View Full Version : How affected will you be???

25-02-2009, 11:34 AM
Consider this.....If you are in love with a gal which somehow happen to end up as the girlfriend of your good friend....during the time that they are together....your friend and even sometimes the gal will confide in you about their sex lives and adventures,etc......Then they broke off and you ended, up with the gal as you are so in love with her.....

Very soon, you and the gal start to get intimate. Having known about the intimated details of her past sex lives with your best friend......how will it affect you???

Hopefully it will be a nice sharing sessions.........

25-02-2009, 11:41 AM
haha.. sounds like my story. In fact, when my fren say he is interested in my current wife, I even helped him although I do admire her as well.

I do feel jealous or even pissed lah.. but when they eventually broke off and we got together, I totally forgot of those episodes because of the happy times when we were together.

Although during gathering, my friend (who is now married also) always find some excuses not to attend. I guess he felt embarassed :)

25-02-2009, 11:46 AM
Well... I supposed past is past.. No point in thinking of it... And of course, as long as the partner won't use it to compare with you and her ex...I think it should be fine...

One of my ex was the girlfriend of my friend. We were both in love before she knew my friend. And perhaps due to 'carelessness', my friend and her ended up together... Though was sad, but still felt happy for her and my friend...

Soon, they both broke up, and this girl came back to me... We were together for sometime before broke off, as she always 'compare', which I hated most...

26-02-2009, 10:44 AM
I don't know how to answer your question....

For me, once I know that girl is with my good friend, no matter what happens to them, I will not touch the girl at all.

But I have heard of experiences of your kind... Most of the time they just try to brush off the feeling, however they know that in the back of their mind, especially after sex, they will be reminded of the fact that their gfs has also bonked their good friend when they are together. To the extend that they may even start to wonder if the girl will compare both sessions or not.. :(

Sad la this case.

27-02-2009, 10:04 AM
Not my personal experience but that of two of my good friends whom I shall call A and B. A and the gal went together and later dumped her after some hanky panky. The gal was devastated. B came along and consoled her as a 'bro' but finally married the gal.

After that, B and the gal never joined our group for our regular gatherings. We believe that it was the gal who stopped B from attending. We lost one memeber from our group of buddies.