View Full Version : What you should do if scammers asked you to transfer money to their accounts first!

20-10-2010, 05:26 PM
one of my friends forwarded this to me and in mandarin and i think this applies to china.

Dont know if we can adapt it to a Singapore variant anot? ke ke..

what say u?

1.收到骗子要你汇款的短信后先别忙著删除,看看他的卡号是什么银行的,并登陆此银行的网上营业厅,输入该 骗子的卡号,密码随便填写,只要3次错误,此卡在24小时之间是不能进行任何的交易了(就是被 冻)

Go to the website of the stated bank and try to log into their account using any password and get the account to be suspended by the bank.

2.先查出这个手机号的城市,然后找到那个城市的同性恋交友网站,注册帐号,联系方式留下那个手机 号码。

Register the hp number to a local gay website for flaming.

3.在当地的房屋出租网站发帖,市中心两室一厅,月租300,急出手。24小时开机,同样留下那个 电话。

use the hp number for an advertisement for low rental of rooms available and for immediate move in.

4.某银行职员同样收到短信“请把钱汇到”账号上”,就按照账号每次汇出1分钱,便从收款人账户扣掉2元, 连续汇出大概1元多钱,这时,终于收到收款人发来信息:别再汇款了,已经扣掉200多了,你是内行吧!叫我 们怎么生活呀!(汇款时选“收款人支付手续费”,每笔2元)

deposit the money 1 cent by 1 cent, as adminstration fees applies. so basically the adminstration fees by the bank will eventually be more than what u deposited.

20-10-2010, 07:08 PM
When selling something online, you may have encountered the buyer transferring the amount you asking for + shipping charges to your paypal, NEVER NEVER accede to their request to help them transfer shipping charges to their so called shipping company. It's a fraud!

When you sell something, you should be the one getting the money and not the one paying money.

When booking girls online, this one I not so sure but if I were to do it, I will never transfer the money to them online as well. It's better to pay upon meet up as you never know if it is a scam.