage, there is a stretch of shops along 崂山路(laoshan road),潍坊路(weifang road) in pudong. generally the hj cost around 100rmb there, and they will normally quote 200-300 initially, knowing you are a foreigner. Hold your ground, reject them and you can eventually bargain down to 100rmb.

07-12-2007, 10:01 AM
I also frequent 泰和足道 cos it's walking distance frm my home, in Jingan not Pudong.. Nice and warm decor, good service and skilled. Not too costly too! Bros here want decent foot / body massage can try..

08-12-2007, 04:07 AM
First of all, thank you all you grand masters of shanghai. Excellent field work... really helped us newbies in shanghai.

Hope this ain't a dumbass question... I noticed a lot of barber looking shops with chicks in them. I assuming these are the BBS most of you are talking about.

Here's the dumbass question. I went to pretty much 6 different ones? out of the six I had 2 places which offers a fj. And the balance 4 places only hj (no matter how much I begged! pretty lame I know... but that 1 girl was friggin cute, hot, and young). anyway, in the end only hj was offered.

fj = RMB120-150 (never bothered to bargain, since the price seems right... I pretty much said, "zuo ai?" they said, "yi bai wu shi"... done... fucking begins.

hj = RMB80-100

FINALLY here's the question... how do you know if the place offers fj or only hj? (I mean how does one know by just looking from the outside? or the only way is to pop your head in and ask without shame?)

There are some dressed casual clothes and some dressed in bridesmaid dresses... whats the diff?

Thanks again people... good stuff in here.

Bro James

I have some experience to share. In many other places like BJ GZ the BBS are no good but personally I think the BBS in Shanghai has many gems. BUT alot of hard word walking around and snooping around. Normally what you should do is just look in and see if you find someone you fancy. If someone catches your fancy then just walk in point to the one you want then negotiate directly with her.

Most of these places have 3 services HJ is a standard, BJ with CIM is a also commonly available (this service I noramlly go for) and finally FJ is not available everywhere becos of risk of police raid BUT then if you really want to fuck her ask for outcall, they will normally follow you back to hoel for RMB350RMB provided the hotel is not too far away becos RMB350 is only for 2 hours. then you have to give some tips for taxi back.

Personally speaking my all time best fucking experience came from a girl from a BBS. I did not try her there but I asked her to go back with me to the hotel. After the first session if you like her you can get her number and then call her. There are all sort of girls, some of them are fresh from some village. This girl I met was like that. Sh ended up being my girlfriend for a while, I had the best sex of my life with her. She had just started working for only 1 week when I met her. She told me the BBS system. Basically BBS cater mostly for local chinese, but more for "mass market" folks, depending on location they target migrant workers (construction) to local tourist (who visit Shanghai). They will look at the customer to offer type of service. HJ is a standard. They will mostly offer BJ with CIM but they do this with their clothes on. sometimes if they don't like the looks of customers they don't even lift up their bra. But if they like you and if the "coast" is clear they can offer FJ. BUT i really advise against it as the olice raid these places regularly and girls are tested for drugs etc.

If you look like a nice guy they will follow you back to the hotel, but some charm is necessary. but like I said my experience which I shared in this thread long time ago is that there are gems available and its one of the cheaper ways to get a reall good fuck.

08-12-2007, 05:29 PM
I have some experience to share. In many other places like BJ GZ the BBS are no good but personally I think the BBS in Shanghai has many gems. BUT alot of hard word walking around and snooping around. Normally what you should do is just look in and see if you find someone you fancy. If someone catches your fancy then just walk in point to the one you want then negotiate directly with her.

I'd say, it depends largely on luck. Many gals wont be working in tat shop 4 v long, the turnover rate is quite high. There's quite some gems in these BBS all over the country.

Most of these places have 3 services HJ is a standard, BJ with CIM is a also commonly available (this service I noramlly go for) and finally FJ is not available everywhere becos of risk of police raid BUT then if you really want to fuck her ask for outcall, they will normally follow you back to hoel for RMB350RMB provided the hotel is not too far away becos RMB350 is only for 2 hours. then you have to give some tips for taxi back.

HJ is standard, BJ & FJ is subjective, depends on gal. I'd encountered some BBS, some gals do FJ but no BJ, some do BJ but no HJ, some do BJ + FJ.

I dun think it's risk of police raid. Prostitution / any form of sexual services is illegal in PRC, if pple like us knows these BBS provide sexual services, the Gong An definitely knows too. It's a matter of how much these BBS bribe the Gong An. Oso, when there's AV raids / operations, those on good relations wif the Gong An may be informed ahead, those not on so good terms may be victimised / guinea pigs.

HJ should not cost more than 50 RMB. Ever had HJ for 40 RMB. Some time back, FJ is 200 - 250 RMB, now it seems FJ is 150 RMB, FJ + BJ is 200 RMB. The code word for sexual services is "Qiao Bei" (massage the back). HJ is "Qiao Xiao Bei" (small back massage), FJ is "Qiao Da Bei" (big back massage), BJ + FJ is "Quan Tao" (full package). Dunnit 350 RMB for outcall. Just 50 RMB more on watever prices u paid in the shop. They normally wont do outcall for locations 2 far away, they oso scared of their own safety & transport costs.

Personally speaking my all time best fucking experience came from a girl from a BBS. I did not try her there but I asked her to go back with me to the hotel. After the first session if you like her you can get her number and then call her. There are all sort of girls, some of them are fresh from some village. This girl I met was like that. Sh ended up being my girlfriend for a while, I had the best sex of my life with her. She had just started working for only 1 week when I met her. She told me the BBS system. Basically BBS cater mostly for local chinese, but more for "mass market" folks, depending on location they target migrant workers (construction) to local tourist (who visit Shanghai). They will look at the customer to offer type of service. HJ is a standard. They will mostly offer BJ with CIM but they do this with their clothes on. sometimes if they don't like the looks of customers they don't even lift up their bra. But if they like you and if the "coast" is clear they can offer FJ. BUT i really advise against it as the police raid these places regularly and girls are tested for drugs etc.

If you look like a nice guy they will follow you back to the hotel, but some charm is necessary. but like I said my experience which I shared in this thread long time ago is that there are gems available and its one of the cheaper ways to get a reall good fuck.

Lucky u!

True, encountered some gals not-so-nice attitude, some give watever excuses, etc. My trick is, if they dun lift up their top & bra 2 let me fondle their neh nehs (I'm a boobs lover!), I'll tell them forget it, I'm not doing any massage anymore! This trick usually works.

Not sure if the gals are tested 4 anything, drugs or STDs.

08-12-2007, 06:00 PM

Last 2 nights I was in M2. Many many tall slim model type girls came in as guess. Besides the normal hostess that M2 has hanging around.

Especially last night when I was there with my customer. We partied till 3am this morning. Had supper/breakfast across the road at Bin Fang Ting and went back check out and head for the airport.

We brought our own girls to the M2 so cannot do fishing. Wasted.

Beginning to like the place. When it first open, crowd was not that good.

M2 is in Plaza 66 opposite JC Mandarin and beside Ritz Carlton. Opens from 8pm. Go after 11 when the crowd builts up.


I am the Game!
08-12-2007, 06:37 PM
I used to go SHANGHAI regularly for biz trips, until I was transferred to new dept.

Club Boss Royale - 皇家红都
Zun Yi Rd, Hong Qiao Parkson Level 4
Damage: mid-high range, 3000 up
Gals: 400 tip, not many, but high quality.
Note: Relatively new, nice decor, good for entertaining client. My 3rd home in SH.

This place as recommended, is my frequent hangout. The girls are nice, and classy. Its a must try though

08-12-2007, 08:17 PM

Last 2 nights I was in M2. Many many tall slim model type girls came in as guess. Besides the normal hostess that M2 has hanging around.

Especially last night when I was there with my customer. We partied till 3am this morning. Had supper/breakfast across the road at Bin Fang Ting and went back check out and head for the airport.

We brought our own girls to the M2 so cannot do fishing. Wasted.

Beginning to like the place. When it first open, crowd was not that good.

M2 is in Plaza 66 opposite JC Mandarin and beside Ritz Carlton. Opens from 8pm. Go after 11 when the crowd builts up.


I was in M1 3 weeks ago on thursday night.. it was a very good crowd and there are some cuties. WIll be going on Monday night with a bunch of people.

Ah Thut
09-12-2007, 08:26 PM
I also frequent 泰和足道 cos it's walking distance frm my home, in Jingan not Pudong.. Nice and warm decor, good service and skilled. Not too costly too! Bros here want decent foot / body massage can try..

Hi, I have been to a Taiwanese style massage which uses a lot of hot and steaming towel place on your back followed by massage. Any bro tried that before. I used to go to this place call Hyatt Aroma spa located within the Shanghai Ruite Hotel at Yi Shan Road. All the girls are very pretty and dressed in tight-fitting cheongsam and when they do the massage and pulling of limbs, one gets very close to her body. Unfortunately, there are no locks on the doors and the walls are glass-walls. But the light is dimmed. Any been there and, if so, please advise if customer can try to be funny with the girls like stretching out your hands.... ;)

09-12-2007, 09:10 PM
I used to go SHANGHAI regularly for biz trips, until I was transferred to new dept.

Club Boss Royale - 皇家红都
Zun Yi Rd, Hong Qiao Parkson Level 4
Damage: mid-high range, 3000 up
Gals: 400 tip, not many, but high quality.
Note: Relatively new, nice decor, good for entertaining client. My 3rd home in SH.

This place as recommended, is my frequent hangout. The girls are nice, and classy. Its a must try though

I always wonder about that place since I hang a lot in the mall for my lunch or dinner... I think they are similar with LA Square 洛城 then. I should visit the place next week when I have the time.

09-12-2007, 10:51 PM
finally venturing into SH.
going to be there for week this month!
thanks for all the tips and info provided!
really helpful and i'll hope i'll get the time to make the best out of it! :D

10-12-2007, 06:36 PM
Anyway for prettier girls and not so good oil massage, there is a stretch of shops along 崂山路(laoshan road),潍坊路(weifang road) in pudong. generally the hj cost around 100rmb there, and they will normally quote 200-300 initially, knowing you are a foreigner. Hold your ground, reject them and you can eventually bargain down to 100rmb.

Dear bro POCKET, yes you are right 龙芳井don't really have SYT there as i mentioned before but the owner is trying their best to recruit more. As the local customer feedback to them is they are looking for quality massge so their plan is to attract more experience girls to join them and thereafter lookout for younger and willing to perform extras ones to join them.

This is exactly what happen to those joints in 崂山路 few years ago (2003). Before that only 2 to 3 shops and now almost one whole stretch of shops.


10-12-2007, 09:47 PM
hi all senior bros in Shanghai,

My colleague and I are in Shanghai now staying in pudong area.
We would like to visit playful KTV. Any recommendations? I saw a few places in this thread but I do not have the address. Can any senior bro help?
Thanks in advance.


10-12-2007, 09:56 PM
Any bros here interested in FL/housecalls can try this number 13916169695, name is Fang Fang, 21, got nice big boobs and pretty decent BJ/FJ skills. Have tried her a few times and pleased with her service every time. She said she needs to earn more money so helping her by posting on sam's forum.

Most importantly, she doesn't have unkempt hairy airpits and pussy like many PRCs chicks. Any bros with FL contacts, do PM me.

I prefer small size petite buxomy chicks 18-21 yo, 1.55-160m tall. Contacts for Shuang Fei greatly appreciated.

Bros, just wondering how much are her service? I'm heading to SH soon so please advice.

Thank you.

11-12-2007, 12:30 PM
hi all senior bros in Shanghai,

My colleague and I are in Shanghai now staying in pudong area.
We would like to visit playful KTV. Any recommendations? I saw a few places in this thread but I do not have the address. Can any senior bro help?
Thanks in advance.


Bro, the name and address are posted in the last couple of pages...

there r 2 u can try, Golden Globe and Da Fu Hao, both own by the same group. Hv fun!

11-12-2007, 04:16 PM
hi all senior bros in Shanghai,

My colleague and I are in Shanghai now staying in pudong area.
We would like to visit playful KTV. Any recommendations? I saw a few places in this thread but I do not have the address. Can any senior bro help?
Thanks in advance.



It sure is your lucky day i reckon.
There is a KTV called 金碧辉煌 along huai hai zhong lu that is doing a promotional for today and tomorrow.

If you visit them this coule of days when you buy 2 bottles, you'll get another 2 bottles free.

Its not really a "playful" ktv but if you are looking for a grand looking KTV which house enough girls to flood a small swimming pool then it might be a place you might want to visit.

Please be forewarned that if you do intend to go the damage will be about 3k inclusive of room and 2 bottles (4 if you include the 2 free ones)

Just a shoutout to those residing and visiting SH on what is being offered by JBHH :p

Bro ROnaldo

I hope your flight was smooth! Remember to stay home and avoid the missus till tomorrow ha ha ha...

11-12-2007, 06:17 PM
First of all, kudos to all senior bros in this thread, there is certainly fantastic work going on in this thread.

Will any kind bro please advise on whether 999club provides shuangfei, and at what damage?

Thanks bros for helping a SHA noob! :)

12-12-2007, 06:42 PM
Bros, just wondering how much are her service? I'm heading to SH soon so please advice.

Thank you.

13-12-2007, 02:15 AM
Hi Bros,

I would like ask if any bros in Shanghai can provide a reccommendation for a 3 star like hotel preferably in people square location that is good, clean and also provides additional "room-services". Will be heading out there for the first time during this christmas to check it out.


13-12-2007, 05:32 PM
Hi Bros,

I would like ask if any bros in Shanghai can provide a reccommendation for a 3 star like hotel preferably in people square location that is good, clean and also provides additional "room-services". Will be heading out there for the first time during this christmas to check it out.


Try www.ctrip.com or www.elong.com 24k Hotel should be your choice. ( the HOTEL 81 type) Additional Room Service then you have to get the FL number. too risky to take anyone offer on street.,

14-12-2007, 06:41 PM
just gotten back from a good session....:D

supposed to try 999, who know the whole club power break-down and may only be resumed tomorrow.....:mad: Nevertheless, the boss (haha!) sent me to his other outlet, called 海浪,at 吴中东路, 中山西路. Place is ok and the selection of gals is plenty with many above average. Chosen 939 from 吉林长春, she was good...almost collapsed when she sucked manz...and she was one who quite "teh" one, and when she 叫床....wooo...

Anyway, the boss owns 5 outlets, 999, 海浪 and three others.

14-12-2007, 10:54 PM

Thanks bro. Jus wondering how many shots or minutes catered for this? :rolleyes:

15-12-2007, 12:34 PM
last nite went to 金萱(fka 蝶恋花), the selection of gals was good, but has to be early for quick-pick. chosen a nanjing gal, can drink can play, super fun and brought her back to hotel after the ktv to continue the fun.....:D

heard there is another new ktv of such nature, think is 红磨坊, any bro can shed some light on this outlet?

15-12-2007, 03:28 PM
Thanks bro. Jus wondering how many shots or minutes catered for this? :rolleyes:

bro...1 shot lah...unless she like u...maybe u can get more..

16-12-2007, 04:11 AM

Bro ROnaldo

I hope your flight was smooth! Remember to stay home and avoid the missus till tomorrow ha ha ha...

Has yours subsided yet? Well the missus did not suspect anything.. I met her only the day after and in the evening when the lights are not too good..

Anyway, as per teleconversation, I should be heading back "home" soon..
Need to tie up all the "outstanding" projects..

Keep your ass and neck ready... I will arrange more ktv/clubbing sessions for you.. where we are the ktv boys.. hehehehe...

Bro limpeh must be whacking his thai tirak in BKK now.. that bastard FFK on our double date... He must be trying to score as much as he before he turn into hibernate mode..

Bro Sexatronic must be serving his time now... become the best hubby there is in Puxi and some say Pudong..

Good luck with the Mongol gal... You can do it!!!:p

16-12-2007, 04:13 AM
bro...1 shot lah...unless she like u...maybe u can get more..

Shots.. the only shots i know are those tequila or b52 at guandii.. hehehe.. Buy a bottle and you can have as many shots as you want.. hahaha..

Just kidding..:D I am missing SHA thats all.. withdrawal syndromes....

16-12-2007, 11:51 AM
Hi Bros,

I would like ask if any bros in Shanghai can provide a reccommendation for a 3 star like hotel preferably in people square location that is good, clean and also provides additional "room-services". Will be heading out there for the first time during this christmas to check it out.


Usually, I would recommend Charms Hotel which is behind Raffles City and Nanjing East Road. Convenient and plenty of food outlets around. They used to hv an in-house massage service but not sure nowadays. Be very careful when being approach by FL nearby.

16-12-2007, 01:26 PM
Went to 皇家虹都 at 上海城. The gals there are definetly better IMHO. The sound system is well and deco above average. As for the cost, it was mentioned earlier. Will go there again if need to entertain.

16-12-2007, 03:09 PM
Shots.. the only shots i know are those tequila or b52 at guandii.. hehehe.. Buy a bottle and you can have as many shots as you want.. hahaha..

Just kidding..:D I am missing SHA thats all.. withdrawal syndromes....

then come back ASAP lah..haha..yup sextronic is serving his time now...will be a while before he release..ahaha..:D better dont distub him too much..hehe

16-12-2007, 06:28 PM
Hi to all bros, i will be in Shanghai fr 4th to 8th Jan on company expenses. I have nvr been to China b4, so really looking 4ward to tis trip. A lot of bros say S'pore KTV cannot compare to China KTVs, but i have to c tis 4 myself, so really hope to meet up wif d bros who r familiar wif d scene here n cheong 2gether.

Not going there to entertain clients, only to entertain myself so not looking for those grand n exp but not much action places. I will b staying @ d Shangri La hotel, any happening place near there? Bros who r available to cheong 2gether during dat period do pm me or just post here. Tks.

17-12-2007, 02:37 AM
hi bros....i will be in shanghai from dec 19 to dec 22...i am a newbie in shanghai, if any bros want to cheong together, pls pm me. thanks.

The Bund
17-12-2007, 02:50 AM
Usually, I would recommend Charms Hotel which is behind Raffles City and Nanjing East Road. Convenient and plenty of food outlets around. They used to hv an in-house massage service but not sure nowadays. Be very careful when being approach by FL nearby.

Dai gor, I see you still lurk around here like I do. Haha. :D

How've you been? Email me, ya? Take care!

17-12-2007, 02:51 AM
wow shanghai chiong gd rate but air fare siong lei ha ha

The Bund
17-12-2007, 03:31 AM
De-Stress Aromatic Oil Massage

Some bros have asked for info on good massage joints and since I’ve just discovered a really good one, I thought I ought to put up some info here. This place is called Three Moon Spa (三月养生会馆) located at 338, West Jianguo Road (建国西路338号). It’s recently opened (5 months ago) and is rather well renovated (for the price you pay).

For the X’mas season, they’re offering their De-Stress Aromatic Oil Massage at RMB168 for 90 mins. Usual price is RMB268. The rooms are surprising well-equipped; there’s a glass-walled shower room, a dressing table with air-dryer, etc. You can take a shower before and after your massage. There’s a cupboard to store your loadful of winter clothing. You’re given a disposable undie, too – to wear during the session. For this RMB168 package, you get the heat treatment (hot towels in plastic bags) placed below your waist, on your belly, below your neck, on your knees and on your feet. From tomorrow onwards, you’ve the option of having hot ginger instead of the hot towels. I like the hot ginger treatment which I tried elsewhere – very good for your joints especially during this cold season.

The masseuse will massage your head during the heat treatment. After that, they remove the hot towels and start with the oil massage. Although I’d only discovered this yesterday (Sat), I’ve already been there twice! Both times, I experienced very good massages and left the place feeling great. I strongly recommend this place to bros who like a good oil massage at a decent price and in a good environment. Service is good and everyone is courteous.

I spoke to the lady boss (called Jenny) today and managed to obtain an additional benefit for bros here. If you go and say that you’re a friend of “lao huang” (that’s old me, of course), she will give you a 1-year VIP Membership Card. This entitles you to the same discounted price all year round instead of just this X’mas season only, plus a discounted price for their Deluxe Massage which usually goes for RMB398 (for non-members) and RMB298 (for members) – so you get the membership price with the VIP card, all year round.

The Deluxe Massage (which is now available for all bros here who go as lao huang’s friend at RMB298) is for 120 mins and includes all of the above plus a facial, nail treatment and exfoliation (body scrub to remove dead skin and Jigong’s elixir). I think I’d try this at my next visit.

Directions: It’s on West Jianguo Road near the junction with Xiangyang Road. West Jianguo Road is a one-way street going from west to east, so if you take a cab or drive, you should look out for this joint to your left before you reach Xiangyang Road. If you come from Xiangyang Road (which is a one-way street going from south to north), you alight before the junction and turn left into West Jianguo Road. After about 30 metres, you should see the Three Moon Spa on the northside of the road. For those who’ve no sense of direction:D, the Spa’s tel no. is 64450029, so you can call them if you’re lost.

Once there, you should ask for Jenny (the lady boss) and just say you’re lao huang’s friend if you want the VIP card. I find Jenny to be very service-oriented. From tomorrow onwards, bros here will get a cup of hot ginger tea at the end of the session (at my suggestion). Again, this is good for winter and if you like digging into hairy crabs.

For RMB168, it’s an enjoyable 90 mins – and great for this cold season. Enjoy! :)

The Bund
17-12-2007, 03:49 AM
De-Stress Aromatic Oil Massage

Perhaps some bros may be wondering whether you can receive “specials” at Three Moon Spa. I honestly don’t know – and I don’t look for such services when I go for a good massage. But you’re only wearing a highly revealing disposal undie and in the course of the massage your sensitive mini-you may get brushed against more than once. That usually leads to a, hmmm, reaction.

The massage skills I experienced were good – strong and thorough. But based purely on speculation and intuition, I’m positive that if you ask, you can receive a “special” for a tip. How much is really up to you to negotiate – I would suggest RMB100 though. RMB200 is too much and RMB300 is absolutely no-no!

For those who like the thrill of possibilities whilst enjoying a good massage, you might want to know that I saw 2 or 3 cute masseuses whilst I was there. But please don’t expect the same standards (looks-wise) you find at KTVs and sex-joints disguised as saunas.

17-12-2007, 11:15 AM
then come back ASAP lah..haha..yup sextronic is serving his time now...will be a while before he release..ahaha..:D better dont distub him too much..hehe

no wonder my ears itched....haha... got pple talking behind my back..

still hibernating... will be back in action only next wk

17-12-2007, 07:39 PM
no wonder my ears itched....haha... got pple talking behind my back..

still hibernating... will be back in action only next wk

haha...let wait for u bro.... :p

Ah Thut
17-12-2007, 07:56 PM
De-Stress Aromatic Oil Massag

This joint is similar to the one I mentioned earlier which is at Ruitte Hotel. Name of spa is Hyatt Aroma. Hot towels are used and and the girls there are sexily dressed in cheonsam. This is known as "Taiwan-style" massage. Over at Hyatt Aroma, I am also not sure if there are any specials because there are glass see-thru doors. But the girls there are pretty and hand-picked.:)

17-12-2007, 08:55 PM
Have heard good things about 上海皇宫, tarma for RMB888, you pick a girl and she in turn picks another one who can work well with her...

Will be going over to Shanghai this weekend, can't wait... :p

The Bund
17-12-2007, 10:25 PM
This joint is similar to the one I mentioned earlier which is at Ruitte Hotel. Name of spa is Hyatt Aroma. Hot towels are used and and the girls there are sexily dressed in cheonsam. This is known as "Taiwan-style" massage. Over at Hyatt Aroma, I am also not sure if there are any specials because there are glass see-thru doors. But the girls there are pretty and hand-picked.:)

Although I haven't been to the joint you mentioned at Ruite Hotel, judging from your description, it's probably different from Three Moon Spa. Hotel guests who call the masseuses to their rooms would probably receive more than a massage. And it's probably pricier than Three Moon.

For bros who want to try Ruite Hotel, you may note the following info:
Address: 1888 Yishan Road, Xuhui District
Tel no: 5117 1777

The rooms at Three Moon are not glass-walled - only the shower room which is located inside the room. ;)

18-12-2007, 12:46 AM
New Recommnedation of HC to all fellow bros here;

伊豆桑拿浴(directly next to Golden Entertainment KTV)
Very limited but above average selection of girls available. Nicely decorated rooms, with limited food selections though.

Have fun! Cheers.

Normally I do not FR- and I esp did not like this place the first time. Hardware is good (newly renovated- room super big), but software (the girls) was average. I told this to BroSGPshanghai69 before.

However, the mummy was apologetic and called me and told me she had new girls. And they are always out to improve their services- esp try SM, Whips, uniforms and props - but have to call and ask in advance. So i give this place a 2nd try...

So............ i try again :p - girls Nos 152(tall chick), 127(Sweet features), 158 (hot body) was offered. My friend took 158 and I took 152.. no regrets.

Honestly, the selection not as good as 999. But doable- Tarma price at 1000rmb is also not too bad, but i no stamina to do this.

For her willingness to try and improve, and her service orientated attitude, I recommed. Call Mummy 周利 to arrange- 13641795778 tell her 王和 RECOMMENDED.:)

18-12-2007, 03:19 PM
Dear Fellow Bros in Shanghai,

I am posting an out of topic question that's been asked before. I am relocating to Shanghai next month and I would like some recommendations on where to stay. My new office is located on Nanjing West Road (Kerry Centre) and my budget is limited.. about RMB 5000-6000 for a 1-2 bedroom apartment.

I am considering Zhongshan park and Jingan area due to its proximity but I don't mind Pudong or anywhere else on Metro line 2. I find it a hassle each time when changing from other lines to line 2 at People's square. I also find that the prices quoted on many internet sites to be on the high side.

Appreciate and many thanks in advance for all you sifus advice. :D


18-12-2007, 06:51 PM
Dear Fellow Bros in Shanghai,

I am posting an out of topic question that's been asked before. I am relocating to Shanghai next month and I would like some recommendations on where to stay. My new office is located on Nanjing West Road (Kerry Centre) and my budget is limited.. about RMB 5000-6000 for a 1-2 bedroom apartment.

I am considering Zhongshan park and Jingan area due to its proximity but I don't mind Pudong or anywhere else on Metro line 2. I find it a hassle each time when changing from other lines to line 2 at People's square. I also find that the prices quoted on many internet sites to be on the high side.

Appreciate and many thanks in advance for all you sifus advice. :D


Zhongshan park area is not that bad... it close to all the KTV as well such as passion, dihao.... I think there is metro line 1 and 2 at zhongshan park. I think you can find an apartment with that sort of budget.

The Bund
18-12-2007, 07:31 PM
Dear Fellow Bros in Shanghai,

I am posting an out of topic question that's been asked before. I am relocating to Shanghai next month and I would like some recommendations on where to stay. My new office is located on Nanjing West Road (Kerry Centre) and my budget is limited.. about RMB 5000-6000 for a 1-2 bedroom apartment.

I am considering Zhongshan park and Jingan area due to its proximity but I don't mind Pudong or anywhere else on Metro line 2. I find it a hassle each time when changing from other lines to line 2 at People's square. I also find that the prices quoted on many internet sites to be on the high side.

Appreciate and many thanks in advance for all you sifus advice. :D


Agree that, in your case, Zhongshan Park is a good choice with lots of amenities, including Carrefour, within easy reach. Zhongshan Park Metro Station also has line 4 which will take you to the busy secondary commercial centre, Xujiahui, as well as Shanghai Stadium (which is within walking distance of the much-publicised 999 sauna popularised, and populated, by bros here ;)).

With your budget, I'm certain you can get a decent apartment - all you've to do is to go to a few estate agencies in that area and tell them your requirements. Your agency fee should not be higher than 1/3 (one-third) of the monthly rent.

Happy house-hunting! :D

18-12-2007, 09:10 PM
Dear Fellow Bros in Shanghai,

I am posting an out of topic question that's been asked before. I am relocating to Shanghai next month and I would like some recommendations on where to stay. My new office is located on Nanjing West Road (Kerry Centre) and my budget is limited.. about RMB 5000-6000 for a 1-2 bedroom apartment.

I am considering Zhongshan park and Jingan area due to its proximity but I don't mind Pudong or anywhere else on Metro line 2. I find it a hassle each time when changing from other lines to line 2 at People's square. I also find that the prices quoted on many internet sites to be on the high side.

Appreciate and many thanks in advance for all you sifus advice. :D


Kerry Center, woah! Along the happening Tong Ren Lu!!!

Try the below websites, or use the prices as guidelines.


Jing'An & Chang Ning districts are good for yr office locations, your budget is pretty reasonable for a decent apartment of your criteria in these 2 districts. When dealing with the property agents, be firm on yr criteria & budget. Being a foreigner, they'll try 2 recommend the higher priced / expensive units / estates. Dunnit 2 paiseh wif Shanghainese. Shanghainese can be damn thick-skinned, even cheapskate, 2 achieve lotsa things / save a few cents / earn a few cents more!!!

Hope that helps.

19-12-2007, 09:19 AM
Anyone in Shanghai form 24th Dec willing to meet up with fellow Singaporean?

19-12-2007, 10:18 AM
Bros, just wondering how much are her service? I'm heading to SH soon so please advice.

Thank you.

Hi there,
Fang Fang is also Jolin the same FL pros gal that was mentioned before here. Same person with afew names that's all.
Contact mobile nos is the same too.
For all fellow bros info pls.

19-12-2007, 11:53 AM
Hi there,
Fang Fang is also Jolin the same FL pros gal that was mentioned before here. Same person with afew names that's all.
Contact mobile nos is the same too.
For all fellow bros info pls.

I think you can call her anything, Fang Fang Yuan Yuan, Jolin, Jay Chou.. as long as the money is right... hehehehe...:D

19-12-2007, 01:09 PM
My FR on 999 HC, both occasions with customer.
Add: 999 天钥桥路, near to 中山南二路

07 Dec
No. 866 from Chongqing
1.63m, 46+kg Slim
Rating: 7.5

My customer odered No. 810 NTTL from Sichuan.

18 Dec
No. 820 from Wuhan 22 y/o
1.53m, 40+kg Slim and small look, with big eyes
Rating: 8.5
Great BBBJ esp with her big eyes lookin @ u.
She prob the smallest size mm there, normally, I would go for NTTL.

For the No 826 mentioned here, did not have the chance to see her parading at the glass panel room. While checking out, our friendly manager Mr Gao Yuan said a Sgp guy booked her over the phone just a while ago.

Sorry for the lousy FR.

Managers there,
Gao Yuan (高源) 1381 897 5888
Wang Wen Yi (王文义) 1339 127 3933

19-12-2007, 03:46 PM
Dear Fellow Bros in Shanghai,
My new office is located on Nanjing West Road (Kerry Centre) and my budget is limited.. about RMB 5000-6000 for a 1-2 bedroom apartment. :D

Kerry Center!!! The Thai Airways office has a damn chio front desk girl. Wonder if she is still there. :D

19-12-2007, 04:20 PM
Thank you to all the bros who took the trouble to advise on where to stay in Shanghai. I will be there next week for two days.. something like a job initiation. I should be onboard around mid to end of Jan depending on when my current boss releases me.

I will only do the house hunting when I officially start my new job.

Bros planning to visit 999, pls. try 826, her service is pretty good. :rolleyes:

19-12-2007, 07:36 PM
Dear Fellow Bros in Shanghai,

I am posting an out of topic question that's been asked before. I am relocating to Shanghai next month and I would like some recommendations on where to stay. My new office is located on Nanjing West Road (Kerry Centre) and my budget is limited.. about RMB 5000-6000 for a 1-2 bedroom apartment.

I am considering Zhongshan park and Jingan area due to its proximity but I don't mind Pudong or anywhere else on Metro line 2. I find it a hassle each time when changing from other lines to line 2 at People's square. I also find that the prices quoted on many internet sites to be on the high side.

Appreciate and many thanks in advance for all you sifus advice. :D


zhongshan park will be a good choice, i stayed for 2 years before moving out( damn owner wanted to increase rent) . foods and groceries are easily available

19-12-2007, 08:39 PM
Kerry Center!!! The Thai Airways office has a damn chio front desk girl. Wonder if she is still there. :D

Like that also can... Ok.. when i go back.. we go ON her ok?:D

19-12-2007, 08:59 PM
Like that also can... Ok.. when i go back.. we go ON her ok?:D

Bro by the time you are bak, she would have moved to SQ liao kekeke...

Hurry up and get your offer signed and endorsed mate...

Not much fun here without you and limpeh to join in my madness...

So looking forward to Cangping in Jan :P

19-12-2007, 11:30 PM
FR on Club 999

Just came back from Shanghai. Went to 999 to see if the standard was as good as YPHC

When I reached there, it had a good ambience, nice decor, definitely better than YP

The rooms were better and at least each one can relax in individual rooms instead of a common hall to rest and have our foot massage.

Food and all was SOP. Service staff was prompt as usual.

However, I was kinda rush into selecting my girl.

As usual the standard is high, have a dilemma over which to choose.

This time the manager who helped me wasn't the same Mr Chen, this guy gave me a few choices.

I eventually ask him abt 839, she had a sparkle in her eyes and boobs to die for. Fair, silky skin was a plus.

We went up the room. There were so many stairs compared to before.

when we went into the room, the decor was classy and there was a separate bath room. Actually the bathroom is bigger than the bed area. I wondered what it was for.

I found out soon enough, as 839 put a rubber mattress on the bathroom floor. I immediately knew it was the Japanese style soapy body massage. This is refreshing.

Soon she was mixing the jello-like stuff in a small pail, abit like beating eggs.

Then she applied to my back and started using her boobs to 'massage' my back. Nice feeling, but I am really not a fan.

She was very thorough and then she catbath me all over, even my sole. Then came AR which was kinda brief, but Im also not a fan.

Then she did the soapy massage thing again, but this time with her butt

After which she helped me to wash up and we proceeded to the bed.
I think the soapy massage took abt 30 minutes or so.

This room had no red sash but mirrors were all over.

She proceed to BBBJ and very soon I was hard.

Then she capped me and wanted to start. I was a bit turn off by her saying 'where you want me? on top or u on top?'
I mean she should take initiative.

Anyway I told her to go on top 1st. After a while, I was becoming soft and we switch. She BBBJ again and off we went.

This time I started pounding and pounding. However, due to fatigue, I was soft again. This time while getting me up with BBBJ, she complained that I was rocking too hard and ended up getting my dick soft. She said she cannot tahan to keep getting me up all the time. I like paid to be scolded lor....f**k man

I got fed up and told her to wank it off. In the end I had to do it myself as she was getting tired.

I was a bit pissed but seeing that she worked hard for the earlier soapy massage, I relaxed and took a deep breath.

We lied on the bed and started talking. I immediately asked her, 'Did you quarrel with your bf?' cause I saw her look pissed all this while.
She replied ' No la, i am not pissed, my face always like that'

TCSS a bit and it was time to end.

Went to the room to relax and watch tv, while having a big bowl of noodles.

After I went out, I bumped into Mr Chen and he asked if I enjoyed it. I said compared to last time, I didn't really enjoy. So he asked me which girl serviced me. When I told him 839, he checked and told me her specialty is soapy massage, maybe I am not used to this. I told him next time he recommend me better :-)

Left the joint and went for my traditional massage...at least it will make me comfortable and happy

Girl no. 839
Province : Hunan
Body: fair, silky skin, petite
Face: Pretty, with eyes that sparkle
Boobs: C
AR: 5/10
FJ: 6/10
BM: 9/10 (soapy)
Damage: 680 RMB (after I quote Lao 9)
RTF: Yes but other girls

20-12-2007, 07:48 AM
Hi Bros,

Scouser_lad is back.heh

Thanks to all the contribution by Bros for Bangkok Thread, had a fantastic and happy ending time there! An amazing memory to be remembered!

After goin back to singapore and had bangkok fun, went back to scouserland. Been busy with work hardly had time to come online but managed to come online to check it out once in awhile.

Next destination for me will be Shanghai and Hangzhou. Me dad is working there so will be there for a week over christmas and new year.

I have been reading this thread and noted down all the places where bros have recommended. So hopefully, i can get the time to visit them.

Is there any recommendation for Hangzhou? I read the Handzhou thread but its not really updated. Could bros here give me a few recommendation? Spa, Sauna, Massage, KTV?

Oh and another thing i m confused, how many shots given if i go to 999club?



20-12-2007, 06:02 PM
Hi Bros,

Scouser_lad is back.heh

Thanks to all the contribution by Bros for Bangkok Thread, had a fantastic and happy ending time there! An amazing memory to be remembered!

After goin back to singapore and had bangkok fun, went back to scouserland. Been busy with work hardly had time to come online but managed to come online to check it out once in awhile.

Next destination for me will be Shanghai and Hangzhou. Me dad is working there so will be there for a week over christmas and new year.

I have been reading this thread and noted down all the places where bros have recommended. So hopefully, i can get the time to visit them.

Is there any recommendation for Hangzhou? I read the Handzhou thread but its not really updated. Could bros here give me a few recommendation? Spa, Sauna, Massage, KTV?

Oh and another thing i m confused, how many shots given if i go to 999club?



Bro wana meet up there? I will be there around the same period as you. I m there kinda like alone and think is better to cheong together...Do PM me if you are interested.

21-12-2007, 02:20 AM
I dont usually write FR... this is for sauna (aka HC) fans. It seems like Shanghai's HC standard has reach macau's standard, with 1/2 of it's price?

Huang Gong Sang Na, near XinTainDi.
77 Songshan road. Tel: 021-53069259

Tried Package A, i.e. 2*BBBJ (10mins each) + 1 Full service (70mins) dmg 800 rmb.

1st MM, no. 531,
Cup C, good BBBJ
overall rating 8/10

2nd MM, no. 509
Age 17...Cup B, pink nipple, still developing, nice cupping feel.
overall rating 6/10 ... knn no bj, NATO, time flies... or may be 3rd girl came in too early? hmmm can't w8? nvm...

3rd MM, no. 501
Cup B, good services, cat bath, ar, hotwater bj, red robe bj. fj... after i cum, we hug together and she guide my hand to finger her watery pussy... -.-" told me she is very satisfied & give me her HP no. OMG
overall rating 9/10

GL, HF, Cheers!

21-12-2007, 03:36 AM
I dont usually write FR... this is for sauna (aka HC) fans. It seems like Shanghai's HC standard has reach macau's standard, with 1/2 of it's price?

just a question, bro.
when u say hc standard reached macau, you mean the masseurs,
or even the sauna facilities, resting facilities as well?

999 facilities is quite ok, comfortable. but still not near 18.

the one you recommend, is it near?

21-12-2007, 03:37 AM
I dont usually write FR... this is for sauna (aka HC) fans. It seems like Shanghai's HC standard has reach macau's standard, with 1/2 of it's price?

Huang Gong Sang Na, near XinTainDi.
77 Songshan road. Tel: 021-53069259

Tried Package A, i.e. 2*BBBJ (10mins each) + 1 Full service (70mins) dmg 800 rmb.

1st MM, no. 531,
Cup C, good BBBJ
overall rating 8/10

2nd MM, no. 509
Age 17...Cup B, pink nipple, still developing, nice cupping feel.
overall rating 6/10 ... knn no bj, NATO, time flies... or may be 3rd girl came in too early? hmmm can't w8? nvm...

3rd MM, no. 501
Cup B, good services, cat bath, ar, hotwater bj, red robe bj. fj... after i cum, we hug together and she guide my hand to finger her watery pussy... -.-" told me she is very satisfied & give me her HP no. OMG
overall rating 9/10

GL, HF, Cheers!

u had 3 gal for total RMB 800 ?
or RMB800 each ?

21-12-2007, 03:37 AM
sorry, repost.

21-12-2007, 02:11 PM
the one you recommend, is it near?

near where?

Shanghai Huang Gong is in the middle of Shanghai's bustling PuXi, 1 of the busiest areas in Shanghai!!!

As u can see in previous posts, it is near XinTianDi, if u do not know nor have any idea of the other street names posted (Huai Hai Lu, Song Shan Lu).

21-12-2007, 11:15 PM
I have sat(22nd) night in Shanghai, but no hotel,
Coz staying in relative house.

Any suggestions for me? Not too expensive type. :p

Thanks in advance. Better if there is any outing I can join.. :)

By the way, its my 1st visit in Shanghai, basically i Know nothing abt roads or watever.

23-12-2007, 01:32 AM
Received an update from 王鑫,of 樱子。 She has been posted to another branch under the boss. So decided to head down.

FR on 李

Girl no. 66
Province : 四川
Body: fair, silky skin, petite
Face: Pretty
Boobs: C
BBBJ:9/10 (Includes 红线)
AR: 8/10 (Hot & Cold Treatment)
FJ: 7/10
BM: 9/10 (1 short round during bath, Good solid round when action starts )
Damage: 580 RMB (After I quote Glen)
RTF: Yes but other girls

This branch is located at 闵行区,都市路4690号。 Called 春都.

23-12-2007, 01:44 AM
just a question, bro.
when u say hc standard reached macau, you mean the masseurs,
or even the sauna facilities, resting facilities as well?

999 facilities is quite ok, comfortable. but still not near 18.

the one you recommend, is it near?

I mean masseurs skill & service level...

the place is very near XinTianDi, HuangPiNam Lu

23-12-2007, 01:53 AM
u had 3 gal for total RMB 800 ?
or RMB800 each ?

yes RMB800 for all 3 girl, one after another.
1st & 2nd girl offer 10mins BBBJ only. 3rd full service.

twins flight(双飞) is also available ~RMB860

23-12-2007, 06:50 AM
FR on HC 999
Add: 999 天钥桥路, near to 中山南二路

No. 805
1.45m, 38kg Slim
Rating: 6
i went there at 23rd dec at 12.00pm-12.15pm, told them i was lao jiu friend.
mr gao yuan wasnt there to assist with my selection, it was another guy and he said that no.805 was ok.
I chose No. 805, there was the soap bath, movements are mechanical, and the sound that she make are very fake, sigh. wasted 780rmb. on the bed, she do bj, after that i touch her nipples and gently stroke her vagina, she did not make even a single sound.:eek: she also said that cannot finger her, i was so shocked. i mean this type of place should be everything can right? i ask her whether she was ok. she said that she was tired playing online poker with friends and felt very tired.
after everything ended, i was asked to go to a room and rested on a couch. one of the staff came in and asked how was the service. i said that i wasnt happy with the service. she say that she will bring in the manager and talk to me. i waited for 20 minutes for the manager, no one showed up, i paid and left.

23-12-2007, 06:52 AM
hi bros,
hope nobody zap me for lousy fr. :(

23-12-2007, 01:38 PM
hi bros,
hope nobody zap me for lousy fr. :(

You already kanna bad sex and service... Where got heart to zap you?
This is adding salt to wound.. hehehehe...:D

Missing the weather in SHA...

23-12-2007, 03:18 PM
FR on HC 999
after everything ended, i was asked to go to a room and rested on a couch. one of the staff came in and asked how was the service. i said that i wasnt happy with the service. she say that she will bring in the manager and talk to me. i waited for 20 minutes for the manager, no one showed up, i paid and left.

Unless super regular, else complain also no use lor. Perhaps the place business too good already, cant be bother with small complaints, like it or not, customers still come. Sometimes we are to blame as well, we might have made the place too hot. Last trip I was there, Gao Yuan asked me to go and choose and that was barely 3 mins after I sat in the resting room, he say later no room then dont complain to him, much like a take it or leave it attitude. :cool:

23-12-2007, 09:31 PM
Any bros attended the MAYCHAM event on last Friday evening?