View Full Version : BbbJ FREE day

atomic bomb
07-02-2009, 09:43 PM
Dear all brothers and perhaps some sisters:

Personally, i love BbbJ a lot..
However, not everyone here knows that BBBj is not a safe sex.
Thus, i am here to call on a " BBBJ free day 2009"..

Objective: To create awareness for BBBj and its fatalness.
Day : 14 FEB 2009 (sat) Time: 0000 - 2359
Venue: Your Own Love Making Place
Partner(s): Your Own Preference
1)You may of cause still enjoy all your sex activity,pose and etc but strictly no BBBJ .
2) You may do raw, but i believe that everyone here know that raw = war.
3)Moreover, the objective of this campaign is just for BBBJ.

Prize: You may Zap me as much as you can. In contrast, you may up me if you do support this campaign !! I wish to share with your guys some goof FL that i used to bonk last year, but it is like all not contactable anymore. I have just tried to call 5 just noe. I'm Sorry !

Thank you very much !!!

09-02-2009, 10:46 AM
Good effort, bro... but On V-Day?:eek:

You want happily married couples to disengage BBBJ and un-protected sex?:rolleyes:

How the hell you get babies then?:confused:

09-02-2009, 11:57 AM
good effort bro ts.
but really on v.day???
is there a meaning holding this campaign on this particular day?
anyway up u for good effort :)


09-02-2009, 12:00 PM
great idea bro...promise to TRY my best...

atomic bomb
09-02-2009, 12:28 PM
Good effort, bro... but On V-Day?:eek:

You want happily married couples to disengage BBBJ and un-protected sex?:rolleyes:

How the hell you get babies then?:confused:

hi bro cheonging,
it is okie to have raw, but BBBJ is strictly not allowed on that day as this is a campaign to create awareness of BBBJ and its risk.
We will just focus on BBBJ for this campaign.
I will definetely will not call on campaign like " no sex day", cause i really need sex very very much.
still confused?

atomic bomb
09-02-2009, 12:35 PM
good effort bro ts.
but really on v.day???
is there a meaning holding this campaign on this particular day?
anyway up u for good effort :)


Ya..according to experts in uk, our sex drive will be doubled during valentines day , birthday and some other special occasions.
Thank you for not angry with me for calling on this campaign.
i have told my gf tat she need not to BBBJ me on this coming sat..

09-02-2009, 12:48 PM
Wow. I'm impresssed with your tenacity and hard work.

09-02-2009, 01:01 PM
bro, great minds think alike. ;)

look at my signature, i also support BJ with cap all the time.

09-02-2009, 02:14 PM
Hi atomic bomb, you need to specifically describe why bbbj is not a safe sex - spell out why and how it is not a safe sex. Bj and using CD is also not a 100% safe sex approach. Condom can also fail.

I have read about the dangers of bbbj, but also noticed some of the arguments put forth are inaccurate without medical support.

atomic bomb
09-02-2009, 02:35 PM
bro, great minds think alike. ;)

look at my signature, i also support BJ with cap all the time.

ya..bro manbaleno, i like ur signature : BBBJ is as bad as FJ with a torn CD.
Practise safe sex, be responsible to yourself!

Hi atomic bomb, you need to specifically describe why bbbj is not a safe sex - spell out why and how it is not a safe sex. Bj and using CD is also not a 100% safe sex approach. Condom can also fail.

I have read about the dangers of bbbj, but also noticed some of the arguments put forth are inaccurate without medical support.

Bro compassion,
i will post up soon..

zinedine zidane
09-02-2009, 04:03 PM
Dear all brothers and perhaps some sisters:

Personally, i love BbbJ a lot..
However, not everyone here knows that BBBj is not a safe sex.
Thus, i am here to call on a " BBBJ free day 2009"..

Objective: To create awareness for BBBj and its fatalness.
Day : 14 FEB 2009 (sat) Time: 0000 - 2359
Venue: Your Own Love Making Place
Partner(s): Your Own Preference
1)You may of cause still enjoy all your sex activity,pose and etc but strictly no BBBJ .
2) You may do raw, but i believe that everyone here know that raw = war.
3)Moreover, the objective of this campaign is just for BBBJ.

Prize: You may Zap me as much as you can. In contrast, you may up me if you do support this campaign !! I wish to share with your guys some goof FL that i used to bonk last year, but it is like all not contactable anymore. I have just tried to call 5 just noe. I'm Sorry !

Thank you very much !!!
WA.... simi project lai eh?:confused: