View Full Version : How to prolong ejeculate? Everytime cum too fast

Lion Cub
16-11-2009, 11:51 PM
Hi, to all bros. Im starting this thread to allow for discussion. How to prolong ejeculation. I did asked my buddy once and he told me to think of dead people. How can?

Any bros can advice. Thank you very much.

17-11-2009, 12:06 AM
During sex or pcc???

Lion Cub
17-11-2009, 12:17 AM
less than 10mins on average. Any advice?

17-11-2009, 12:56 AM
It also depends on your age. How old are you?

17-11-2009, 12:59 AM
Hi, to all bros. Im starting this thread to allow for discussion. How to prolong ejeculation. I did asked my buddy once and he told me to think of dead people. How can?

Hey Bro, I think your buddy gave u a very good method or prolonging your ejn. .. :D

17-11-2009, 01:15 AM
Hi, to all bros. Im starting this thread to allow for discussion. How to prolong ejeculation. I did asked my buddy once and he told me to think of dead people...

hav u seen dead ppl before? i mean REAL dead ppl? not those tat died a horrific death but those normal normal lay there quite quite don't move a single muscle type. U owe ur buddy a lot of money izzit?

For me to prolong ejaculation (plse note ur spelling wrong), is to prolong the foreplay process. Bcoz the harder i get (mean she polish my SAR shiny shiny liao...) the longer i last. (record is no ejaculation after dunno how many hours :()

17-11-2009, 01:15 AM
Just think of the ugliest and fattest woman you've ever seen in your life :D

17-11-2009, 01:25 AM
i read somewhere that ... if u can control that pee hole muscle if ure abt to cum it'll somehow help.

17-11-2009, 01:47 AM
You may wish to try drinking alcohol before every session:)

17-11-2009, 01:52 AM
sometimes hard to control. i heard can take medicine to help u

17-11-2009, 02:03 AM
try using the condom with the "numbness" agent on it.. think durex has one...

if not, u can masturbate and ejeculate once before you do the deed. Helps for me...


17-11-2009, 03:54 AM
I'm waiting for HX CHXXX photo to appear here... LOL...

Like forumer suggest, you can also try Durex Performa condom. Used before and it works, but sometime work too well and 2IC go soft. Still, no harm trying. But, don't ask the girl to BBBJ after putting it on. Her mouth will go numb. LOL..

17-11-2009, 04:54 AM
Some technique can help like learn how to hold the muscles around there, massage around the area ( i did this and it help me alot in the distance or power i cum) Far and strong jets...... :p

17-11-2009, 05:39 AM
I did asked my buddy once and he told me to think of dead people. How can?

Any bros can advice. Thank you very much.
HOW CAN??? is asking
1) how can think of dead people help me?
2)how to picture dead people in my mind?

1) Premature ejaculation - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Premature_ejaculation#Treatment)
2) if you will like To See Dead People i can help u also. :D
not the movie type of dead people, the Other Type.

in case u didnt watch enough pron :eek: 10 minutes roughly is an average sex session time. I mean the time spend banging. so dont worry u are not really Premature.

for those lazy who dont like to read too much
ejaculate before sex DOES not help u
the refractory period is the recovery phase after orgasm during which it is physiologically impossible for an individual to have additional orgasms. It is also sometimes defined as "the time immediately following orgasm during which a man cannot achieve an erection
Unlike men, some women do not experience a refractory period immediately after orgasm and in many cases are capable of attaining additional, multiple orgasms through further stimulation
18-year-old males have a refractory period of about 15 minutes, while those in their 70s take about 20 hours, with the average for all men being about a half-hour

Kegel exercise - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kegel_exercises)
the exercises being referred to

17-11-2009, 08:21 AM

There are many ways to delay ejaculation and not all may work for you. You got to try and see which suits you best.

If you are a strong performer, you need not worry but if you are the type that comes easily, you need preparation unfortunately. So picking up a girl and try to have a good session may be difficult as you will likely spend 2 hours catching her and 2 minutes to finish the job. What a let down!!

1. As some bros already said, masturbation the same day or few hours does help. It is harder to come when there is hardly any bullets. This works for many people.

2. Use Durex Performa. It contains a anaesthesia that numbs the organ. The side effect is, your little brother may also becomes limp after a while, so it cuts both ways!

3. Use a thicker, less sensitive condom. Or use 2 condoms. This lessens the sensitivity of your organ.

4. Mind over matter: Think of dead bodies, mother-in-law, your boss, your enemy, or anything that takes your mind away from enjoying a high, even counting from 1 to 100. You know your mind. if it doesn't work, don't bother.

5. Practise delay by strengthening your cock muscles. Each timme you urinate, hold your flow, then continue to urinate again. This has the effect of strengthening your muscle and supposedly helps in your performance.

6. Use some help. Viagra, Cialis, etc helps the brother to stand whenever you need it. Once the blood flows down and erectas the organ, you can perform better but not necessary enjoy better. Alternatives are Tongkat Ali, Skyfruit, etc. Effectiveness depends on individual. Suggest you try and see which works best for you.

Finally, always remember sex is in the mind. The mind is the greatest organ not your cock! You can control ejaculation with your mind better than the aids.

Lastly, have long foreplay. Vary your love making. Don't go for the jugular straightaway.

17-11-2009, 09:19 AM
practise Qigong.

Make all the sperm rush to your nose with the expert use of "chi".

Sneeze when you are too high and your partner would think those are mucus

17-11-2009, 10:14 AM
So, the best way is to follow the below steps as suggested:

1) Masturbate first.
2) Go for drinking session.
3) Buy the following: Durex Performa, "Faces of Death" DVD & Viagra.
4) Get a hotel room and call girl to come over.
5) Pop a viagra, put DVD in player and then go to toilet to pee; stop; pee; stop.
6) When girl arrive, play the DVD and perform foreplay for 1 hour.
7) Slip on Durex Performa and proceed to bonk.


17-11-2009, 10:41 AM
How to prolong ejeculate?

First of all, you have to know the correct spelling for it first. It is ejAculate with an A not ejEculate with an E.

Secondly, you can try using EJACULATION (11 alphabets) instead of EJACULATE (9 alphabets). It is a "prolong" of 3 alphabets!

Ok, enuf crap, I know I will sure get flame for this.

I only have one suggestion for this topic. I try thinking of the stress of my work while doing it so that the process will last longer. But of course, if you are someone without any stress at work, you will not be able to deploy this method!

17-11-2009, 11:29 AM
You can check out this thread.


Should be able to solve your problem.

17-11-2009, 11:52 AM
Like to share this article with our Bros here, hope the below methods will works wonders for some of us ......:)



原载:阳痿早泄治疗博客 网


  “冷处理”让尴尬绕路走:俗话说“男子三十猛如虎&rdquo,伟哥;。“明白”的人都知道,这是指30岁男人正值精力充沛、性欲旺盛时期。可是,我的先生偏 偏就在30多岁的时候性功能出了问题,“性福”之花眼看就要“发蔫”。情急之下,经过我们爱心的共同培育, 终使我家“性福”之花没能“凋谢”。

  太太自小就喜欢“酸味小吃”,有好友到泰国旅游时捎回一瓶当地有名的酸辣酱瓜;她如获至宝,悄悄打开瓶 盖,呵!满室飘香、令人垂涎;再用舌尖尝尝;“嗯,味道真好!”于是便迫不急待地想饱餐一顿,不料却让她那 宠爱的小猫把瓶撞翻了,酱瓜洒了一地,看得见闻得到却吃不着,她难过得要哭,可又哭不出声来。这种情形就与 妻子碰到丈夫早泄时的感觉差不多。一夜恩爱,毁于顷刻,又恨又爱,惆怅满怀,这不是做妻子莫大的遗憾么?作 为丈夫,又有谁愿意早泄,有谁不希望贤妻能满意而眠呢?可惜这精液如决堤之洪,一泻千里,实非他意志所能“ 严防死守”。正所谓“两岸猿声啼不住,轻舟已过万重山。”

  六、男方分散对性交的注意力,比如目光离开女方,将阴茎感觉转移到思考其他问题,甚至数数,都将有助于 延缓射精。

  一、加强夫妻思想和感情的交流,消除隔阂与误会,对丈夫早泄予以谅解并积极配合治疗,将有助于克服不良 心理。

  三、改变同房时间。人们一般将性生活安排在晚上,但如果你将其改在睡醒时,身体疲劳已解除,精力旺盛, 再嚼片香口胶调调情,相信同房质量会有提高。

  西方使用较多的行为疗法中的动停技术、牵拉技术和配偶挤捏技术,患者可以向专家咨询,只要坚持训练两周 至两月,必有所成。

  近年发现包皮过长亦可导致早泄。其原理为:龟头长期被包皮包裹,极少与内裤等磨擦,因而表层细嫩,一旦 勃起崭露头角时则对磨擦、紧匝及湿温度变化等过于敏感,易致早泄。所以有人主张包茎及包皮过长患者在婚前甚 至在学龄前就应施行包皮环切术。




  七、在接受行为治疗后采取女上位性交法一段时间,以缓解丈夫的紧张度,并增加对阴道刺激的 适应性。

  五、降低阴茎抽动的幅度和速度,减少对阴茎的性刺激,同时女方主动迎合动作,尽快达到性高潮,以求双方 满意。

  这时会有人禁不住要问:“怎么才算早泄呢?”这可是个医学界尚未确定最后答案的问题。没插进去就射精这 毫无疑问是早泄,可插进去后妻子尚未满足就忍不住射精了这算不算早泄呢?如果算,那过半数的性生活中妻子并 未达到性高潮,也就是并未达到真正的性满足,难道能够说大多数丈夫患“早泄”吗?恐怕不能,否则丈夫们会强 烈抗议的。如果不算,可有部分丈夫在插入不久就射精了,就象是佳肴在嘴里还没尝出味来就吞下去了,妻子连一 定的性兴奋都体会不到,这能不叫作早泄吗?否则太太们会有意见的。目前性医学专家较为科学而又客观的定义是 :性生活中阴茎尚未插入阴道、或插入后抽动不足15次、或插入后不到2分钟就射精,女方尚未达到性满足者, 称为早泄。

  八、射精后在一个小时内进行第二次性交,伟哥,可明显延缓射精时间,但男方阴茎会有胀痛感 。

  中医中药对早泄的治疗效果不错,但要求患者坚持服药一段时间方可。有些西药会引起嗜睡,故对伴有失眠、 焦虑、紧张等症状的患者疗效较好。男性生殖器治疗仪能使阴茎适应阴道的内环境和性刺激,提高早泄患者的射精 反射阈值,重建良性性反应,对患者恢复正常性生活有较大帮助,国内称之为“脱敏疗法”。

  导致早泄的原因很多,goodman,比如未婚先交、怕人发现、担心怀孕、心情紧张、惧妻心理、唯恐失 败、劳累酒后、久别重逢、女方性交痛等等,这些都是早泄的精神及生理因素,前文所列的阳萎中的一些不良心理 因素也会引起早泄。其具体原理是:阴茎对性刺激过于敏感,性中枢激发射精的阈值较低,轻度的或短时的性接触 即引发射精反射,而这种反射一经触发则如脱缰野马,无法控制。

  在性生活中偶然出现一、两次早泄并不算病态,只有在多数性生活中都出现早泄时才能下此诊断 。

Practise make perfect....“性福“万岁!!!:D

Lion Cub
17-11-2009, 01:59 PM
Many thanks to all the bros here who have post on how to prolong EJACULATION. I asked this question because of my GF..... hehe. She said I cum too fast everytime and she also want to enjoy longer sex. (think she want to cum too)

I have try Tongka Ali before (bought at Guardian Pharmacy) Indeed, it helps to push the blood to the didi fast and make it like a steel. But the problem is cum double time fast.

Nevetheless, bonking a FL surely need a cap. For that, I will try the durex performa.

Thank you for all the kind bros here.

Lion Cub
17-11-2009, 02:09 PM
[QUOTE=Johnston;4293028]HOW CAN??? is asking
1) how can think of dead people help me?
2)how to picture dead people in my mind?

How can?

Meaning having sex is wonderful and cant possibly think of dead people during that point of time. Its disgusting and horrific. ;)

17-11-2009, 03:37 PM
Durex proforma! Nabeh, I died of heart attack! Too numb and too vigorous, too much energy spent almost died from exhaustion. Phew, I rather cum twice then to use proforma again.

Decent Looking
17-11-2009, 03:58 PM
Many thanks to all the bros here who have post on how to prolong EJACULATION. I asked this question because of my GF..... hehe. She said I cum too fast everytime and she also want to enjoy longer sex. (think she want to cum too)

Nevetheless, bonking a FL surely need a cap. For that, I will try the durex performa.

Thank you for all the kind bros here.

Brother, you can consider CHinese Medicine. I am trying this... it is slow but improving.

1. KIDNEY is the most organ. You need to strengthen the kidney.

2. Go and see TCM doctor. They will prescribe your herbs to boil to drink.

3. Things you can eat:
a. Deer Horn - this is chinese emperor formula, when they bonk the concubine
(can go 裕华 chinese emporium to buy the 鹿茸 But expensive... Cost you at least $100

b. There are many capsules in TCM shops... Just go and ask.

c. You can take the capsule from Wei Yuen Tang, this is famous HONG KONG TCM brand. Again not cheap... Always sold out.

位元堂剛勁累積歷代皇帝養生樂道的秘方改良而成,採用包括美國海狗腎、吉林鹿茸、澳洲海馬等多種名貴中藥, 經科學方法濃縮精華提煉製成膠囊,不含西藥活性成份,安全可靠,絕無不良副作用。 本產品能抗疲勞,大大提高運動能力,並且減少運動後乳酸的產生,具有明顯的舒緩疲勞作用。 透過調理臟腑及神志,大大提高人體受外部刺激的興奮性,促進條件反射的產生,改善生理及心理反應,使表現更 出色。


17-11-2009, 04:07 PM
Hmmm.. Sometimes I have premature ejaulation as well.. When I said sometimes, it's usually only with FLs I get it.. Usually I request for foreplay to be longer lah..

Sometimes I can ejaculate as fast as < 5 mins.. I know it's the thoughts of getting caught and infidelity that makes me ejaculate fast.. Becuz it has never happened before with my ex-girlfriends or my wife.. I can last for more than 1/2 hour and sometimes an hour with my wife...

Oh ya, maybe u can try Durex Extra Safe (the white package one) LOL.. I use liao, not much feeling.. THink too thick liao.. -__-"

17-11-2009, 04:56 PM
I can tell u, thinking of Dead People does not in anyway prolong ejaculation.
I just tried it out. :eek:

but ive been toughened from years of slasher movies, shock sites, and other such crap :rolleyes:

anyway if u want to try See Dead People, PM me and i have a page that is full of it :D

17-11-2009, 05:12 PM
control your breathing, the deep & slow the while in action or get her on top of you it help u to get more rest

17-11-2009, 05:19 PM
Masturbating before the sexxion might not be good because it may lessen the volume of cum later during ejaculation and some girls like to see and feel lots of cum in their V after bonking(of course is with steady gfs and while on pill, RAW IS WAR). When was younger did try once after pcc-ing and god knows, I cummed out like only a drip and it was so embarrassing but then she did cum a few times so main mission accomplished anyway.

17-11-2009, 05:21 PM
everytime when u r coming pull out, keke change position lah :)

17-11-2009, 05:38 PM
Many thanks to all the bros here who have post on how to prolong EJACULATION. I asked this question because of my GF.....

Thank you for all the kind bros here.

I can tell u, thinking of Dead People does not in anyway prolong ejaculation.
PM me and i have a page that is full of it :D

control your breathing, the deep & slow the while in action or get her on top of you it help u to get more rest

Masturbating before the sexxion might not be good because it may lessen the volume of cum later during ejaculation and some girls like to see .........then she did cum a few times so main mission accomplished anyway.

everytime when u r coming pull out, keke change position lah :)

Woah. All these suggestion certainly shows that Bros here are more than willing to help Bro Lion Cub. Some worth trying and some certainly got me laughing all the way!

Well I wld say to you Bro Lion Cub is some way might work for you so you can go tey it out. My way is to use my mind to control. Just get your mind to concentrate on getting you shaft to be as hard as possible and at the same time using it to rub the girl's G-spot works for me. I am a strong believer of mind over body and has put it in good use. Try it and it might work for you.

17-11-2009, 06:34 PM
Please check out this thread, almost same topic.


17-11-2009, 07:51 PM
control your breathing, the deep & slow the while in action or get her on top of you it help u to get more rest

grandmaster he say, the great n mighty "deep & slow the while in action " when combine with the mythical "get her on top of you" will achieve the GREAT SUCKESS of
help u to get more rest!:cool:

Lowly disciple of sexy time should know that when girl is on top of you u is no control the fabled "deep & slow the while in action " but u are at her mercy :eek:

only when u assume the Mighty position of "i Fark U Noe!!" by putting her under u can u control the powerful pump action and achieve GREAT SUCCESS of


17-11-2009, 11:10 PM
i had tried this before. Have some alcohol before sex plus the durex performa. works for me. last longer n my sex partner was amazed as i don't last so long before.

17-11-2009, 11:32 PM
try this pill

ChinaFantasy - Chinese babes heaven: Promotion Advertisment - Ostrich Pill (http://chinafantasy88.blogspot.com/2009/07/new-product.html)

kurosaki ichigo
18-11-2009, 12:40 AM
Hi, to all bros. Im starting this thread to allow for discussion. How to prolong ejeculation. I did asked my buddy once and he told me to think of dead people. How can?

Any bros can advice. Thank you very much.

Its controlled by the brain so the only way is to get your mind off whatever that is getting you off but easier said than done :)

I mean how can you bear to take your mind off when you're all hot and bothered pumping that girl you fancy or (in my case at least) having my dick stroked by some sexy nyloned female feet :D

18-11-2009, 01:06 AM
i tried the exercises and some other pills but its hard to control if the girl is a chio bu. Fark a girl who's not so pretty then.

18-11-2009, 02:14 AM
errr...wonder TS got make progress or not :p

18-11-2009, 10:54 AM
Take this pill, cost only $45.
Ostrich Pill - The wonder pill to prevent premeture ejection syndrome. - ChinaFantasy Adult Forum (http://www.chinafantasy.adultforumhost.com/94049.html)

There is a long thread on it, seem very positive.

18-11-2009, 02:53 PM
So, the best way is to follow the below steps as suggested:

1) Masturbate first.
2) Go for drinking session.
3) Buy the following: Durex Performa, "Faces of Death" DVD & Viagra.
4) Get a hotel room and call girl to come over.
5) Pop a viagra, put DVD in player and then go to toilet to pee; stop; pee; stop.
6) When girl arrive, play the DVD and perform foreplay for 1 hour.
7) Slip on Durex Performa and proceed to bonk.


Wow Bro, I may try your method one of these days. Sounds good.


18-11-2009, 03:09 PM
for me..

PCC or real thing, if i know that my climax is coming soon, i will slow down the pace or pull it out. let it cool down then chiong again.

i normally can PCC for abt an hour or more..sometimes. when the climax finally comes, its normally loads n loads of cum. shiok....

18-11-2009, 03:29 PM
It is really hard to control if the gal really chio; well to prevent cumming so fast, can think of something unhappy at work this helps to prevent cumming too fast and also help you to fasten your strokes cos u are pissed by the unhappy things.:mad:

18-11-2009, 03:54 PM
Well visualising dead or fat ppl might help some bros but personally I wouldnt want to try that. FJ is all about enjoy and TS wants to prolong ejaculation just to enjoy longer. I dont see how visualsing all that when having sex can help in enjoyment... It might even have an adverse effect eg. losing interest in sex or erectile dysfunction.

18-11-2009, 04:11 PM
well visualizing unpleasant things to prolong the ejaculation don't sound good..it works for some but to each his own..

18-11-2009, 07:20 PM
With my OC I can last quite long even with raw sex. However with Wls normally I cum very fast sometimes less than a minute...What is wrong?Am I too excited?

18-11-2009, 07:39 PM
You may wish to try drinking alcohol before every session:)
Yes, this i agree

try using the condom with the "numbness" agent on it.. think durex has one...

Durex Performa

if not, u can masturbate and ejeculate once before you do the deed. Helps for me...

If masturbate before sex, got no more urge liao leh


18-11-2009, 07:48 PM
With my OC I can last quite long even with raw sex. However with Wls normally I cum very fast sometimes less than a minute...What is wrong?Am I too excited?

The reason was your anxiety were high and you weren't relax when you bonking WL. Nothing wrong with that just have to go back and fire a few more shots.

Lion Cub
19-11-2009, 04:44 AM
errr...wonder TS got make progress or not :p

Haha, Bro Max77. I have tried this korean red ginseng pills. My female friend in Seoul gave it to me and recently just tried it. It helps blood improvement. Is it linked?

19-11-2009, 12:01 PM
Well I wld say to you Bro Lion Cub is some way might work for you so you can go tey it out. My way is to use my mind to control. Just get your mind to concentrate on getting you shaft to be as hard as possible and at the same time using it to rub the girl's G-spot works for me. I am a strong believer of mind over body and has put it in good use. Try it and it might work for you.

i must agree with the above post. i strongly believe experience and self-control is the key although exercise and supplements may help on the physical aspects. good luck.

19-11-2009, 04:18 PM
Pace yourself when having sex...Don't just rush to the lovehole and bang yourself silly... When you feel the buildup, slow down, stop and go into foreplay. It makes sex for you and the girl alot more better.

Alternatively you can use Topical Enhancers to numb your dickhead..Go search on the internet..I have no need for such things,therefore only heard of it.

19-11-2009, 05:01 PM
i used to be a 3sec wonder, but over the years of practice, i've become a 3min wonder. still trying be a 3 hour miracle....lol. what i do is stop whenever you have the feeling, take 5 deep breaths, that should prevent the 'oops, i did it again'. if that doesn't work, (don't mean to be rude) imagine your granny naked.... that should bring all feelings to a halt.....lol

20-11-2009, 02:26 PM
Just my 2 cents worth ...

Whether an ejaculation is premature is relative ... So long as your girl gets a (or multiple) good orgasm(s) before you cum, she's not likely to complain ... So what I usually do is to make sure my girl cums a couple of times first using other means (paintjob, finger, even vibrator etc) and, while she's still "high", penetrate and go full steam ... She's likely to cum again within a dozen humps or two ... And if you can still go on, she may even get multiples ... By then, she may be so shacked that she wish you cum faster ... Imho ... Ha ha ... :D

20-11-2009, 08:42 PM
Wear foot reflexology slipper daily to improve your kidney function.

Lion Cub
21-11-2009, 12:52 AM
try this pill

ChinaFantasy - Chinese babes heaven: Promotion Advertisment - Ostrich Pill (http://chinafantasy88.blogspot.com/2009/07/new-product.html)

Bro Siao Kia. This pill seems like a wonder after reading the comments in the thread. I want to try it but am hesitating. Did you try it before?

Lion Cub
21-11-2009, 12:55 AM
Take this pill, cost only $45.
Ostrich Pill - The wonder pill to prevent premeture ejection syndrome. - ChinaFantasy Adult Forum (http://www.chinafantasy.adultforumhost.com/94049.html)

There is a long thread on it, seem very positive.

Sorry, this should be the thread.

21-11-2009, 06:51 AM
worry about these product... scare when song den heart attack:rolleyes:

22-11-2009, 07:22 PM
Try one or two cans of Red Bull, 30 minutes before your session.
It seems to work for me every time, I can last easily more than 45 minutes with different positions all thrown in, in the same session.:rolleyes:

25-11-2009, 05:42 PM
Try VCO31. Topical application. Works like an anaesthetic. Careful though, apply too much and even after couple of hours of non stop action you still won't cum.

Lion Cub
27-11-2009, 01:24 AM
Try VCO31. Topical application. Works like an anaesthetic. Careful though, apply too much and even after couple of hours of non stop action you still won't cum.

Bro SGtalker. Is this a oral medication or rub on to the shaft? where to find this.

Anyway,I read from report that XP Tiongkat Ali was ban by HSA. Is there any other oral medication which can prolong premature ejacualtion from pharmacy?

29-11-2009, 11:33 AM
Its a gel which you rub on, not taken, so i believe its safer. Can buy online from Malaysia. Bottle lasts you couple of months. It reduces the sensation so makes you last longer. Be careful and use very very very little, just a tiny drop, otherwise it will be numb for a day. Takes about half hour after you apply to work, but lasts couple of hours.

30-11-2009, 10:57 AM
massage will definately help..i did and now not only can tahan longer, shoot lots n far too....now i do it once a while on myself....

11-12-2009, 01:58 PM
hmmm.... long time never come to SBF le... haha

If you want to prolong, u can try Ostrich Pill... last time was too fast when i did it with my gf... but after consuming the ostrich pill, it really makes the difference... can last longer than i expected.... Make my gf damn tired... but she likes it... lol

Been consuming it for years le... nw i am getting it through e internet... :)

just a recommendation if you want to improve ur premature ejaculation...

12-12-2009, 12:35 AM
for me i will jerk off once before engaging in sex if i wanted it to last.works quite well for me.hopes this help.
1 side effects is that i must wait for the recovery time before i get aroused again.

12-12-2009, 05:12 AM
hmmm.... long time never come to SBF le... haha

If you want to prolong, u can try Ostrich Pill... last time was too fast when i did it with my gf... but after consuming the ostrich pill, it really makes the difference... can last longer than i expected.... Make my gf damn tired... but she likes it... lol

Been consuming it for years le... nw i am getting it through e internet... :)

just a recommendation if you want to improve ur premature ejaculation...

where to get it bro.. sounds interesting

12-12-2009, 10:55 AM
Been reading this thread.. does massage help like Jua Gen???

12-12-2009, 12:36 PM
imho the best is to exercise self control (takes time and experience, I'm still in the process) and don't rely too much on aid or drugs lest you gain a dependence on it to perform.

12-12-2009, 02:50 PM
Its a gel which you rub on, not taken, so i believe its safer.
It reduces the sensation so makes you last longer. Be careful and use very very very little, just a tiny drop, otherwise it will be numb for a day.

make sure your gal doesn't give u a bbbj! :D

12-12-2009, 11:00 PM

there is 2 ways to it and work wells with mi.

1) go for those real jua gen once a while this will help u clear yr pipe and the blood circulation will be better down there (fyi the real Jua Gen is darn pain not those PRC type stroke stroke here and there)

2) go for the Tongkat Ali plus which cost around $20 plus pop 2 pills in the morn and 2 in the evening (fyi i've been taking for about 3 months liao and it really works)

for me use to tong for around 10 mins but now can go all the way to about 20-25 mins excluding foreplay...

if u guys wanna have the extra boost when u go for FL etc... drink a can of naughty G together with 2 pills of the tongkat ali plus. It really works wonder

for better results u guys can try the Vitroman but it cost around $12 for 10 pills which is quite costly.

lastly one more thing u guys can try is the Magic tissue. it helps to numb yr didi but u still have the feeling when having sex.....


13-12-2009, 10:47 AM
Just for brothers info and knowledge,

I tried magic tissue, and realised was too numb for my case. Later, when I read the cover, then I found out the magic tissue contains almost 10% benzociane which was way above HSA approve limit.

So, now I have been using this "Magic Stamina Spray" which works perfect for my case. The info about "magic stamina spray " is as follow :

U4ria (http://u4ria.com.sg/u4ria/prod1.asp?id1=2009121242053)

13-12-2009, 10:38 PM
bro SGstalker

Its a gel which you rub on, not taken, so i believe its safer. Can buy online from Malaysia. Bottle lasts you couple of months. It reduces the sensation so makes you last longer. Be careful and use very very very little, just a tiny drop, otherwise it will be numb for a day. Takes about half hour after you apply to work, but lasts couple of hours.

which website you go online to buy this product ?

18-12-2009, 01:42 AM
Bro to solve this problem.very easy just take tongka ali (maxidus).Really tong tong and tong.Trying is believeing.Need it contact me

18-12-2009, 08:02 PM
cable-tie around the base shld help

Lion Cub
20-12-2009, 12:09 PM
Dear all bros, after reading so many reports on the thread. I have bought this bottle of pills (Male formula 2- Wild Oats) product of USA.

Initially, wanted to try the ostrich pill but come to think of it. Its quite expensive and afraid of side effect because its from China.

Nevertheless, the pills need to be taken orally 1-2 pills daily. This is more like a dietary product.

The pills consists of the following ingredients:
1) Green Oats: Well known to serve as a heart and nerve tonic. It is excellent for circulatort health so important for peak performance.

2) Nettle: This is to strengthen the bodies

3) Sea Buckhorn: Thus is some knid of fruit to strengthen bodies and especially useful to persons suffering from physical weakness and exhaustion.

4) Horny Goat Weed: Its a herb help to heightening the sensitivity of nerve endings in the skin which would indirectly reinforce stimulation for performance

5) Maca Extract: Traditional tonic for stamina and endurance and improve phisical and emotional well being.

Bros, I have tried the pills and it definetely works better than I was before. Last about 10 mins longer than I was before. Easily stimulated. Less exhausted.

I tried popping 2 pills daily 3 days before I have sex with my GF. This time round, I won the battle making her cum to the max. After that, she was surprised by my performance and she enjoyed every moment. I can confirmed she was so so so wet after that and she wants it again.

The bottle with 60 vegicaps cost around 30+ dollars after 25% discount.

But I presume one must take the pills daily (1 to 2 pills) to reach the peak performance. I guess its not like tongkat ali where when you want to have sex then pop in 1 or to 2 pills to improve the performance. :p

20-12-2009, 03:00 PM
Hi brother Lion,

I am keen to buy the wildoats.

Where can I buy it?


22-12-2009, 02:10 PM
How about practicing with more FLs?
Does that help??

22-12-2009, 02:41 PM
How about practicing with more FLs?
Does that help??
Expensive. And I believe some FLs will want you to cum as fast as possible.

22-12-2009, 03:39 PM
Juz for laff, b4 u cum, use your thumb and press the 'reset' button aka as asshole (yours in specific). confirm sure go limp. wash and rinse to repeat the cycle! :D

22-12-2009, 07:51 PM
Hi brother Lion,

I am keen to buy the wildoats.

Where can I buy it?


Bro, I saw GNC sells it. Not exactly sure if it's the same one being described, but it sounds like it...

25-12-2009, 12:31 PM
hi bro sneaky,

Thanks for your GNC info, will go here there to buy "Wild Oats" after I finish my VIAMAX pills from Swenden.

Wish all the brothers here "Happy bonking", "Happy Merry Christmas and New Year"

25-12-2009, 12:48 PM
For me, if i really want to prolong the session before ejaculation, i will look away from the girl's face, especially when it's a chio lady and moaning away, and try not to french or kiss her face, so that i do not cum so fast. But then if you are bonking an ungly betty then i think it doesn't matter if you look into her eyes.

Lion Cub
25-12-2009, 10:15 PM
Hi, I bought it at Mustafa Centre. I bought only one bottle to test and try first. If you buy 2 bottles can get about 30% discount if im not wrong.
As one mentioned the product is from GNC. I guess its correct. Im not too sure about that.
But be mindful one need to consume the pills daily to reach the peak. I assumed that. Nevertheless, the effect on me is my own opinion. Cheers and Merry X mas.

26-12-2009, 01:55 AM
GNC ~ Helping You Live Your Best Life - Wild O Original Wild Oats Formula (http://www.gnc.com.sg/product/1400071.aspx?category_id=626BA5C5-F6F4-4847-982E-D8AEA4472F36)

26-12-2009, 02:36 AM
where to get Tongkat Ali plus? thanks

26-12-2009, 09:13 AM
bro TS,

i share ur misery as well. i used to pcc b4 making out with my ex and that works. however, my current gf too tight even after pcc will cum fast...

i am now trying ostrich pill. effect should suit ED problem as i marikita and can feel its much harder than b4 after consuming. even after cumming, little head still pretty hard. but it is expensive at $45 for 2 pills. seller advise to take 1 pill weekly for 3-6mths thereafter 1 pill biweekly... seller oso claim to be approved by psb.

anyone know how much and where to send drug for test???

however, for PE problem, i cannot say it is significant or perhaps my gf too tight. i am still consuming on a weekly basis hoping for better results. i will update again in ~2mths time. finger crossed xxxxx

i have also tried revivalformen, but dun work for me at all. maybe no cialis anymore...


26-12-2009, 10:20 AM
Posted this a long time ago:

1. A little beer or alcohol will lower your sensitivity
2. PCC before hand
3. Try practicing Kegel Exercises. A lot of useful info on the Web go and google it. Basically involves stopping your pee halfway and squeezing the muscles near your asshole. Can do these exercises at work.
4. Work on lowering your excitement level. Imagine you're fucking an unattractive woman eg Whoopi Goldberg works for me. Or focus your attention on an object in the room eg the tv(not with porn on lah).
5. Get your girl to blow you until you cum and then u service her with oral and fingering. You can fuck her once you're erect again. Usually won't come that fast for the 2nd shot.
6. If you're a rather sensitive person don't hug too tight or in other words lower the amount of skin contact.

Happy Holidays:D

26-12-2009, 12:34 PM
Hi brother Noobie,

$45 for 2 ostrich pills is quite expensive. by the way, does it help to prolong ejeculation?

yet to try the wild oats from GNC and the capsules mentioned by bro Clinton under this thread :


will give feedbacks after trying the "wild oats " and the "capsules"

Happy bonking- Happy New Year

26-12-2009, 02:39 PM
this is a funny problem for me.

2 years ago, in hanoi, one morning, after my usual "breakfast in bed", my viet wife asked me if I was going to Beijing for the Olympics. I said "what has Olympics has to do with me!??" and she replied "you cum so fast, maybe can win Gold medal!"

Actually this kind of problem restrict me to Woman-on-top and Missionary position only, in any other more adventurous position, I would have cum a lot faster so dare not even try.

So i went searching for solutions....

Solution #1
When in BKK, i was looking around at Boots Pharma store at the condoms section and saw this spray that will desensitize the penis head. It says 3 to 4 sprays.. 15 mins before action. So i took 2 sprays.. 15 mins later ... camera, lights and action! 1st time in my life, banging along like a real porn star.. woman to top, doggie.. standing position and kneeling position, on the desk.. on the sink.. on the sofa.. on the floor... missionary and banging like a jack hammer you see in those JAV movies... finally Vietnam vs Singapore 4:1!

Solution #2
i had a weekend escape with a new gf somewhere in vietnam.. i asked her to bring along as many condoms she thinks she would like me to use... and she brought 6! These are made in Malaysia stock and the brand is Innova (just like the car!). Put it ON and go and go... I could hear myself singing "Like a Rhinestone Cowboy.... !!!" wham bang and 30 mins later the score was something like 5:0.. i old man liao and like they say.. kidney no strenght so have stop to rest... took out the condom go wash up.. 5 mins later dick still feels numb! Then i realise.. these Malaysia condoms have the Built-in spray thing that i talk about above!!! and maybe QC not consistent or what.. a bit too much spray in there! So rest a couple of hours, cap and go again... 6:0! It was a wet and wild weekend for her and finally she return the favour by doing a CIM!

26-12-2009, 04:28 PM
Hi brother Noobie,

$45 for 2 ostrich pills is quite expensive. by the way, does it help to prolong ejeculation?

yet to try the wild oats from GNC and the capsules mentioned by bro Clinton under this thread :


will give feedbacks after trying the "wild oats " and the "capsules"

Happy bonking- Happy New Year

bro, doesn't work for me after taking for 1 pill a week for 1 mth. i will continue taking for another 2 mths and will update in 2mths time. if still no improvement, i will try wild oats... hopefully there will be other bros with good results using wild oats...

however, i do feel that bros who had ED problem can give ostrich pill a try...

26-12-2009, 04:34 PM
this is a funny problem for me.

2 years ago, in hanoi, one morning, after my usual "breakfast in bed", my viet wife asked me if I was going to Beijing for the Olympics. I said "what has Olympics has to do with me!??" and she replied "you cum so fast, maybe can win Gold medal!"

Actually this kind of problem restrict me to Woman-on-top and Missionary position only, in any other more adventurous position, I would have cum a lot faster so dare not even try.

So i went searching for solutions....

Solution #1
When in BKK, i was looking around at Boots Pharma store at the condoms section and saw this spray that will desensitize the penis head. It says 3 to 4 sprays.. 15 mins before action. So i took 2 sprays.. 15 mins later ... camera, lights and action! 1st time in my life, banging along like a real porn star.. woman to top, doggie.. standing position and kneeling position, on the desk.. on the sink.. on the sofa.. on the floor... missionary and banging like a jack hammer you see in those JAV movies... finally Vietnam vs Singapore 4:1!

Solution #2
i had a weekend escape with a new gf somewhere in vietnam.. i asked her to bring along as many condoms she thinks she would like me to use... and she brought 6! These are made in Malaysia stock and the brand is Innova (just like the car!). Put it ON and go and go... I could hear myself singing "Like a Rhinestone Cowboy.... !!!" wham bang and 30 mins later the score was something like 5:0.. i old man liao and like they say.. kidney no strenght so have stop to rest... took out the condom go wash up.. 5 mins later dick still feels numb! Then i realise.. these Malaysia condoms have the Built-in spray thing that i talk about above!!! and maybe QC not consistent or what.. a bit too much spray in there! So rest a couple of hours, cap and go again... 6:0! It was a wet and wild weekend for her and finally she return the favour by doing a CIM!

hi bro deptrai4u

are the products you mentioned found in this website?

MY-MZ Private Limited (http://www.my-mz.com/)

any bros tried b4?

26-12-2009, 06:07 PM
hi bro deptrai4u

are the products you mentioned found in this website?

MY-MZ Private Limited (http://www.my-mz.com/)

any bros tried b4?

dun have. but i think the performa wipes may be similar.

01-01-2010, 11:29 AM

a feedback on ostrich pill. i have taken it for about 1.5mths, 1 pill per week.

1st pill: harder erection, still cum in no time...

a couple of pills later: still cum in no time but erection maintains after cumming....

4 weeks later: i do raw with gf thus have permission to only release outside. still cum in no time... but erection can still be maintained...

5 weeks later: buy coach bag for her during xmas. she happy and period coming so allow me to release inside. i came inside in no time but erection maintain and continue bonking... bonk until tired cannot cum 2nd time. decided to stop as we were in the car. all this time little bro was inside :p

i know its strange that i cum fast but can still continue bonking... is it a good or bad effect??? :confused:


ps: now to check how safe this pill is...

01-01-2010, 11:50 AM

My experience is as simple as stop PCC and just fuck more.

Once you are used to the sensation/stimulation of a pussy on your dick, you'll have better control.

Pop Corn
01-01-2010, 06:04 PM
Bro, my first shot usually come very quickly, so I had a discussion with my gf, she would bbbj and release my first load, then she can enjoy the next shot or two. Maybe if you are the same situation as me, you can try it.

Good luck and Happy New Year to ALL.

QQ Lover
01-01-2010, 06:47 PM

My experience is as simple as stop PCC and just fuck more.

Once you are used to the sensation/stimulation of a pussy on your dick, you'll have better control.
Yes, PCC often makes the dick too sensitive.

01-01-2010, 06:53 PM
Change position when about to shoot. It helps

01-01-2010, 06:58 PM
I'll think of the ugliest lady i ever saw.

02-01-2010, 02:01 AM
TS, have you tried 'magic tissue' before?

02-01-2010, 02:34 AM
the durex perfoma condom, make me go soft. what a let down to my girl...

02-01-2010, 05:08 PM
the durex perfoma condom, make me go soft. what a let down to my girl...

Ya bro, same here. Can bonk longer but before I cum, it turn soft liao.....

03-01-2010, 01:14 PM
hi brother chinchin,

I am very keen to get the contact from you regarding that master.

I always love to improve and prolong my love making stamina and maintain strong and hard erection- so as to ensure my those part-time lovers would have the urge to call me whenever they have the desire....

by the way, brother, does this item help " U4ria (http://www.u4ria.com.sg/prod1.asp?id1=20091283122) "help?

05-01-2010, 09:26 PM
I used to hook on cough syrup. Every time I took cough syrup, I can go pumping my gal non-stop. But I am not suggesting TS here to try. if you took too much of it, it can cause your didi not able to stand and of course if you are not a frequency drinker of cough syrup, you may faint even before you bonk. Hee Hee. It work and I love taking cough syrup last time before I bonk my gal.

But do not try this method because it may cause you become a addict to cough syrup and I heard in long run, it may cause problem to your didi and health. I have quit drinking cough syrup and I am now also facing problem being not able to bonk gals for long. I cum too fast. Still searching for a solution....

Tried drinking naughty G.... Work only a bit.

Tried durex performa.... work only a little little bit.

Tried magic lub.... it works but if too much it really numb your dick.

Next going to try Levita, saw on chinese papers it helps. Also trying other lubs.... Saw some in Far East 's sex shop but a bottle caused at least $100.:eek::eek::eek:

Hope to seek for a perfect solution soon.

06-01-2010, 07:25 PM
tii I meet this master he train me by hanging weight on my pte part. The first time I hang it on my pte part very very sour pain on my ball, I have to lift the weight to swing back and forth 25 to 30 time, the feeling Is just u are having jua Geng. Now after about 5 months I can carry 3kgplus with my ball and I can prolong to come about 15 to 20min still training 5 times a week . I have some photo How can I up load, can bros advise me tks

Goodness me! This is quite something :D

Most people will just pop some pill to strengthen the power and endurance.

Kudos to your effort :p

Lion Cub
07-01-2010, 01:02 AM
TS, have you tried 'magic tissue' before?

I never try before. I also dont know what is magic tissue? Can you enlighten me. I would want to try this tissue if it can help me in someways. Hehe

Lion Cub
07-01-2010, 01:06 AM

Tried magic lub.... it works but if too much it really numb your dick.

Bro.... What is this magic lub.... where to buy and how to apply. Can advise?

07-01-2010, 09:39 AM
Thinking to PM you for the master's contact, but after looking at the photos, I need to think twice.

Hi brother lion,

I also tried magic tissue before, and realised was too numb for my case. Later, when I read the cover, then I found out the magic tissue contains almost 10% benzociane which was way above HSA approval limit.

So, now I have been using this "Magic Stamina Spray" which works well for my case. The info about "magic stamina spray " is as follow

U4ria (http://www.u4ria.com.sg/prod1.asp?id1=FH07)

bro silent talk about magic lub, do you have more info?

I am willing to try this magic lub also.

07-01-2010, 10:46 AM
So, now I have been using this "Magic Stamina Spray" which works well for my case. The info about "magic stamina spray " is as follow

U4ria (http://www.u4ria.com.sg/prod1.asp?id1=FH07)

bro silent talk about magic lub, do you have more info?

I am willing to try this magic lub also.

bro, based on your personal experience. Does it really last 30-45min? Price? Not stated inside

07-01-2010, 10:47 AM
Bro lucheeman and Lion club.... Magic lub is something like to cream in Durex performa condom. But it is 2 times stronger. My friend bought one from internet and it cost him around $20. I actually numb your dick or reduce the sensitive of your dick. He passed me half a tube and used a few time on my ex. Went on and bonk my ex for nearly 2 hours. Ha Ha. Because I was greedy and I used alot. Think I still left a bit but it had being left there for 2 years plus. Dun really dare to use. Ha Ha

Last two weeks ago I went to Fast East in Orchard, went to the sex shop at level 2 and saw they are also selling various kind and brands of magic lubs. The lub promise to prolong ejeculation which you can read of the bottle of the lubs. But the price are very scary, one bottle caused $100 - $200. The cheapest one is near $100. Maybe will go buy and try it out.... But not so soon. Will provide review after trying it. Hee Hee.

Bro Lion Club... Thanks for the magic spray info. Look good and cheap. Will go try magic spray first haha.

07-01-2010, 10:53 AM
Think I still left a bit but it had being left there for 2 years plus. Dun really dare to use. Ha Ha

Last two weeks ago I went to Fast East in Orchard, went to the sex shop at level 2 and saw they are also selling various kind and brands of magic lubs. The lub promise to prolong ejeculation which you can read of the bottle of the lubs. But the price are very scary, one bottle caused $100 - $200. The cheapest one is near $100. Maybe will go buy and try it out.... But not so soon. Will provide review after trying it. Hee Hee.

bro, don't really dare to use because too long or any side effect? $100 a bottle abit expensive but depend on the volume too

07-01-2010, 12:54 PM
It like a bottle of glue size. Dunno can use how many time. Some more $100. quite expensive.So I am going to try bro lion club's intro-magic spray first. Ha Ha. Cheaper... $33 saw from the web site.

08-01-2010, 12:29 AM
does all this sprays work???:confused:

08-01-2010, 02:57 AM
I never try before. I also dont know what is magic tissue? Can you enlighten me. I would want to try this tissue if it can help me in someways. Hehe
I used to buy it at the sex shops in Desker Road. The magic tissue is similiar or I would say its the same as wet tissue but then the purpose of the tissue is to numb your dick, but do not wipe too much on your dick like what some bros may claim bcos your didi might not feel anything if it is wipe too much. You might wanna try wiping just a little & see how it goes. The other product that my friends like to use is the 'gambir sarawak'. It works pretty much the same as magic tissue but I've never tried it before. 'Gambir sarawak' is a bark of a tree & to use it, you just need to apply water on it & then rub on your penis. thats the best I could help. Happy trying :)

09-01-2010, 12:16 AM
It like a bottle of glue size. Dunno can use how many time. Some more $100. quite expensive.So I am going to try bro lion club's intro-magic spray first. Ha Ha. Cheaper... $33 saw from the web site.

thanks for the information. After apply, does it have the smell? Will girl know when they BBBJ you?

10-01-2010, 03:59 PM
Seem like no noe know the answer. It ok, I will get one bottle and test out the effect instead:D

10-01-2010, 11:16 PM
Has anyone tried 'training' by wanking to the maximum point and then stopping, and repeating?

11-01-2010, 03:56 AM
I am laughing my ass off at some of the comments made by our bros.

Anyway, here's what works for me:

1) Be on top, and control the tempo, if u feel u r gonna cum, stop and do other stuff.
2) Change position frequently.
3) Wear a thicker condom?

anyway..practise makes perfect, pretty soon.. u would be able to "Cum on command"


11-01-2010, 10:36 AM
Bro astray380, think when you apply the spray or magic lub, it should have a smell. Think you only use it when you are about to enter the gal. Dun use it when foreplay and BBBJ.

11-01-2010, 11:01 AM
You might wanna try wiping just a little & see how it goes. The other product that my friends like to use is the 'gambir sarawak'. It works pretty much the same as magic tissue but I've never tried it before. 'Gambir sarawak' is a bark of a tree & to use it, you just need to apply water on it & then rub on your penis. thats the best I could help. Happy trying

ha ha..this reminds me of a friend who used gambir cause he felt low confidence for doing a russian wl. he felt it was finally the tiime to use it (he had it some time but never got to use it). It lasted him almost an hour and still couldn't come. got screwed verbally by the chick in Russian some more!It is indeed some sort of brown bark or root... and comes in a small piece in a plastic. could get in indian spice shops if I remembered corectly.

14-01-2010, 07:50 PM
sometimes when i endure too long, i wil get soft and take a long time to hard again.

17-01-2010, 01:05 PM
Bro astray380, think when you apply the spray or magic lub, it should have a smell. Think you only use it when you are about to enter the gal. Dun use it when foreplay and BBBJ.

Brought a bottle of magic spray and tried it out. Sad to say not effective at all. Maybe because we bath together during the foreplay and it wash away. But i though after 5min it will absort into the penis???:confused:

19-01-2010, 02:02 PM
bro silent talk about magic lub, do you have more info?

I am willing to try this magic lub also.

Any review on this magic lub?

23-01-2010, 10:17 AM
I am trying out a new way.... Pls comment...

I am restraining from masterbation to wait for my wet dream at night.
It seems to be functioning better this way when I actual masterbate..

haha... Just my toughts... Mind over matter??

23-01-2010, 01:41 PM
During my early 20s, I had this problem.
But when I was married, I tried this method which made my wife grouchy.

Pump until until almost release, then you stop (or slow down) and let it go soft again, and take a rest before it become hard again. Once seasoned, it become less prone to untimely release, especially trying new sexy partners.

Now in my late 30s, everytime I tried, even the first round, the 2IC take longer time to release its load and usually when I am really shiok.

The trick is finetune your 2IC to react to the intended correct stimulation. Even a BBBJ queen will get a tired and numb mouth. LOL.

My 2 cents worth..

25-01-2010, 07:25 PM
Do it slow with foreplay first or you could get a drink first before your session. Personally it help for me.

25-01-2010, 08:05 PM
During my early 20s, I had this problem.
But when I was married, I tried this method which made my wife grouchy.

Pump until until almost release, then you stop (or slow down) and let it go soft again, and take a rest before it become hard again. Once seasoned, it become less prone to untimely release, especially trying new sexy partners.

Now in my late 30s, everytime I tried, even the first round, the 2IC take longer time to release its load and usually when I am really shiok.

The trick is finetune your 2IC to react to the intended correct stimulation. Even a BBBJ queen will get a tired and numb mouth. LOL.

My 2 cents worth..

Agreed with bro NetRodent.

This is the tactic I use as well at the moment to train myself, although it can be quite hard especially when you're especially horny at the moment.

Sometimes though, if I take too long to ejaculate, it gets progressively harder, probably due to my body fatigue.

Cardio is still #1 to maintain your stamina during love-making, jogging/cycling does help in maintaining the pumping action longer. Tested and proven :)

Play safe!